Ah. So today the shit hits the fan. It took ME going to the boss's boss to get this idiot to do his job. Of course, the idiot's boss made all sorts of excuses for the idiot. The fact remains, tho, that what was needed to be done is done and now everyone knows who (again) is responsible for the fuck ups and the problem is somewhat resolved.
Today we were supposed to have the company picnic but I had to go in to the office to make sure the world wasn't going to end. Big responsibility that. If I failed we should know in about 2.5 hours.
Needless to say, I didn't make it to the picnic. Ah, well. It was just another rah-rah session where everyone pretty much ignores us.
Being a djinn is a thankless job, I tell you.
Last night the young 'un got stuck at the scareport so I drove down and picked him up. Of course, his luggage was God knows where. I tell ya, it's just been one high drama after another this week and I'm glad the weekend is here. Maybe I can get some well-deserved rest.
I'm sitting here watching TV and Springer comes on, right? They're running an ad for Springer uncut on Pay per View. WTF is up with THAT? LOL! I tell you, the state of the world today makes me shake my head in wonder.
I think I'm going to do some more sewing today. I've got some things needing done.
And Mr. Wicked has been whispering seductively in my ear lately. He has an idea. A good one, I think but still. He probably just doesn't want me to leave on the vaca but that's just too bad. I'm going. I deserve it. So there. Deal with it, cupcake!
It was a beautiful day today but for some reason I'm a bit warm. My feet, however, are freezing. WTF is up with that? Crazy!
So that's about it. Glad the hysteria is over (for the time being) and if the world ends as predicted in now about 2 hours it won't matter anyway, now will it? Maybe I should make Mr. Wicked happy and write his sordid little tale.
Nah. I think I'll eat an ice cream instead! hehehehe!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:12 PM
This morning I get a call from these same people who are bitching at me because the fucktard won't do his job, right? HA! They say they've tried to contact him directly AND his boss but neither one of them will answer and they think *I* can do something about it.
I said, "I would fire his ass, plain and simple, but I'm not in that position." So I wrote a nasty-gram to his boss' boss instead and told two levels up boss that the fucktard has, once again, delayed another major project due to his laziness.
Now I don't expect anyone to actually DO anything about it but hey, I have the PROOF that I've gone up the "chain of command" and tried to get someone to pay attention to the trouble this lazy azz mo fo is causing. So when I finally make it to the top of the food chain (and I fully intend to continue bitching until the problem is solved to my satisfaction) they can see that I've done my best to get some resolution to this before.
When I told MY boss what happened she was like "and they STILL haven't answered you." Uh, no. She just looked at me in disbelief. "Call X and ask her. She's had the same problem." So she did and she heard the same thing from X that she heard from me. The fucker won't do his job and no one above him seems to give a shit.
Therefore I will not give a shit. Why should I? I spoke at length to the Master Batcher about this incident. He said that he had the same problem with this fucktard so it's been going on for YEARS and the idiot still has a job and hasn't been demoted or thrown into a dead end project. WTF is up with that?
I felt a lot better after talking to the MB. I knew it wasn't ME that was holding up the project but I just didn't understand how BADLY the fucktard has fucked everyone by not doing his job. The Master Batcher put it into perspective for me. I thought it was just a week or so delay. Come to find out he's screwed everyone by MONTHS.
Are we going to take any bets that he keeps his job? He will. They are terrified to fire anyone around there unless they steal or fight. Other than that you can be a complete waste of space/flesh and they will just keep you on. Makes me ill.
Anyway - this past weekend I was a busy little bee! Made a bunch of stuff for Pennsic (coming up next weekend! WOOOOOO!), cleaned a bit, read some Harry Potter. It was very nice.
This weekend I think more of the same. The young 'un is coming over Saturday so I'll get the opportunity to try something "new". Heh, heh. We'll see how that goes. May have to toss a few shots of tequila back before hand, tho.
