It's just not worth chewing thru the leather straps, you know?
Today would be one of those. Infernal server at work is down so I can't get my email. Not like anyone bothered to put a recorded message on the help line, either. I mean, people, it's AFTER 8AM!!!! The damned thing has been down since I got in at 7:30 and no one has reported it? You can't TELL that it's DOWN??? Hello?
Geez! So today I think I have the pilot plant so I don't wash my hair. Guess what? I don't. I don't have it this week or NEXT. WTF?? I must be losing my touch in my dotage. I certainly hope I can remember HOW to make once I get the opportunity 'cause I've got a lot of things to do!
The good news is my new raw material came in and it looks like it's going to be a pure 1:1 substitution. Ahhhhh! (Now, I'm not going to tell the fucktard who can't answer his email this. I'll let his boss do that. So there! Let him sweat it out a little more, the idiot!) That means less work for me, too. All I have to do is write up the substitution. One major catastrophe averted (for the time being, anyway!)
I'm sitting here seriously considering taking a 1/2 day today. Why not? I was busy all weekend and didn't get to just sit around on my buttocks not doing anything. Well, let's face it, even if I take 1/2 day I probably STILL won't. But at least I'll be able to take some of mom's stuff to the Goodwill and get the car cleaned out and take a well-deserved nap. Yes, the more I think about this the more I realize I should do it. For my own sanity. And the continued safety of everyone around me. Yessssss. (Heavily medicated for YOUR protection!)
I'm trying not to think of all the "OMG I'm gonna DIE if you don't" issues that I have got to take care of. What's one more day going to do? Nothing one way or the other.
Yesterday I went home, helped mom clean the basement, gave the creature a bath, went to see the new Star Wars with my bro and took dad to the drugstore so he could get some candy.
The Creature is such a good boy when he gets a bath. He just stands there in the utility sink all patient while I wash him. Then he lets me use the blowdryer on him. Of course, after THAT, he wants to tear thru the house like a madthing - running around, barking, growling like he's crazy and you're supposed to chase him. Then give him treats. But that's ok. He's so cute! He looks about 10lbs lighter after a bath because all of his loose fur and dirt is gone.
Of course, I had to borrow a shirt from mom because I was so wet and full of fur that I didn't want to go to the movies like that. Ick!
The movie was ok. Too many plot holes, stupid hokey dialogue and a complete lack of empathy for any of the characters (except Jimmy Smits and Yoda) for me to really give a damn one way or the other about them. Spoiler alert!
I mean, how did Anakin go from wanting to simply protect Padme to wanting to rule the universe????? I must've missed his "evil overlord 101" training. I dunno. That's a helluva leap to take in about 15 minutes with no prior inkling.
End spoiler. Anyway - it was ok. Not bad not great. OK. Could have been so much better, IMO. Tighter - better dialogue. But hey - I'm not making a bjillion dollars off of this franchise, now, am I? uh-huh.
Of course, we giggled thru it and said lines from "ghostbusters" during it (which is a TRUE classic, IMO) and I shouted "kill the bastard" at one point and everyone looked at me. Oh, well. The motivation to kill him should have outweighed (logically and emotionally) any other consideration. But I'm an old girl so what do I know.
So I still can't get my email here. And Mr. Wicked is skulking about gloating over my lack of "ahem". That's part of the reason I want to take off as well. I feel he's ready to spill his guts (finally).
Sure, I could make him wait, but why prolong my own agony? hehehehe! I guess I could ask him NOW but I just HATE for him to come to work with me because he always wants to talk about sex. AT WORK! And that's just too weird. And he won't shut up because he thinks it's funny to watch me squirm and bug my eyes out at him trying to get him to shut up. Nah. I think I'll just wait. Don't need the added stress of his nonsense going on.
I can see the headline now "worker goes postal - driven to brink by perverted muse". Yeah. THAT would end me up on Springer for sure! Eeep!
The weather is supposed to be nice today so I can plant the rest of my flowers. I have an idea for one of the old wooden containers I have but I'll have to figure out what to do with the dirt first! LOL!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:10 AM
Yes, it is a Very Good Thing! Wool, linen, silk - yummy! Sometimes I just take my fabric out to pet it and admire it. And, let's face it, I could be spending my money on cheap booze and even cheaper women but I don't. No! Fabric does it for me! My addiction of choice! Mmmmm! Well, that and skating. And lipstick (that I don't wear!)
