~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

~ What Is Good In Life? What is Not So Good In Life? ~

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and got what they wanted from St. Nick. Me? I'm still pining for a clean, consistent axel. This year I asked for a double. Why not? If you're going to ask, might as well ask BIG!

I got a cold instead. Ugh. But it's just a head cold - no throwing up or anything. I just HATE that. Mostly I feel rather dizzy and somewhat tired. But that's to be expected I guess. It just sucks.

So what is good in life? Let us reflect. The Creature sitting on your lap asleep as you read a good book. I think that is one of the best things in life. He's so contented sitting there, all nice and warm and fuzzy snoozing away. I could sit there for hours like that. Truly Heaven could not be much better.

What else is good in life? Warm bread right out of the oven. With real butter. Mmmmm.

A bonfire, drums and good company are all the best things in life. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning.

My idea of Heaven? A trusty Peke at your side all day. Maybe hitting a few classes during the day, taking a nap in the afternoon with a nice big non-fattening lunch followed by philosophy then drumming and dancing until the wee hours. Get up and do it again.

That, to me, is what is good in life. And it's free.

What is Not So Good in Life? Steve running off with the maid. Yeah, well. It's gets better. Talk about your "Elaborate Scenario".

So he's been fucking the maid for about the last month (or more, probably). The maid who is married to someone ELSE and has a kid by a third guy.

But wait, there's more! The maid and her husband are living with another woman (who has been having a long term affair with the husband that the maid is well aware of). Now it turns out that the "other woman" may also be pregnant.

So now the maid is pissed and wants a divorce. Of course she has nowhere to live. Do we see where this is going?

I ask Steve just how he managed to get mixed up in this cluster fuck (quite literally, everyone is fucking everyone else). His response? "I dunno. It just sort of happened."

Riiiiiight. "It just sort of happened". Like Iraq "just sort of happened". Like the mistress getting knocked up "just sort of happened". Shit like THAT don't "just sorta happen", fucktard! Shit like that is planned and takes a long time to develop. Most of us with any sort of foresight can see it coming a mile away!

Maybe that's the problem. Maybe having some sort of foresight unclouded by testosterone poisoning is a curse. So be it.

I will use my considerable foresight to get myself well away from this shithouse that is about to explode. I don't want no part of this crap. I know trouble when I sees it and this - THIS - is big trouble. Pretty soon I'm going to need a damned scorecard to know all of the players.

So I didn't get my Axel for Christmas. And I more or less got the boot for the unemployed maid (who already has a kid). Yeah. But I still have The Creature.

I probably should be upset or something. But I'm just too damned tired. I have a cold and I need to finish my last test up so I can start my next class.

And, quite honestly, all of this drama is just too much. Really. A bunch of nonsense drama that will accomplish nothing. Like I need more drama after dealing with the sea hag! Please! I need to save my strength.

I know that bitch is going to come after me again in the new year and I need to be ready for it! All this high school drama over who's fucking who is just a sideshow that I don't need. I have enough issues to deal with on my own without adding this sort of nonsense to it.

Have a Happy New Year! Don't forget what is good in life and fuck the drama.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:41 AM

Thursday, December 21, 2006

~ Winter Solstice ~

It's the Winter Solstice, people! Today is the day when the sun decides whether or not he will return to us! I certainly hope he decides to stay. I'm doing my part to make him happy and ensure his return. Winter sucks! Bring back the sun!

This has been an oddly busy week at work. Usually everyone leaves like the week before Christmas until after New Years. This year a lot of people have stayed on. It's weird and ANNOYING!

Like how in the hell am I supposed to get anything done when you people keep bothering me? I wait for this time of year so I can get stuff done without interruption. This year - forget it! WTF?

Hopefully next week will be quiet. I plan on hitting practice in the morning (let's hear it for 8am ice time!)so if anyone thinks I'm going to be in here at my normal crack of dawn, they are sadly mistaken. I'm keeping sea hag hours next week - showing up at 9:30am and leaving whenever I damn well feel like it. Hey, she does it all the time, why shouldn't I? Bitch!

Speaking of that bitch, you know last week she wanted a meeting (again) to go over my "work plan". I'm like "WTF are you going to bitch about NOW?" She was all like "oh, you've so improved" and a bunch of nonsense. Uh, no, bitch. You've just had to face the fact that you're going to lose 1 out of 4 people because they are sick of the shit and you're in damage control now.

I dunno how dumb or gullible you think I am but I don't believe a word you say. Nor have I ever. I just looked at her blankly and said I still intended to leave this job as soon as I had an opportunity and walked out. What the fuck ever, bitch.