Mr. Wicked has been scarce lately. I think he realizes that I'm in a foul mood for one and for two I'm getting ready to leave on vaca so I won't pay much attention to him anyway. Altho he was hanging around the other night teasing me about "saving" his "rival". What ever! Said he wanted me to "make it up to him." As if! What the hell do you call about 70 damned chapters, bud? I think if anyone needs to be "made up" to, it should be YOU "making it up" to ME.
He can start by cleaning the bathrooms and doing the laundry. That would scrape the tip of the iceberg, I think, on his way to "making it up to me."
Humph! Of course, HIS position is that "have you not been graced with my presence for nearly 9 months?" HA! Tortured is more like it. Ah, well.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:55 PM
WTF is up with this fucking company anyway? This one worthless piece of shit lazy ass sonofabitch has done absolutely NOTHING to help this project along and yet he still has a JOB. WTF??? People are screaming at ME because HE won't do his job! WTF???? I'm not even in the same TIME ZONE as he is what the hell am I supposed to be able to do about it?
Believe me, if I could bitch slap that worthless mo'fo' I'd do it in a minute. Oh, would I ever! He's the laziest sonofabitch I've ever had to deal with at this place (and that's saying quite a bit because there are some seriously lazy people here - they know they aren't going to get canned).
His stupd ass needs FIRED in a baaaaaad bad way but they won't do it. Oh, no! He's already delayed two major projects and no one will even reprimand him. WTF is up with that? They should fire him outright. I swear I just don't understand the mentality around here. You get promoted for being a worthless lazy ass.
You try to get something done and the "borg" around here are like "oh, you can't do that! That's not the 'corporate' way to do it!" I'm like "yeah, but is the work getting done? Then shut the fuck up!" Obviously I seem to be the only one around here who actually CARES about getting anything DONE - the rest of these idiots want to be "corporate borgs" and follow the herd. It's no wonder people view us as a friggin' dinosaur. We ARE! Well, some of THEM are.
I get so frustrated with this place and the damned double talk. They say "we need to be more progressive and take more risks" but when the time comes to do it, they all panic and get hysterical. Good Lord, it's pathetic. And never tell anyone the TRUTH. God forbid! They'll fly into a panic.
Makes me wonder just what sort of morons are running the place if you can't just be honest about what you're doing. Why should I have to sugar coat everything for upper management? I don't care if they ask me questions. I HAVE the answers! Ask! I'll tell you the truth! But no one wants me to speak "the truth". They want me to lie about stupid shit that doesn't even matter in the end. It's pathetic.
I really wonder sometimes how I'm going to make it to retirement because I just honestly cannot fucking stand the mentality of the idiots around here sometimes.
It wouldn't be so bad if I could actually FIRE these lazy asses for not doing their jobs. I can't even bitch at their boss because THEY don't care, either. No one gives a shit around here so why should I? Obviously no one is going to get reprimanded for fucking off and not doing anything. So why should I bother?
I think that's going to be my new attitude from now on - why bother? I'm not going to get fired, reprimanded or even talked to about fucking off and being lazy so why wouldn't I? Where's the motivation for me to do anything? I'm certianly not seeing it.
Trouble is - we are held accountable for everything and have ZERO power to fix the fucking situations. Believe me, if I could fix the situation, it would NOT happen again. I want BLOOD! This fucking fucktard's blood and his lazy ass manager's.
Of course his manager probably says something like "oh, he's overworked and needs a break". Fuck! He hasn't done a lick of work - lazy bastard.
All of them - lazy fucktards who need to have my foot broken off in their asses. What I can't understand is everyone's fright to tell it like it is. Someone needs to say it and management needs to wake the fuck up and LISTEN.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:13 PM
I still have this case of Dragon Azz. Can't seem to kick it. Argh! And everyone wants a piece of me for some reason. I just want to sleep. Sleep is good! Am very tempted to run away somewhere and hide. Just get in the car and drive and hide out until Sunday night.
Just me, my bottle of decongestents, my inhaler, my HP book and some clean undies. No laundry, no phone calls, no emails, no dirty bathroom, no dirty dishes - no one bothering me and no mess to look at and make me feel guilty. My GOD that sounds just wonderful. Add some room service to that and I'd think I'd died and gone to Heaven. LOL!