Today I go to crown tourney and the Merlion's Tail is there ( for those who are interested). Mmmmmm! See me drool! See me spend about $65 on linen, silk and wool! What I'm going to make outta this I dunno yet. But I'll think of something. Probably a chemise, a tunic or two and maybe a dress from the wool. I have some more of that very weight wool in grey, too. Mmmmm. Must pull out fabric and look at it. It will help soothe me.
Yes, so One I Do Not Like is back on the docket. Fortunately, he will be winter king so I can avoid it. Don't like it. Don't respect it. Knows too many bad things about it. Blah!
It was nice to see everyone. Since it's close most of the people I know were there. Except D and Mike. They didn't make it (for whatever reason). I didn't really wanna go since it was so nice out and I wanted to plant my flowers. But I'm glad I did go.
Got to gossip and catch up with a few people. Got to see lots of nice garb that I wants! Must make it! Must get off my lazy ass, tell Mr. Wicked to "zip it" and sew.
So many nice things to make! And I have the POWAH! I have the POWAH to make such drool-worthy garb! Yes! It will be MINE! MINE I say! *insert manical evil laugh here*
I know as soon as I pull out all my sewing stuff he's going to start in again. I can see him, watching me, waiting for me to do something to take my attention from him. I see you, bud, and I know what you're about. See, he won't give me what I want now but God forbid that I should take my attention away from him to do something ELSE. (Personally, I think he's just drawing this out as long as possible.) THEN the crap would hit the fan. *sigh* But we can deal with this. Yes, we can.
His smug ass has been gloating all evening over the fact that I didn't get any. He was sore afraid that I'd bring someone home (altho I know he'd not admit it but I can tell). When I came home alone he was waiting. Full out on the couch just lying here, waiting wanting to see if anyone came home with me.
Well, no one did and I've had to deal with The Hateful Ones smug ass looks. Whatever. So I planted my flowers and ignored him. We're at an impasse now. He's still lying on the couch with his smug grin (that I wanna slap off), refusing to talk to me.
That's about as good of a reason as any to pull out the sewing stuff, huh? I think I've threatened long enough. It's time to spring into sewing action!
It's been so long since I've sewn anything I wonder if I can still do it. Yeah, I can. I've got all my patterns already and that was the hardest part.
The scissors are sharp, the sewing machine is clean, the bobbins are threaded! Let the sewing begin! Hell, I may even start embroidering again! I rather miss that. Mr. Wicked has taken up a lot of my time. Time I could have spent drinking and whoring was devoted to him! GAH! And this is how he repays me! Lying on my couch full out tormenting me! Ooooo!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:00 PM
Yay! Finally! And it's a holiday weekend. I'm so glad.
This morning when I came in I had an email from a freaking douchebag moron who can't bother to read his email when someone needs his help but can sure as hell raise a stink when he thinks someone has gone over his head.
Back about May 5th I get this email from one of our buyers begging for help on this problem. Seems a supplier can't supply X but they can Y and they need to know if this is ok.
So the buyer is desperately trying to get ahold of someone who can give her an answer. Lo, she ends up with me. I'm the first person to even ANSWER the poor thing because the douchebag (who is RESPONSIBLE for this project) doesn't think it's "important" enough. WTF?
After about two weeks of exchanging emails with various individuals higher up on the food chain (and copying the douchebag who SHOULD be responsible for it but who still won't respond to any email) we decide what we will do.
To this morning I come in and there is this hysterical note from the douchebag saying "well, we can't do this! This is going to cause me work!" Which is why the stupid fucker probably didn't answer the original mail. I was so pissed. I wanted to write back and say "look, you stupid fucker. If you have even bothered to read your email from three weeks ago you would have seen this was a problem then. Now you want to raise hell when the problem is nearly solved? Bite it, douchebag!"
But I didn't have to. HIS BOSS wrote him back instead and told him that HE (the boss) and I were handling it and to STFU basically. I laughed my ass off. Fucktard. I dunno what he's bitching about anyway -
I'm the one who has to do all the work! Idiot!
Then people start leaving at noon and that is not a good thing. I can feel shit stirring, getting ready to hit the fan at about 3:30pm. So at 3:15 I leave. GONE. SEE YA! I actually stopped answering the phone after 2:30pm because I KNEW some crisis du jour would spring up and the world would certainly end if I didn't drop everything to save it. (Note - if the world DOES end - I take full responsibility for it since I didn't answer the batphone. Oh, well!)
