WTF is up with this fucking company anyway? This one worthless piece of shit lazy ass sonofabitch has done absolutely NOTHING to help this project along and yet he still has a JOB. WTF??? People are screaming at ME because HE won't do his job! WTF???? I'm not even in the same TIME ZONE as he is what the hell am I supposed to be able to do about it?
Believe me, if I could bitch slap that worthless mo'fo' I'd do it in a minute. Oh, would I ever! He's the laziest sonofabitch I've ever had to deal with at this place (and that's saying quite a bit because there are some seriously lazy people here - they know they aren't going to get canned).
His stupd ass needs FIRED in a baaaaaad bad way but they won't do it. Oh, no! He's already delayed two major projects and no one will even reprimand him. WTF is up with that? They should fire him outright. I swear I just don't understand the mentality around here. You get promoted for being a worthless lazy ass.
You try to get something done and the "borg" around here are like "oh, you can't do that! That's not the 'corporate' way to do it!" I'm like "yeah, but is the work getting done? Then shut the fuck up!" Obviously I seem to be the only one around here who actually CARES about getting anything DONE - the rest of these idiots want to be "corporate borgs" and follow the herd. It's no wonder people view us as a friggin' dinosaur. We ARE! Well, some of THEM are.
I get so frustrated with this place and the damned double talk. They say "we need to be more progressive and take more risks" but when the time comes to do it, they all panic and get hysterical. Good Lord, it's pathetic. And never tell anyone the TRUTH. God forbid! They'll fly into a panic.
Makes me wonder just what sort of morons are running the place if you can't just be honest about what you're doing. Why should I have to sugar coat everything for upper management? I don't care if they ask me questions. I HAVE the answers! Ask! I'll tell you the truth! But no one wants me to speak "the truth". They want me to lie about stupid shit that doesn't even matter in the end. It's pathetic.
I really wonder sometimes how I'm going to make it to retirement because I just honestly cannot fucking stand the mentality of the idiots around here sometimes.
It wouldn't be so bad if I could actually FIRE these lazy asses for not doing their jobs. I can't even bitch at their boss because THEY don't care, either. No one gives a shit around here so why should I? Obviously no one is going to get reprimanded for fucking off and not doing anything. So why should I bother?
I think that's going to be my new attitude from now on - why bother? I'm not going to get fired, reprimanded or even talked to about fucking off and being lazy so why wouldn't I? Where's the motivation for me to do anything? I'm certianly not seeing it.
Trouble is - we are held accountable for everything and have ZERO power to fix the fucking situations. Believe me, if I could fix the situation, it would NOT happen again. I want BLOOD! This fucking fucktard's blood and his lazy ass manager's.
Of course his manager probably says something like "oh, he's overworked and needs a break". Fuck! He hasn't done a lick of work - lazy bastard.
All of them - lazy fucktards who need to have my foot broken off in their asses. What I can't understand is everyone's fright to tell it like it is. Someone needs to say it and management needs to wake the fuck up and LISTEN.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:13 PM
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