But I don't want to miss my dance class on Saturday. I love that class. It's fun. And I really DO need to get the laundry/dishes/packing done. It's just a neverending chore. I need a damn wife. I wish that little Polish girl who took such good care of me in Germany had understood my marriage proposal. So bogus that she didn't. I still miss her, dammit! She took good care of me while I was there. Oh, well. Alas!
Damn this stupid fucking system to hell is all I have to say. Why in the fuck does this company insist on putting "systems" into place that prevent work from being done? Why? They want us to get more stuff done quicker and yet they do everything in their power to prevent it.
Stupid ass managers won't/can't do their jobs or think that *I* am the one who came up with this stupid system. Trust me, I hate it WORSE than you do! I know how stupid and pointless it is. I wouldn't have done something so lame and unproductive. So bitching at ME because you don't like it is pointless. It came from above so you need to bitch at THEM. You're preaching to the choir, dude. I completely agree that it is stupid, unproductive and pointless. But that's the way your superiors want to do things. If you don't like it, take it up with them. Lord knows *I* have on more than one occassion. But they don't listen. It makes them "look good" to their superiors so what do they care how unproductive it is?
Little do they know that every day we are finding ways to go around it, subvert it and generally get our work done despite their best efforts to prevent us.
Hell's bells. I just don't want to do anything today. Not a damned thing. I'm so disgusted with everyone wanting something - do this - do that! UGH! I ain't gonna do NOTHING. So what do you think about that? I'm just going to go re-iterate my bitches regarding this stupid system and hope that someone wakes the fuck up and listens because I hear a train acoming down the tracks.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:11 AM
Something I seem to have a very bad case of lately. Probably due to my busy weekend. Took dad to Lexington. That was rather pointless - except we got to talk a lot. But the reason we went down there was pointless.
I picked up my carpet on Friday. It doesn't fly and there was no djinn in it. That is so bogus! Well, what do you expect for less than $200 right? LOL! But it is very nice! It needs cleaned but not anymore so than anything else around here.
That was a bit disappointing. I was hoping at the very least it would fly. Certainly would save on gas money! LOL! Ah, well.
Steve returned from LA sans the Big O. Said he thought the dude would suffocate in his luggage. As if! I've seen that suitcase! It's bigger than my old office! Please! He just didn't want me to embarrass him by dragging Orally out of his suitcase at the baggage claim to lick him all over. I know how he is! Humph!
Looks like I'm gonna have to do my OWN Orally napping! *disgusted look* Well, I AM the evil minion for hire. So I'm pretty much used to doing the dirty work. Time to do my own I guess. Oh, well. (If only that carpet could fly!)
I haven't wanted to do much of anything lately but sleep. How annoying. I've taken iron pills, vitamin E and a B complex but it doesn't seem to help. I've even been eating a lot of veggies but that isn't working, either. WTF is wrong with me?
Oh, yeah, picked up the new Harry Potter book on Sunday. Started reading it. Couldn't wait to read it so I went to several sites to find out what happens. I'm not going to ruin it for anyone who wants to read it on their own.
Suffice it to say that I'm going to wait until AFTER the PMS is done before I read it. Otherwise I'd be bawling and screaming and cursing like a madwoman. So I'll wait until that is over - for the good of all mankind.
I need to start packing for Pennsic. Maybe this weekend. Still would like to get some garb made but with this case of draggin' azz it doesn't look like I'm going to get to it.
It's so bad I don't even wanna skate and I haven't been to the gym since Saturday. Oh, well. Hopefully I'll wake up soon. I've got a ton of stuff to do.
Mr. Wicked has thrown me a bone - finally! We'll see how this works. I've taken his advice and think I might be able to work with this. But I have to let it play out and see what happens.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:43 PM
Hmmm. Yes, where to begin? First of all, this weather bites the big one. We're getting the aftermath of that stupid hurricane Dennis and it's made everything cold and dreary for the past week. It sucks. It needs to stop. It's made me tired as hell and I don't like it one bit. Also makes my back hurt. Not good.
