Today has been just one of those days I guess. Not really bad just busy and I don't feel like I accomplished a damn thing.
First - I get up early to go to practice only to discover that my fucking camel spin has once again deserted me. What is up with that? *mad face* Then something weird happened and my left hip was feeling like it was out of place or something. It was weird. Like something had shifted inside. It was kinda gross. It didn't hurt really but it would if I did certain things - like a layback. Ow! No more of that.
My Axel is actually becoming more mentally understanding. Meaning I am understand it better in my head - you have to pull with your left shoulder instead of pushing with your right. That doesn't make a bit of sense, I know, but it does on the ice. It makes you rotate correctly - put your weight where it should be instead of the middle of your body. So that is good.
Then I come into work, right? I'm supposed to make. But Bob still hasn't figured out what, exactly, he wants. Which turns out to be a good thing because the power went out over the weekend screwing up all of our equipment and blowing fuses all over the place. The electricians can't seem to get it back on line. Even today it was still down. Bob doesn't get his stuff and I'm not out anything except the minor annoyance of getting everything ready only to find out I can't run. Oh, well.
Today I was supposed to move and someone absconded with my cart. WTF is up with that? Just took it right out from under me - it was by my door and someone snagged it. So I've had to move most everything by hand which sucks. Been on the feet all day and just now getting a chance to rest and catch up with some stuff.
Meanwhile the usual hysteria/world is going to end madness is going on around me. The hell with them. These dumb shits keep screaming that they need this formula and it's been issued since like MARCH. But I guess they're too busy screaming at me to notice. Whatever. And these managers who won't approve reports so we can start projects. You all are the brilliant minds who schedule this crap, not me. The least you could do is be around to approve it when it's due. Geez!
Today we were supposed to have some sort of meeting about "our vision for the future". I'm like "well, their ain't gonna BE no future if you don't stop with the stupid meetings so I can get this crap done, dig?" They always want us to go to the damned things and they never make any difference to me.
Oh, yeah, they're interesting and all that but does it get product out the door? No. MY job is to get product out the door which ultimately pays the bills. While you're talking about it, I'm doing it.
Now I've gotten a bit settled but I'm tired as anything. It's been a long busy day for me and the rest of the week looks the same.
Oh, I almost forgot! Check out this beautiful persian rug I got on ebay. I was bidding on another one and some bastard came in at less than one minute left and outbid me! ARRRRHHHHH! That just frosted my cookies! Luckily, there was another one similiar in size, color and price that I liked as well. So I ended up with this one. Now what the hell I'm gonna DO with it I dunno. But it's beautiful and I'm sure I could find somewhere to put it. Behold! (I wonder if it flies? Hmmmm)

Isn't it BEUUUUtiful? Oh, I think so! Wool with a cotton back.
Someone really really needs to boot me off of the bay because I'm going crazy. So many things I can't live without! Could probably even find a YURT on there! Wow!
Ebay is BAD! No more ebay! No! Of course, up until this point I was buying things I actually NEEDED - like luggage and a tent. But now I've just gone berserk and I need to stop it. Yes, stop!
I think maybe there's one more thing I can't live without. A nice camelback steamer trunk. Mmmmm. I love those things anyway and can always use them for fabric storage (you know I've already got TWO trunks full of fabric and they are overflowing). Or maybe even a flat one to use as a table or something. Why not? Ah! Stop! Bad!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:11 PM
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