Something I seem to have a very bad case of lately. Probably due to my busy weekend. Took dad to Lexington. That was rather pointless - except we got to talk a lot. But the reason we went down there was pointless.
I picked up my carpet on Friday. It doesn't fly and there was no djinn in it. That is so bogus! Well, what do you expect for less than $200 right? LOL! But it is very nice! It needs cleaned but not anymore so than anything else around here.
That was a bit disappointing. I was hoping at the very least it would fly. Certainly would save on gas money! LOL! Ah, well.
Steve returned from LA sans the Big O. Said he thought the dude would suffocate in his luggage. As if! I've seen that suitcase! It's bigger than my old office! Please! He just didn't want me to embarrass him by dragging Orally out of his suitcase at the baggage claim to lick him all over. I know how he is! Humph!
Looks like I'm gonna have to do my OWN Orally napping! *disgusted look* Well, I AM the evil minion for hire. So I'm pretty much used to doing the dirty work. Time to do my own I guess. Oh, well. (If only that carpet could fly!)
I haven't wanted to do much of anything lately but sleep. How annoying. I've taken iron pills, vitamin E and a B complex but it doesn't seem to help. I've even been eating a lot of veggies but that isn't working, either. WTF is wrong with me?
Oh, yeah, picked up the new Harry Potter book on Sunday. Started reading it. Couldn't wait to read it so I went to several sites to find out what happens. I'm not going to ruin it for anyone who wants to read it on their own.
Suffice it to say that I'm going to wait until AFTER the PMS is done before I read it. Otherwise I'd be bawling and screaming and cursing like a madwoman. So I'll wait until that is over - for the good of all mankind.
I need to start packing for Pennsic. Maybe this weekend. Still would like to get some garb made but with this case of draggin' azz it doesn't look like I'm going to get to it.
It's so bad I don't even wanna skate and I haven't been to the gym since Saturday. Oh, well. Hopefully I'll wake up soon. I've got a ton of stuff to do.
Mr. Wicked has thrown me a bone - finally! We'll see how this works. I've taken his advice and think I might be able to work with this. But I have to let it play out and see what happens.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:43 PM
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