Had my lesson yesterday. That axel is so close I can feel it. So the thinking about pulling with my left instead of pushing with my right is making some good sense. Funny thing is to me, spinning takes more out of me physically than jumping. I mean, if I have a lesson of nothing but spins, I'm panting halfway thru but I can jump for an entire lesson and not really feel drained at all. Weird that. Of course, there's more scrunching and holding and fighting gravity for longer times when you spin than when you jump. Theoretically, anyway. But I can spin when I'm tired and my jumps just go to hell.
Anyway - I took a pretty hard fall. Think I might have to go to the chiro and get it straightened out. The left side of my pelvis is rather sore today. Guess this means I'm not going to be sitting on my ass much, huh? hehehehe!
The rug has arrived. I go pick it up today. Yay! Talk about fast shipment! I've been keeping my beady eyes on the other rugs, too, just to see what they are going for. Either I got extremely lucky or taken. We'll find out today which one it is! Most of those other rugs are going for about $500 minimum. So I kinda wonder what's up with that. Makes me think.
I think today I am going to solve one MAJOR issue that's reared it's ugly head in the last week. I've almost been losing sleep over this but I think we may have found a way to solve it. So I'm going to attack it again today. Spent most of yesterday trying to work it out and I think we may be able to solve this with a minimum amount of kicking and screaming. Which will be good.
It's so freaking QUIET over here I can't hardly believe it! It's great! I swear I've gotten more stuff done in the past few days than I feel like I accomplished the entire time I was suck in that other office. I can come in, answer my mail and start working with NO INTERRUPTIONS! It's so refreshing to not have to babysit someone. Is anyone surprised that I don't have children? lol!
The saga of Mr. Wicked is almost over I think. This is just killing me on so many levels. I should probably stop reading the reviews if I want to finish it. Believe me, I completely understand the feeling of "I can't believe she did this". I can't justify it. I can't condone it. And hey, I didn't do it!
It's just one of those things I guess. Honestly, real life isn't cut and dried most of the time. Nor is it black and white. It's one of those things where whatever you do could cause a reaction somewhere else - sometimes in ways you aren't even aware of. Let's face it, a lot of times many of us make decisions and only find out later the totality of what was involved.
Maybe that makes a better story. Maybe it doesn't. I dunno. But I think those are the stories you remember long after you read them. "Sophie's Choice" comes to mind. "All Quiet on the Western Front" is another. Were they good? Hell yes! Did I like them? Not really because there was no happy ending. But I cried and they made me think and I still think about them to this day. Maybe that's all I can hope for huh? (Not that anything I'd ever write could remotely compare. LOL!)
I know there's going to be no happy ending. No matter what happens, someone is going to be severly hurt and I can't help that (altho I'm trying like hell to prevent it). But life is like that. I mean, we all want "happily ever after" but how often does that happen?
Yeah I know it's fantasy and should be entertaining. And in a way I feel guilty for not making it more light and entertaining. Was it my choice? Not really. My choice was not even to write this from the get-go. My choice was to leave TSM lie quiet as it were. But somebody flatly refused to leave me in peace and had to stir up a whole shitpot of trouble. He is so obviously in management. He shows up, causes a big mess then leaves as he congratulates himself! Arrrrggghhh!
Then he had the cajones to tell me that I must not be doing a very good job of making him "look good" if his readers are starting to question his fortitude. WTF??? As if! Am I getting PAID for this? I think not! So it's not my damned job, bud. Get it right. Maybe if you were PAYING me to write your sordid little tale we'd talk about how "good" you need to "look". But you're not. And I'm calling it as I see it. So there. Maybe you should straighten your ass up! What do you think about that? Uh-huh!
