Yay! A day off work! Sweet! Today I went home and set up my tent in the backyard so I could waterproof it. It was so nice out. It took me a while to figure out how it went together because there wasn't a picture.
Dad, of course, wanted to help but he doesn't believe in reading directions - it's that testosterone thing - and I shooed him away so I could read them. I'm much more visual than verbal. Oh, well.
Once I figured out what was going on, I was ok. Not as hard to set up as I initially thought but not as easy as my old one. And it only has like 1/2 screen on the door. Sort of bogus. But it's nice and big and my table fits under the awning which is nice.
So I got it all set up and we go and get supper. Fried chicken and all that. After eating we took our watermelon out to the tent and cut it up (mom was saying she didn't want us making a mess in the house). We cut that melon up and scarfed it down. It was GOOD! Seedless. Pink and perfect inside. YUM! Dad dropped a chunk of it on the ground and I ended up stepping in it later and getting all grossed out (I thought it was poop!) He laughed at me. HUH!
The dog came out to cover the place with fur then he left. I guess it passed inspection. Here he is in the backyard.

Poor ugly little thing with his teeth sticking out in every direction! He gave his snot blow of approval on the tent so that's good. (Not like I'd return it if he didn't like it anyway! So there you mutt!)
It had just finished drying from the water proofing and I was getting ready to take it down when a damn bird pooped on it. Dad thought it was funny and started laughing at me. I'm like "where is that damned thing? I'm going to throw my axe at it!" But it was long gone (probably couldn't have hit it anyway since I didn't have my glasses on! Oooops!)
Now I'm all sweaty and worn out from goofing off all day. But it was nice. My bro came over but didn't stay long. They are going to the fireworks. I can see them from here (not the same ones, tho) so I'm not going out anywhere. Just gonna try and get some sleep. I have pilates class at 545am. Ugh! Good thing it's light out at that hour or I'd never get up.
Dumbass fell over a box of camping supplies last night and tore the hell outta my landing ankle. Right where the top of my boot hits, too. Hurts like a mo' fo' it does! Big lump and a bruise. Nice. Dunno how long I'm going to be able to skate on it and I have a lesson on Thursday. Yeah. We'll see how THAT goes.
Not much else going on. Trying to sell a poster on ebay. Doing a bit of sewing and embroidery. Listening to someone whisper naughty things to me as I embroider. He wants some PWP but I don't know if I can deal with this quite yet. It would be odd to say the least. Know him too well now I fear. Or maybe something else . . . ? Hmmmmm. I dunno. Probably gotten too attached to the horny bastard. Ugh! That would figure, wouldn't it? Ruin the whole damned set up. Hell's bells.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:00 PM
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