~What in the Hell?~

Sunday, July 03, 2005

~ Lazy Sunday ~

So I've not done much this weekend and feel like a complete hag. Well, I mean, I went to dance practice yesterday and got my azz kicked. Did the laundry, dishes - all that stuff. But I haven't *finished* anything. Like I'm still working on the embroidery and the quilt and all that.

I guess I just want to get rid of some stuff. I must be in a foul mood because the urge to clean is just overwhelming. I guess I'll just give in to it. Or start sewing. I really need to do that. Once can never have too much garb. There IS no such creature! LOL!

I need to go to the store, too. Almost out of diet coke. Bad thing. Very bad thing. I'll run over there in a bit.

Not much else going on. The gay dude across the hall got into a shouting match with one of his bf's or something. They were both out there screaming like a couple of queens and woke me up from my nap. Geez, bud - think you can like, shut the door when you're going to have a shouting match? I really don't wanna hear it.

So that's about it. Aside from HIM getting on my shit again because I've been looking for pix.

"How many times do I have to tell you blah blah blah". Whatever. One of these days I'm going to photoshop a picture of him. One of these days. That way everyone can enjoy him in all of his horridness. LOL!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:34 PM


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