~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, December 21, 2006

~ Winter Solstice ~

It's the Winter Solstice, people! Today is the day when the sun decides whether or not he will return to us! I certainly hope he decides to stay. I'm doing my part to make him happy and ensure his return. Winter sucks! Bring back the sun!

This has been an oddly busy week at work. Usually everyone leaves like the week before Christmas until after New Years. This year a lot of people have stayed on. It's weird and ANNOYING!

Like how in the hell am I supposed to get anything done when you people keep bothering me? I wait for this time of year so I can get stuff done without interruption. This year - forget it! WTF?

Hopefully next week will be quiet. I plan on hitting practice in the morning (let's hear it for 8am ice time!)so if anyone thinks I'm going to be in here at my normal crack of dawn, they are sadly mistaken. I'm keeping sea hag hours next week - showing up at 9:30am and leaving whenever I damn well feel like it. Hey, she does it all the time, why shouldn't I? Bitch!

Speaking of that bitch, you know last week she wanted a meeting (again) to go over my "work plan". I'm like "WTF are you going to bitch about NOW?" She was all like "oh, you've so improved" and a bunch of nonsense. Uh, no, bitch. You've just had to face the fact that you're going to lose 1 out of 4 people because they are sick of the shit and you're in damage control now.

I dunno how dumb or gullible you think I am but I don't believe a word you say. Nor have I ever. I just looked at her blankly and said I still intended to leave this job as soon as I had an opportunity and walked out. What the fuck ever, bitch.

Yesterday I had lunch with Lili bean and we were talking about it. She asks me "what is her problem?" Uh, she's a fucking lying bitch who is now trying to cover her ass. Since all of this information regarding the turnover rate has come out, she's now in damage control panic.

All of the shit she HASN'T been doing (ie - her JOB) is now being scrutinized by the big wigs and she isn't measuring up. As a matter of fact, she's looking pretty dismal.

It sucks when the chickens come home to roost, isn't it? She's been moping around and not gossiping like she normally does. She's actually now expected to DO some work. (I have heard from other sources outside the department that there have been several complaints about her not doing her job by other managers). Well, maybe if she had done her job in the FIRST place instead of harrassing me constantly for NOT being her "buddy", she wouldn't BE in this position.

And you better believe I'm gloating about it. It's one thing when the peons complain. It's another matter entirely when other managers start to complain about the same thing.

Anyway - enough of that. I've sent out several dozen resumes. Mostly gotten spam in reply. Ugh.

In my Six Sigma Green Belt final class last night, the instructor told us we could sign a Christmas card for our classmates if we wanted. Some joker signed "Sigma Claus". I cracked up at that!

Then she says (the instructor) "oh, you know I so enjoy it when you bring your humor to class!" which made me laugh even harder. You just have to hear her voice. And it's her favorite phrase. (Much like "pull your head out of your ass" is mine.)

Imagine an elementary school teacher saying that to a class of unruly students and you get the idea. It cracks me up everytime she says it. And after the "Sigma Claus" note, well, it took me a while to settle down and stop giggling.

I have to take my last test today. I did the pretest and got a 62% which was pretty good considering I was guessing or trying to pull up memories from 10 years ago. After the lecture it made more sense so I'll take it (the test) again.

Next class starts on January 3rd. I've already got the books but I haven't looked at them yet. I might do that this weekend. Or maybe not.

Been skating or hitting the gym every day this week. So nice! (Except for Wednesday. Ate some bad hamburger on Tuesday night and got ill. Ick!) The only bad thing about all the activity is that pulled muscle in my hip is like really pissed now.

I've been stretching and taking ibuprofen but it is just sore as hell. Today my hip flexors are "tired". (I don't know how else to describe it). Tomorrow I'm off work and I have a lesson at 10am. Yay!

I'm planning on taking my adult silver MIF test in March at the next test session. Originally it was scheduled for February but it got pushed back due to a competition. Since it got pushed back, I might go ahead and take the FS test as well. My ankle has been feeling a lot better and I'm back to jumping on it without pain. (It just gets stiff).

Ugh - sounds like I'm falling apart, doesn't it? lol! Maybe a bit. Just muscle stiffness and soreness. Nothing like broken or bleeding or beyond repair. Altho my gravitation and subsequent acceleration toward stationary objects hasn't decreased any. (I still run into stuff all the time.) Oh, well. That's nothing new.

Tonight I will probably hit the gym then go kidnap The Creature. Why not? I miss that flat face. I took a picture of him sleeping the other day - I'll have to post it as soon as I get it off the camera. He's so cute! My baby!

Tomorrow is practice then probably laying around reading, watching TV and doing some embroidery. The dragons I was doing came out so cool! Then I got disgusted and decided "why should Steve have all the pretty?" And embroidered a pair of my jeans. They are awesome!

I ran out of floss and had to hit the fabric store for more. Bad, bad move. Cannot resist looking at fabric. They had all the Halloween fabric on sale and I picked up 6 yards of dark purple satin with velvet moons and stars on it. Oh, yes! It is beautiful and I have a gown already in mind for it! As soon as I saw it, I knew EXACTLY what I would make out of it.

So there are plenty of projects to keep me busy. Not to mention the few I have in mind for the new year (redecorating and cleaning).

If I'm not on before Monday, everyone have a Merry Christmas!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:57 AM


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