Yesterday I had lunch with Lili bean and we were talking about it. She asks me "what is her problem?" Uh, she's a fucking lying bitch who is now trying to cover her ass. Since all of this information regarding the turnover rate has come out, she's now in damage control panic.

All of the shit she HASN'T been doing (ie - her JOB) is now being scrutinized by the big wigs and she isn't measuring up. As a matter of fact, she's looking pretty dismal.

It sucks when the chickens come home to roost, isn't it? She's been moping around and not gossiping like she normally does. She's actually now expected to DO some work. (I have heard from other sources outside the department that there have been several complaints about her not doing her job by other managers). Well, maybe if she had done her job in the FIRST place instead of harrassing me constantly for NOT being her "buddy", she wouldn't BE in this position.

And you better believe I'm gloating about it. It's one thing when the peons complain. It's another matter entirely when other managers start to complain about the same thing.

Anyway - enough of that. I've sent out several dozen resumes. Mostly gotten spam in reply. Ugh.

In my Six Sigma Green Belt final class last night, the instructor told us we could sign a Christmas card for our classmates if we wanted. Some joker signed "Sigma Claus". I cracked up at that!

Then she says (the instructor) "oh, you know I so enjoy it when you bring your humor to class!" which made me laugh even harder. You just have to hear her voice. And it's her favorite phrase. (Much like "pull your head out of your ass" is mine.)

Imagine an elementary school teacher saying that to a class of unruly students and you get the idea. It cracks me up everytime she says it. And after the "Sigma Claus" note, well, it took me a while to settle down and stop giggling.

I have to take my last test today. I did the pretest and got a 62% which was pretty good considering I was guessing or trying to pull up memories from 10 years ago. After the lecture it made more sense so I'll take it (the test) again.

Next class starts on January 3rd. I've already got the books but I haven't looked at them yet. I might do that this weekend. Or maybe not.

Been skating or hitting the gym every day this week. So nice! (Except for Wednesday. Ate some bad hamburger on Tuesday night and got ill. Ick!) The only bad thing about all the activity is that pulled muscle in my hip is like really pissed now.

I've been stretching and taking ibuprofen but it is just sore as hell. Today my hip flexors are "tired". (I don't know how else to describe it). Tomorrow I'm off work and I have a lesson at 10am. Yay!

I'm planning on taking my adult silver MIF test in March at the next test session. Originally it was scheduled for February but it got pushed back due to a competition. Since it got pushed back, I might go ahead and take the FS test as well. My ankle has been feeling a lot better and I'm back to jumping on it without pain. (It just gets stiff).

Ugh - sounds like I'm falling apart, doesn't it? lol! Maybe a bit. Just muscle stiffness and soreness. Nothing like broken or bleeding or beyond repair. Altho my gravitation and subsequent acceleration toward stationary objects hasn't decreased any. (I still run into stuff all the time.) Oh, well. That's nothing new.

Tonight I will probably hit the gym then go kidnap The Creature. Why not? I miss that flat face. I took a picture of him sleeping the other day - I'll have to post it as soon as I get it off the camera. He's so cute! My baby!

Tomorrow is practice then probably laying around reading, watching TV and doing some embroidery. The dragons I was doing came out so cool! Then I got disgusted and decided "why should Steve have all the pretty?" And embroidered a pair of my jeans. They are awesome!

I ran out of floss and had to hit the fabric store for more. Bad, bad move. Cannot resist looking at fabric. They had all the Halloween fabric on sale and I picked up 6 yards of dark purple satin with velvet moons and stars on it. Oh, yes! It is beautiful and I have a gown already in mind for it! As soon as I saw it, I knew EXACTLY what I would make out of it.

So there are plenty of projects to keep me busy. Not to mention the few I have in mind for the new year (redecorating and cleaning).

If I'm not on before Monday, everyone have a Merry Christmas!

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:57 AM

Monday, December 11, 2006

~ Ugh ~

I have this very noticeable gash on the bridge of my nose and people keep staring. I think I'm going to have to make up a story about it because the truth is rather dumb. (I scratched myself with my thumbnail taking off my sweater last week).

Nobody seems to believe it. Maybe I'll say instead that I did it skating. And let them try to figure out how my blade reached the bridge of my nose.

It looks really bad, tho. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it really.

Saturday I was all ready to get some stuff done and what happened? I slept most of the day. Didn't eat anything but some toast. That sinus infection must've taken more out of me than I realized. Then Sunday all I did was eat! WTF?

Not junk, either. I ate FOOD - beef stew (that I made myself), a ton of vegetables, rice, fish - it was like I was starving for FOOD. Weird. I kinda felt guilty but it wasn't like I was eating hamburgers, fries and candy.

