~What in the Hell?~

Friday, December 08, 2006

~ Brrrr! It's Freakin' FREEZING! ~

It's like 10 degrees outside! Cold as a witch's tit, it is! (no offense to any witches out there!)

Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer, but still. Today it is very cold. And the wind is making it even colder. Yesterday it snowed so everyone panicked and clogged up traffic. A 15 minute commute turned into an hour because of fucktards. *rolls eyes*

Today it's all blown away. Mercifully. I don't mind the snow - I mind the IDIOTS who can't drive in it.

Tonight is practice. I wanted to go earlier this week but I ended up not because of candy making, getting a hair cut and going to the store. All things I needed to get done. But I have been "practicing" on the floor in the lab.

There's some things I need to get done here at work but I'm tired. My sinuses have been killing me!

(Oh, fucking sonofabitch! Some idiot just pulled the fire alarm! It's TEN FUCKING DEGREES OUTSIDE!!! Oh, God! I want to flog someone! What kind of epic douchebag does shit like that?

Do you actually think I'm going outside in this weather? Uh, no. Let it burn down around me. Fire I can stand. Cold I can't.)

So, where was I before the epic douchebag who is now at the top of my voodoo list pulled that fire alarm? Oh, yeah. My sinuses. Ugh. They hurt. Bad. For the last three days. Probably because of the weather. I've got a touch of an infection and have been self medicating but it doesn't seem to have helped a whole lot. I will probably have to do the old salt water up the nose this weekend.

I just wish the headache would go away. It's hard to sleep with my head hurting so bad. The drugs don't seem to do anything but take the edge off of it. Ugh. So my normal grumpiness has been compounded with this infernal headache.

Maybe I'll do some spins tonight at practice and centrifuge all of the snot out. Hey, it can't hurt. Spin as fast as you can to g-force the snot out. Ew! But if it works, I'm all for it.

Yesterday even my teeth were hurting from it. Today I managed to find some "old" sudafed. You know - before they changed the formula to that fake stuff because of the meth labs. That seems to have helped more than anything else up to this point. That fake stuff isn't worth a damn. I might have to break down and get some of the "real stuff" - meaning I have to fill out more paperwork for a box of sudafed than I would to buy a handgun. *rolls eyes*


"The bureaucratic mentality is the ONLY constant in the universe" - Dr. "Bones" McCoy


Yesterday I decided to forgo all the lectures on my 6 sigma class and just take the test. Ten years ago, I took some classes at a local Technical School on SPC, statistics and reliability. A lot of the stuff in this particular section looked familiar so I pulled out my old notes (yes, I kept my notes from 10 years ago) and looked them over. Then I took the test.

Get this - I was averaging about 84% on my other tests that I had STUDIED FOR. I had read all of the course material, attended the lectures, did all the reading, etc. This particular test I said, "well, I'll just see what I can get? Why not? I can retake it later." I got a 92%. WTF?

No studying. No even going to class or the lectures. That's just not right. (Altho I think it's because we're getting into control charting now and I do have some practical application of that. "Use it or lose it" I guess.)

I'm better with the practical application of most things than the theories. Show me how it works! Or let me play with it and figure it out.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:54 AM


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