You know, part of me will be very glad when this is all over. I'll be able to go back to skating and swimming after work. Probably even start sewing massively again. (I really miss sewing). And yet part of me will be a bit sad to see it end. Relieved yet sad. Steve says he thinks Mr. Wicked will probably still hang around a bit - not leave totally but make his visits more scarce. I can't decide if that's good or bad. Maybe in the winter when things calm down it would be ok. Or at least I could give him more of my attention. I think he'll probably know that.
Random - the bottom of my foot is itching like mad. Just in one spot. Weird.
Ah - more random. Word is the Big O is in LA. Steve is in LA. HEH! I have my request in. Steve is plenty big enough to grab Orally, stuff him into his suitcase and bring him to me. Lord knows the Big O is half starved so he won't be able to put up much of a fight. Poor thing probably doesn't weigh any more than I do and Steve can pretty well just pick me up and toss me so Orlando shouldn't be a problem.
I would do such the happy dance to show up at the airport baggage claim to find Orally stuffed into Steve's suitcase, dazed, confused and grateful to be freed! He'd probably not even be coherent enough to protest me licking him all over! LOL!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:11 AM
Today has been just one of those days I guess. Not really bad just busy and I don't feel like I accomplished a damn thing.
First - I get up early to go to practice only to discover that my fucking camel spin has once again deserted me. What is up with that? *mad face* Then something weird happened and my left hip was feeling like it was out of place or something. It was weird. Like something had shifted inside. It was kinda gross. It didn't hurt really but it would if I did certain things - like a layback. Ow! No more of that.
My Axel is actually becoming more mentally understanding. Meaning I am understand it better in my head - you have to pull with your left shoulder instead of pushing with your right. That doesn't make a bit of sense, I know, but it does on the ice. It makes you rotate correctly - put your weight where it should be instead of the middle of your body. So that is good.
Then I come into work, right? I'm supposed to make. But Bob still hasn't figured out what, exactly, he wants. Which turns out to be a good thing because the power went out over the weekend screwing up all of our equipment and blowing fuses all over the place. The electricians can't seem to get it back on line. Even today it was still down. Bob doesn't get his stuff and I'm not out anything except the minor annoyance of getting everything ready only to find out I can't run. Oh, well.
Today I was supposed to move and someone absconded with my cart. WTF is up with that? Just took it right out from under me - it was by my door and someone snagged it. So I've had to move most everything by hand which sucks. Been on the feet all day and just now getting a chance to rest and catch up with some stuff.
Meanwhile the usual hysteria/world is going to end madness is going on around me. The hell with them. These dumb shits keep screaming that they need this formula and it's been issued since like MARCH. But I guess they're too busy screaming at me to notice. Whatever. And these managers who won't approve reports so we can start projects. You all are the brilliant minds who schedule this crap, not me. The least you could do is be around to approve it when it's due. Geez!
Today we were supposed to have some sort of meeting about "our vision for the future". I'm like "well, their ain't gonna BE no future if you don't stop with the stupid meetings so I can get this crap done, dig?" They always want us to go to the damned things and they never make any difference to me.
Oh, yeah, they're interesting and all that but does it get product out the door? No. MY job is to get product out the door which ultimately pays the bills. While you're talking about it, I'm doing it.
Now I've gotten a bit settled but I'm tired as anything. It's been a long busy day for me and the rest of the week looks the same.
Oh, I almost forgot! Check out this beautiful persian rug I got on ebay. I was bidding on another one and some bastard came in at less than one minute left and outbid me! ARRRRHHHHH! That just frosted my cookies! Luckily, there was another one similiar in size, color and price that I liked as well. So I ended up with this one. Now what the hell I'm gonna DO with it I dunno. But it's beautiful and I'm sure I could find somewhere to put it. Behold! (I wonder if it flies? Hmmmm)

Isn't it BEUUUUtiful? Oh, I think so! Wool with a cotton back.
Someone really really needs to boot me off of the bay because I'm going crazy. So many things I can't live without! Could probably even find a YURT on there! Wow!
Ebay is BAD! No more ebay! No! Of course, up until this point I was buying things I actually NEEDED - like luggage and a tent. But now I've just gone berserk and I need to stop it. Yes, stop!