I'm working on embroidering a pair of jeans I bought. I'm putting this peacock on there and it looks pretty cool. I figured "why not?" Why should Steve have all the pretty embroidered stuff? I need some cool mundane embroidered stuff. Might as well spiff up some clothes. It's pretty easy and I can do it during class for the most part.

The Creature had to have one of his teeth pulled - it was getting ready to fall out so the vet just pulled it. Poor old geezer. The vet said he is about 80! So, yeah, I guess being toothless comes with the territory. But he's healthy as he can be. And still rotten to his very core. I dunno who spoiled that dog but it wasn't ME!

My computer monitor at work is threatening to go. It's only about 2 years old. What's up with that? It keeps blinking and flickering. So bogus. And I'm sure they won't let me order another one. Ugh. I'll hold on to it until the screen turns black and I can no longer see it.

Get this - last week this douchebag manager of ours decided to invite everyone to a Christmas party this Friday. Just over a weeks notice! WTF?? Then, today we get a note saying we have to bring gifts for a gift exchange!! Like when in the HELL am I supposed to go get a gift? And why couldn't you have said something two or three weeks ago?

Not that I plan on going - I have practice and the Christmas ice show is that night as well. Some people are just ignorant. And people around HERE seem to think that your life revolves around work. Aw, hell no!

I'm sure I'll hear about it but I don't care. Let them bitch and threaten and whatever. Fire me and I'll collect unemployment. Just a nice paid vacation to look for another job.

It seems like all of the job postings have slowed down this time of year. And I haven't heard anything from the three companies I applied to earlier. I should call them and see what the deal is.

JK came down today and was talking to me about it. She's rather in the same boat. She said that they have lost a lot of people upstairs because of the piss poor management and more are trying to leave.

I wonder how many more people need to leave before these idiots wake the hell up>? Of course, they never think they are the problem. The truth is, they are about 80% of the problem.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:22 PM

Friday, December 08, 2006

~ Brrrr! It's Freakin' FREEZING! ~

It's like 10 degrees outside! Cold as a witch's tit, it is! (no offense to any witches out there!)

Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer, but still. Today it is very cold. And the wind is making it even colder. Yesterday it snowed so everyone panicked and clogged up traffic. A 15 minute commute turned into an hour because of fucktards. *rolls eyes*

Today it's all blown away. Mercifully. I don't mind the snow - I mind the IDIOTS who can't drive in it.

Tonight is practice. I wanted to go earlier this week but I ended up not because of candy making, getting a hair cut and going to the store. All things I needed to get done. But I have been "practicing" on the floor in the lab.

There's some things I need to get done here at work but I'm tired. My sinuses have been killing me!

(Oh, fucking sonofabitch! Some idiot just pulled the fire alarm! It's TEN FUCKING DEGREES OUTSIDE!!! Oh, God! I want to flog someone! What kind of epic douchebag does shit like that?

Do you actually think I'm going outside in this weather? Uh, no. Let it burn down around me. Fire I can stand. Cold I can't.)

So, where was I before the epic douchebag who is now at the top of my voodoo list pulled that fire alarm? Oh, yeah. My sinuses. Ugh. They hurt. Bad. For the last three days. Probably because of the weather. I've got a touch of an infection and have been self medicating but it doesn't seem to have helped a whole lot. I will probably have to do the old salt water up the nose this weekend.

I just wish the headache would go away. It's hard to sleep with my head hurting so bad. The drugs don't seem to do anything but take the edge off of it. Ugh. So my normal grumpiness has been compounded with this infernal headache.

Maybe I'll do some spins tonight at practice and centrifuge all of the snot out. Hey, it can't hurt. Spin as fast as you can to g-force the snot out. Ew! But if it works, I'm all for it.

Yesterday even my teeth were hurting from it. Today I managed to find some "old" sudafed. You know - before they changed the formula to that fake stuff because of the meth labs. That seems to have helped more than anything else up to this point. That fake stuff isn't worth a damn. I might have to break down and get some of the "real stuff" - meaning I have to fill out more paperwork for a box of sudafed than I would to buy a handgun. *rolls eyes*


"The bureaucratic mentality is the ONLY constant in the universe" - Dr. "Bones" McCoy


Yesterday I decided to forgo all the lectures on my 6 sigma class and just take the test. Ten years ago, I took some classes at a local Technical School on SPC, statistics and reliability. A lot of the stuff in this particular section looked familiar so I pulled out my old notes (yes, I kept my notes from 10 years ago) and looked them over. Then I took the test.

Get this - I was averaging about 84% on my other tests that I had STUDIED FOR. I had read all of the course material, attended the lectures, did all the reading, etc. This particular test I said, "well, I'll just see what I can get? Why not? I can retake it later." I got a 92%. WTF?