Came home and took a nap. So nice! Sleep is good.
Mom called me and said my bro would wait until Monday to see the new Star Wars movie with me (he was going to go alone today but I said I'd go with him so he'll wait until I come up).
The weekend is still up in the air other than Monday. Not sure what's going on tomorrow or Sunday. I mean I'll go to crown tourney but I don't know how long I'll stay or anything. Ah, well. Maybe I'll get some cleaning or something done! I'm not going to hold my breath on that, tho.
Now as far as Mr. Wicked goes - well, he's grown silent and it's annoying the piss outta me. I asked him what the deal was and he said that I've gotten too attached to him. Whatever. *eye roll* He says that I don't see his motives clearly anymore because I feel sorry for him and it's pissing him off. Well SOR-RY!
OK. I admit it. I do feel sorry for him. I can't help it. I know what's coming for him and it's not good. Yeah, he's a hateful old thing and I want to smack the piss outta him sometimes but I don't want to see him hurt. Isn't that terrible? Pathetic?
Well, HE finds it annoying and won't talk to me until I stop it. How can I? It's getting hard to stay objective when I know what's in store for him. It's not like he doesn't care but he doesn't want ME to care I think. I dunno. So I'll just have to suck it up and be mean to him and hope he starts talking again.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:57 PM
Today I finally wrote a couple of reports. But it's always one step up and two steps back. Others are hysterical about something else that, well, quite honestly isn't a big deal. That's usually how it works, tho.
I recall the master batchers words of wisdom "never frighten the herd". Yes, well. I was stupid and I
allowed them to be frightened. I could have prevented this hysteria but I figured "what the hell?" Let's make sure it still works. And it does. Does it ever!
Methinks I'll let terror reign over them until about next week then I'll tell them what they want to hear (and PROVE it) and everything will be right with the world. Why not?
It's just the same old crap. Had to make up a list of acronyms for the boss 'cause he's having trouble coping with my weekly reports. They are littered with "WTF" and "STFU" and the like and he can't remember what it means. So he has a little "cheat sheet" now that he can refer to when in doubt.
Got a note from the dude who doesn't know if he wants to have sex or just bask in my glorious intellect. Riiiiight. He's like "well, I don't understand what 'you can have it if you want it' means." WTF?? So I spelled it out for him.
"Are you going to give me the peter or what?" That's plain enough isn't it? Must've been because the light finally went on in his head. His reply?
I owe ya a spankin...I blew diet coke all over my monitor! sides hurt..."
You say something vapid like that then I'm going to be brutally honest with you. I warned ya but you didn't listen. So now you need a new monitor. Who's fault is that? Your own. Yeah. (He still didn't answer the question, either. Hmmmmm.)
Found this blog that is just heart-wrenching. It's just beautiful. So human and so fragile. Be WARNED! You will cry! And giggle and feel so very human and vulnerable but you won't be able to stop reading.
Ah, so, anyway. Tomorrow is Friday. Yay! I can feel a "focus issue" day brewing. hehehehe! And I still need to work on my website and clean this place and all that. Oh, well. I probably won't do anything but try to pry the rest of that story out of His Haughtiness.
Speaking of him, I had a dream about him the other night. He was just as horrid as he is when I'm awake but . . . well, he was able to carry out his threats. Heh. No, you'll just have to read about it later. In HIS story. It's all about him. It always is.
Oh, before I forget my security blanket/master batcher told me that he had four beers in my honor the other day. I'm like "WTF??? ONLY FOUR??? Slacker!" He laughed and said "well, I would have had more but I had to be in here at 6am." UGH! Say no more! Besides, you can make up this weekend. If I'm not mistaken you're still about a bottle of wine and one bicycle short!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:49 PM
I've managed to lose a day somehow. So what's new with that?
This morning I get into the shower and there is this monster millipede in there with me! SHITE! Where the hell did that damned thing come from? I just cleaned the bathroom on Monday and poured bleach down the shower drain!
Fortunately I'm not afraid of bugs. But I did let out a squeal because it ran over my foot and startled me. EW! I did a Russian split jump landing on the edges of the tub (don't try this at home, kids, I'm a trained professional) as the horrid thing tried to escape. I grabbed a bunch of TP and smashed him. NASTY old thing! ICK!