I think maybe there's one more thing I can't live without. A nice camelback steamer trunk. Mmmmm. I love those things anyway and can always use them for fabric storage (you know I've already got TWO trunks full of fabric and they are overflowing). Or maybe even a flat one to use as a table or something. Why not? Ah! Stop! Bad!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:11 PM
Wow! A lot has happened since I last posted.
First, The Master Batcher got ahold of Lili. She's ok. Staying in London until THIS Friday - I thought she was leaving today (Sunday) but she's going to be in London all week. Says she didn't get phone service until 10pm GMT so that's why she didn't call earlier.
Then, this supreme drama queen/troll was booted off our messageboard. Of course, there was plenty of drama and such leading up to said banishment but still - it was like a car wreck - you just had to slow down and watch it. Fortunately I was there for the entire thing.
I'm not going to bore anyone with the gruesome details. Let's just say if you don't follow the rules and listen to the board moderators your ass gets tossed off and people have a freaking party when you're gone. I mean, dude had driven most of the people away with his constant "me me me me me me" posts. And if he wasn't getting enough attention, he would come up with some new drama.
In the past month I think his moma ran away, he got accepted to Harvard, Yale, Oxford, MIT, went to China and Japan with his boyfriend (who footed the entire bill), was going deaf and blind and I forgot the rest of this tragedy. Which is a good thing. It was just incredible. And it just kept getting more and more bizarre.
So he got the boot and now that he's gone everyone has come back and started posting and going crazy. It's funny as hell.
Then Steve came over on Friday night. Fortunately for both of us, His Haughtiness decided he didn't want to witness this so he split. He's still off pouting somewhere but that's ok.
Saturday we went to the mall. I actually did some shopping. Finally bought some of them pants that like, hang off your pelvis and expose my belly (which no one really needs to see in the first place). Had to figure out how to wear panties with them because I just ain't going nekkid. No way. Then the young 'un tells me that I need to give up the "granny panties" and get more of those little lace things I bought a few months ago.
Like those would hold up under the abuse I give them! HA! One day of work and they'd be shredded. Of course, they'd look a lot better sticking out of the back of my pants than the granny panties but still - what good are they if they can't take a beating?
So I spent a bunch of money on clothes I didn't need - but since my last shopping spree was February that's ok. Now I'm going thru the closets and getting rid of more stuff I don't wear/need. Ah, yes.
Doing a bit of writing - just trying to sort of fill in some details of some things. Hmmmm. I'll wait until Hateful returns. And he will. He's just waiting for the right time I think.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:14 PM
Today I get into work at about 715am EST (115GMT)and I find a news alert from the Daily Mail in my inbox.
Six bombs have gone off on the London Underground and one on a bus in Russell Square.
It was quite frightening. Lilibean was flying to London on the 10am GMT flight from Paris. Yeah. So I called the Master Batcher in Paris and asked him if he had heard the news and if he had heard from Lili. Yes to the first question, no to the second.
He calls her cell. It goes right to voicemail. He leaves a message and goes to a meeting. I bite my fingernails and read all the British outlets - Daily Mail, BBC - even the Sun.
I don't have words to express my disgust for these asshats who actually believe that bombing a bunch of innocent people on their way to work is going to make their world any better. WTF???
Nor can I adequately express my shock, dismay and sadness for the people of London. I love London. It is one of my most favorite places on the planet. I HATE to see something like this happen.
It amazes me how few people were actually killed in these bombs and for that I am grateful. Many, many more people could have been killed. But still, the death toll will be too high. Even if it were just one person. It's pointless.
If there is one thing I HATE it's waste and stupidity. And this is both. It's a waste of human life and it's fucking stupid.
Am I worried about Lili? Yes, but I know her plane didn't leave Paris until AFTER the last reported blast so I know she is safe. I just want her to know that we are ALL worried about her and she should let us know if she can get OUT of London when she needs to.
But I'm more disgusted and the more I see of this world the more glad I am that I don't have kids. I hate what the world has become and wouldn't want to bring another innocent soul into this mess.