No studying. No even going to class or the lectures. That's just not right. (Altho I think it's because we're getting into control charting now and I do have some practical application of that. "Use it or lose it" I guess.)

I'm better with the practical application of most things than the theories. Show me how it works! Or let me play with it and figure it out.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:54 AM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

~ It's That Time of Year - ~

Again. When insanity ensues from every quarter. But this year I REFUSE to give in to it! The Christmas cards are already mailed out and most of the shopping is done. OK - all of it is done! (I'm just waiting for the stuff I ordered to show up).

All I have to do is wrap and make candy. The candy making will start this afternoon. I'm taking 1/2 day off. Partly because my sinuses are bothering me and partly so I can get this stuff done and take it up to mom this weekend. Then I can just sit back and watch the hysteria.

Oh, and I got the cutest little hat for The Creature! I'm going to make him wear it and take pictures of him! He will hate every minute of it but I don't care! He is sooooo CUTE! I just want to scoop him up and kiss him all over his flat face! (Which I probably will and he will act like it's the worst thing in the world to ever happen to him. BAH!)

Working on some serious embroidery. Got bit by a bug I guess. I have an ambitious idea to embroider this lovely peacock on a pair of jeans for myself. I just have to find a suitable pair of jeans to do it on.

That hateful old bitch is still on my ass - wanting another meeting. I guess she figures she hasn't done enough to ruin the holidays so she has to take another swipe at me. I think punching her in the face is quickly moving up to the top of my Christmas list. And if I had a cell phone, I'd certainly delete her number from it afterwards!

Now, here's a bit of interesting news - the do-less manager of HERS (who covers her ass and doesn't back us up, either) is getting transferred. THAT could make for some interesting dynamics. Maybe. She seems rather upset by it (understandable since he never expected her to do anything and always took her side whenever anyone bitched at US). So I'll be glad to see him gone. I'm just wondering who they are going to replace him with. Not that it will matter to me.

That's two months from now and I've been diligently sending out resumes every week. Maybe by the time he leaves, I'll be gone or on my way out.

My green belt 6 sigma class is almost over. I can't believe it. I swear it just started. And I'm a week behind. I was caught up and then I forgot my book today. Bogus. I was going to read it at lunch. But, since I'm taking 1/2 day off, I'll put the CD in while I'm baking this afternoon. Then I'll finish this test and be ready for class tonight.

And somewhere along the way, I need to get my butt to practice. I've finally decided to take my adult silver test in February. It's mostly the Juv moves plus some odd stuff thrown in from the lower tests. I had wanted to take my FS test but I don't think the ankle (or my endurance) will be up to it.

I just don't get the ice time I'd like. Now if I didn't have to WORK in the salt mines, I would probably have both the time and the energy to skate. Ugh.

So from here on out I'm going to be practicing my moves and getting ready for this test. On Friday, Dori and I went over them just so I'd know what the test consisted of. You know, I remember when those damned back inside 3's were hard. I mean HARD. And now, since I've been working on the double 3's, they don't seem that hard. (I just get confused because I've been working on the double 3's for so long, I try to do them instead of the singles! DUH.)

I was rather pleased with this discovery. I never thought those damned things would ever get "easier" for me. But, lo, they have. And I am impressed with my old self! (And my old self is paying for all of this muscle control - my butt hurts so bad! OMG! My hips are sore and stiff. I really have to stretch out before and especially AFTER I skate or I can hardly walk the next day. It's just the muscles tighten up.)

But - I'm having less back aches now. So I'm thinking that is a good thing - I'm not using my back to do stuff - it's all in my hips where it should be. I probably should take up a pilates class again. It couldn't hurt.

For the past week I've had the most horrible craving for Cracker Jacks! WTF??? And that shit is gross! I eat it and I'm like "ick! This is so gross! Why am I eating this?" That is all I ate last night for supper - two fucking boxes of Cracker Jacks. Is that pathetic or what? And I didn't even particularly LIKE it. I just CRAVED it.

I guess that's better than craving something and not knowing what it is. Oh, I HATE that! I'd rather know what it is so I can eat it and get the craving over with than have to nibble here and there trying to find out what it is.

So the Cracker Jack craving seems to have subsided. Thankfully. And I didn't want none of that "fancy" caramel popcorn, either. I picked some up, ate three pieces and was repulsed by it (it is going home to mom, too). That craving was for CRACKER JACKS. Nothing else was going to do.

Weirdest thing! And I still can't believe I ate two boxes of that shit! Yuck! I don't eat a lot of sugar so it was waaaaayyyy too sweet and sticky for something I would "normally" eat.

I guess it must be my dotage.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:09 AM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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