~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

~ Short Update ~

Well, I went to the doctor today. He says it's not skin cancer which is good. None of the odd looking "freckles" even look suspicious so I'm glad for that. I called home to let dad know and mom was there. Dad took The Creature to the post office. *laugh*

Mom and I talked for a while and she said that the dog was so worn out after his "beating" yesterday that he didn't even get upset at all the fireworks going on. She said he just crawled into his bed and passed out. I had to laugh at that.

Poor old geezer. Hey, it was HIS idea! He's the one who started growling and barking at me and trying to get me to chase him all over the house. So I did. And I threw him on the couch a few times and hit him with a pillow and chased him until he got tired of it and hid behind mom.

But I guess that was enough to wear him out for the rest of the night. She was glad. Told me I have to come over when it's supposed to storm to wear him out so he goes to sleep and doesn't whine. He hates thunder. Scared of it.

This morning I got a big surprise. Of course, my lazy ass couldn't quite make it out of bed to go to pilates this morning. So I went after work. Oh, well.

Anyway - I get up this morning and I'm reading my mail and this chair I'm sitting on (which is older than DIRT) suddenly decides it wants to collapse under me. I go sprawling to the floor with my bathrobe flying - WTF?? Now THAT'S a wakeup call! LOL!

Stupid thing had been acting all creaky - the wooden dowels have come out of one side holding the bottom to the back - and I guess I must've tried to scoot it forward and accidently pulled the dowels the rest of the way out and it just threw me right out onto the floor.

It was easy enough to put back together thankfully. I mean, it's like 60 years old or something. No wonder it's creaky. I probably will be too, at that age. Hell, I'm creaky NOW and I'm nowhere near 60.

Why is it that some people are just attention whores? Yeah, I'm talking about certain individuals. Several I have in mind right now. Of course we all know Mr. Wicked is one of them. But there are others who aren't nearly as charming, sexy or entertaining.

In short, they have no reason to be attention whores and yet they are. Obnoxious ones. Like Paris Hilton for instance. WTF?

That's all I'm going to say about that for the moment. Attention whores and drama queens need to just get their butts tossed onto the floor by an old creaky chair. That should bring them down a peg or two.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:36 PM


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