To anyone British out there in the vastness of cyberspace know that, for what it's worth, there's one candle burning for you tonight.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:04 PM
Well, I went to the doctor today. He says it's not skin cancer which is good. None of the odd looking "freckles" even look suspicious so I'm glad for that. I called home to let dad know and mom was there. Dad took The Creature to the post office. *laugh*
Mom and I talked for a while and she said that the dog was so worn out after his "beating" yesterday that he didn't even get upset at all the fireworks going on. She said he just crawled into his bed and passed out. I had to laugh at that.
Poor old geezer. Hey, it was HIS idea! He's the one who started growling and barking at me and trying to get me to chase him all over the house. So I did. And I threw him on the couch a few times and hit him with a pillow and chased him until he got tired of it and hid behind mom.
But I guess that was enough to wear him out for the rest of the night. She was glad. Told me I have to come over when it's supposed to storm to wear him out so he goes to sleep and doesn't whine. He hates thunder. Scared of it.
This morning I got a big surprise. Of course, my lazy ass couldn't quite make it out of bed to go to pilates this morning. So I went after work. Oh, well.
Anyway - I get up this morning and I'm reading my mail and this chair I'm sitting on (which is older than DIRT) suddenly decides it wants to collapse under me. I go sprawling to the floor with my bathrobe flying - WTF?? Now THAT'S a wakeup call! LOL!
Stupid thing had been acting all creaky - the wooden dowels have come out of one side holding the bottom to the back - and I guess I must've tried to scoot it forward and accidently pulled the dowels the rest of the way out and it just threw me right out onto the floor.
It was easy enough to put back together thankfully. I mean, it's like 60 years old or something. No wonder it's creaky. I probably will be too, at that age. Hell, I'm creaky NOW and I'm nowhere near 60.
Why is it that some people are just attention whores? Yeah, I'm talking about certain individuals. Several I have in mind right now. Of course we all know Mr. Wicked is one of them. But there are others who aren't nearly as charming, sexy or entertaining.
In short, they have no reason to be attention whores and yet they are. Obnoxious ones. Like Paris Hilton for instance. WTF?
That's all I'm going to say about that for the moment. Attention whores and drama queens need to just get their butts tossed onto the floor by an old creaky chair. That should bring them down a peg or two.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:36 PM
Yay! A day off work! Sweet! Today I went home and set up my tent in the backyard so I could waterproof it. It was so nice out. It took me a while to figure out how it went together because there wasn't a picture.
Dad, of course, wanted to help but he doesn't believe in reading directions - it's that testosterone thing - and I shooed him away so I could read them. I'm much more visual than verbal. Oh, well.
Once I figured out what was going on, I was ok. Not as hard to set up as I initially thought but not as easy as my old one. And it only has like 1/2 screen on the door. Sort of bogus. But it's nice and big and my table fits under the awning which is nice.
So I got it all set up and we go and get supper. Fried chicken and all that. After eating we took our watermelon out to the tent and cut it up (mom was saying she didn't want us making a mess in the house). We cut that melon up and scarfed it down. It was GOOD! Seedless. Pink and perfect inside. YUM! Dad dropped a chunk of it on the ground and I ended up stepping in it later and getting all grossed out (I thought it was poop!) He laughed at me. HUH!
The dog came out to cover the place with fur then he left. I guess it passed inspection. Here he is in the backyard.

Poor ugly little thing with his teeth sticking out in every direction! He gave his snot blow of approval on the tent so that's good. (Not like I'd return it if he didn't like it anyway! So there you mutt!)
It had just finished drying from the water proofing and I was getting ready to take it down when a damn bird pooped on it. Dad thought it was funny and started laughing at me. I'm like "where is that damned thing? I'm going to throw my axe at it!" But it was long gone (probably couldn't have hit it anyway since I didn't have my glasses on! Oooops!)
