This morning I get a call from these same people who are bitching at me because the fucktard won't do his job, right? HA! They say they've tried to contact him directly AND his boss but neither one of them will answer and they think *I* can do something about it.
I said, "I would fire his ass, plain and simple, but I'm not in that position." So I wrote a nasty-gram to his boss' boss instead and told two levels up boss that the fucktard has, once again, delayed another major project due to his laziness.
Now I don't expect anyone to actually DO anything about it but hey, I have the PROOF that I've gone up the "chain of command" and tried to get someone to pay attention to the trouble this lazy azz mo fo is causing. So when I finally make it to the top of the food chain (and I fully intend to continue bitching until the problem is solved to my satisfaction) they can see that I've done my best to get some resolution to this before.
When I told MY boss what happened she was like "and they STILL haven't answered you." Uh, no. She just looked at me in disbelief. "Call X and ask her. She's had the same problem." So she did and she heard the same thing from X that she heard from me. The fucker won't do his job and no one above him seems to give a shit.
Therefore I will not give a shit. Why should I? I spoke at length to the Master Batcher about this incident. He said that he had the same problem with this fucktard so it's been going on for YEARS and the idiot still has a job and hasn't been demoted or thrown into a dead end project. WTF is up with that?
I felt a lot better after talking to the MB. I knew it wasn't ME that was holding up the project but I just didn't understand how BADLY the fucktard has fucked everyone by not doing his job. The Master Batcher put it into perspective for me. I thought it was just a week or so delay. Come to find out he's screwed everyone by MONTHS.
Are we going to take any bets that he keeps his job? He will. They are terrified to fire anyone around there unless they steal or fight. Other than that you can be a complete waste of space/flesh and they will just keep you on. Makes me ill.
Anyway - this past weekend I was a busy little bee! Made a bunch of stuff for Pennsic (coming up next weekend! WOOOOOO!), cleaned a bit, read some Harry Potter. It was very nice.
This weekend I think more of the same. The young 'un is coming over Saturday so I'll get the opportunity to try something "new". Heh, heh. We'll see how that goes. May have to toss a few shots of tequila back before hand, tho.
Mr. Wicked has been scarce lately. I think he realizes that I'm in a foul mood for one and for two I'm getting ready to leave on vaca so I won't pay much attention to him anyway. Altho he was hanging around the other night teasing me about "saving" his "rival". What ever! Said he wanted me to "make it up to him." As if! What the hell do you call about 70 damned chapters, bud? I think if anyone needs to be "made up" to, it should be YOU "making it up" to ME.
He can start by cleaning the bathrooms and doing the laundry. That would scrape the tip of the iceberg, I think, on his way to "making it up to me."
Humph! Of course, HIS position is that "have you not been graced with my presence for nearly 9 months?" HA! Tortured is more like it. Ah, well.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:55 PM
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