Ah. So today the shit hits the fan. It took ME going to the boss's boss to get this idiot to do his job. Of course, the idiot's boss made all sorts of excuses for the idiot. The fact remains, tho, that what was needed to be done is done and now everyone knows who (again) is responsible for the fuck ups and the problem is somewhat resolved.
Today we were supposed to have the company picnic but I had to go in to the office to make sure the world wasn't going to end. Big responsibility that. If I failed we should know in about 2.5 hours.
Needless to say, I didn't make it to the picnic. Ah, well. It was just another rah-rah session where everyone pretty much ignores us.
Being a djinn is a thankless job, I tell you.
Last night the young 'un got stuck at the scareport so I drove down and picked him up. Of course, his luggage was God knows where. I tell ya, it's just been one high drama after another this week and I'm glad the weekend is here. Maybe I can get some well-deserved rest.
I'm sitting here watching TV and Springer comes on, right? They're running an ad for Springer uncut on Pay per View. WTF is up with THAT? LOL! I tell you, the state of the world today makes me shake my head in wonder.
I think I'm going to do some more sewing today. I've got some things needing done.
And Mr. Wicked has been whispering seductively in my ear lately. He has an idea. A good one, I think but still. He probably just doesn't want me to leave on the vaca but that's just too bad. I'm going. I deserve it. So there. Deal with it, cupcake!
It was a beautiful day today but for some reason I'm a bit warm. My feet, however, are freezing. WTF is up with that? Crazy!
So that's about it. Glad the hysteria is over (for the time being) and if the world ends as predicted in now about 2 hours it won't matter anyway, now will it? Maybe I should make Mr. Wicked happy and write his sordid little tale.
Nah. I think I'll eat an ice cream instead! hehehehe!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:12 PM
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