Now I'm all sweaty and worn out from goofing off all day. But it was nice. My bro came over but didn't stay long. They are going to the fireworks. I can see them from here (not the same ones, tho) so I'm not going out anywhere. Just gonna try and get some sleep. I have pilates class at 545am. Ugh! Good thing it's light out at that hour or I'd never get up.
Dumbass fell over a box of camping supplies last night and tore the hell outta my landing ankle. Right where the top of my boot hits, too. Hurts like a mo' fo' it does! Big lump and a bruise. Nice. Dunno how long I'm going to be able to skate on it and I have a lesson on Thursday. Yeah. We'll see how THAT goes.
Not much else going on. Trying to sell a poster on ebay. Doing a bit of sewing and embroidery. Listening to someone whisper naughty things to me as I embroider. He wants some PWP but I don't know if I can deal with this quite yet. It would be odd to say the least. Know him too well now I fear. Or maybe something else . . . ? Hmmmmm. I dunno. Probably gotten too attached to the horny bastard. Ugh! That would figure, wouldn't it? Ruin the whole damned set up. Hell's bells.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:00 PM
So I've not done much this weekend and feel like a complete hag. Well, I mean, I went to dance practice yesterday and got my azz kicked. Did the laundry, dishes - all that stuff. But I haven't *finished* anything. Like I'm still working on the embroidery and the quilt and all that.
I guess I just want to get rid of some stuff. I must be in a foul mood because the urge to clean is just overwhelming. I guess I'll just give in to it. Or start sewing. I really need to do that. Once can never have too much garb. There IS no such creature! LOL!
I need to go to the store, too. Almost out of diet coke. Bad thing. Very bad thing. I'll run over there in a bit.
Not much else going on. The gay dude across the hall got into a shouting match with one of his bf's or something. They were both out there screaming like a couple of queens and woke me up from my nap. Geez, bud - think you can like, shut the door when you're going to have a shouting match? I really don't wanna hear it.
So that's about it. Aside from HIM getting on my shit again because I've been looking for pix.
"How many times do I have to tell you blah blah blah". Whatever. One of these days I'm going to photoshop a picture of him. One of these days. That way everyone can enjoy him in all of his horridness. LOL!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:34 PM
I was so glad it was Friday today. I actually took half the day off to sleep. Dunno what's been wrong with me this week but all I want to do is sleep. Weird. Probably stress, tho. Wouldn't surprise me in the least all things considered.
Good news - I get to move back into my old office. Thank God! I was getting really tired of Grand Central Station going on. Now maybe I can get back to doing some work instead of acting like a sheep herder. That got old real quick. And having certain people in the office constantly blabbering was just wearing on my nerves. There's really no reason for it, either. You know your job or you don't. If you do then why do you need to be under MY feet? And if you don't then why are you even still here?
So that's something good. Something bad is all my sleeping and eating. WTF is up with that? Skipping practice, skipping the gym just vegetating and eating. At least it's not so bad food. Mostly veggies and sugar-free stuff so I guess that's ok. I still hate it, tho. It's just not like me. Hopefully it will pass. I'm hoping that the long weekend will be good for me.
I plan on going home and setting up my tent in the backyard. And beating the dog. Yeah, beat him! LOL! He likes it, tho! I throw him on the bed and hit him with a pillow and he'll run around the house like a mad thing barking. So that will be good. And setting up the tent and just being home will be good. No work. That's a good thing.
On Tuesday I have to go to the doctor. There's this odd place on my arm. It's really bothering me. I hope it's not skin cancer but I have to get it checked out. Sort of just noticed it one day and now it really bothers me.
I've been a total bum this week not skating or anything. I've threatened to but just haven't. Been too damned tired for whatever reason. I know it would lower the stress level considerably. I certainly plan on going to dance practice tomorrow. That is always fun and I need to work some stress out of me, yes?
Steve said he could come over tonight but I don't need to listen to Mr. Wicked bitch and complain for another week about it. Geez! You'd think I'd committed some heinous crime the way he's been all up in my face this week about Steve. Whatever.
So Happy 4th to everyone! Be safe! Crazy people on the roads.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:17 AM