Today at work some douchebag left the innards to a very important piece of equipment out then put the thing back together so no one KNEW it's guts were missing. Damned thing still ran but it didn't DO anything. Talk about people getting on the warpath! Why someone did this I dunno. Some speculate it happened during cleanout and was just never put back together. Hey, I wasn't there, remember? I was in the BACK cleaning. So there!
At lunch I was supposed to meet this dude from Saturday who wants to interview for my "job opening" as manwhore. Well, he's failing miserably and I'm about to just say to hell with it. I told him, "look dude, if you want it, come and get it. But don't think for one minute I'm going to chase you." Now either he's just as dumb sober as he is drunk or he's not interested and doesn't have the cajones to tell me. Geez, bud. Gimme a break! Don't waste my time or yours. If you don't want it then just say so! DUH!
Monday I went skating. Damned axel is gone again. Pisses me off. But the layback seems to be getting better. I feel more comfortable with it, anyway.
I can't believe this weekend is going to be Memorial Day. And it's still friggin' cold as hell here. OK. Maybe not as hell but it's no 80 degrees like it SHOULD be. Dammit! I wants sun! I wants heat! I wants the Big O naked in my bed! (Hey, if I'm gonnna ask - I'm gonna ask BIG!)
Today I get this nasty gram from one of the secretaries saying "update your work history and promotions". I'm like "it's the same as it HAS been since I started here." WTF???
Riddle me this, batman. The story I am currently working on has over 3000 views which is cool. But there are only the same hardcore few who comment. Why is that? I'd be interested to know what people think.
Do they like it? Hate it? Is it the same people who keep reading it over and over again? Are they just re-reading a favorite part? If so, what was it and why? Just - well, curious to know what people think. If they don't like it then why? What would they do differently?
I do have to say, tho, that some of the comments really make me all fuzzy inside. When they say that they can relate to something or that got choked up at something - that really makes me feel good. Like it's hitting the mark. Of course, I can't take complete credit for it - just my fingers on the keys. It's not my saga. It's his and as much as I hate to admit it I've gotta.
I'm taking a bit of a break this week and probably won't have anything until next week or this weekend. The Scowling One knows the ending is coming and he knows what will happen but he doesn't want it to so he's just stopped talking. You can't stop the speeding train, hon. (Well he says he doesn't know what a train is. *sigh*)
Tomorrow is my skating lesson. Then FRIDAY!!! Yay! Crown Tourney is this weekend and I think I'll go. Maybe even talk to the dude who refuses to give me any. HA!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:37 PM
And it could be worse. Had a pretty busy weekend - stayed in town and got some things done that I needed to do. Also finally got a handle on the laundry.
Right now I'm listening to MUsher's (as Minty calls him)CD "Confessions". I'm surprised how good it is. I like it, anyway. Also picked up the new Garbage CD. Hmmmmm, Garbage! Sweet!
Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet - it's in the CD player next. I had to wait until I got home to put it in. If this Garbage CD has the same effect on me that Version 2.0 did I will need to be away from anything male while it's on. hehehe! Tends to get the old hormones in a frenzy and that could be a Bad Thing at work.
So today Lili tells me that her buds were on the BBC on Saturday talking about her and their music and then she played me the clip! Ooooo! I'm gonna claw her eyes out! And then sell her secrets to the Daily Mail. Or something like that. LOL! (She doesn't really HAVE any but I'm going to make them up just the same! hehehe!)
I hid out today in the pilot plant making stuff for packaging. It was nice and quiet and I could be alone. I've still got a shit load of reports to write and formulas but I just can't seem to get motor-vated to do it. UGH! I need to put on some Mozart - that usually does the trick.
Saturday I went to a singles party. It was pretty fun. We had a good crowd. Which leads me to ask the question - why are guys over 30 so freaking OLD??? Geez, they act like they're about 90 or something. I just don't understand it. I don't expect them to act like a 12 year old but I don't want them to act like a parent, either. Ugh. That's just too weird for me.
Sunday I went home to beat the creature. Oh, he was happy to see me. Ran screaming thru the house until mom yelled at him to "shut up!" because he was so loud. But he didn't listen. He never does. Especially when I'm chasing him, it makes him bark and scream that much louder.
I don't know what you'd call what he does other than scream. It's not a bark and it's not a growl - it's this high pitched scream or yap that he does when he hasn't seen me in a while. Or just when he's glad to see me.
I stayed there a while and ended up taking a nap but ugly wouldn't lay down with me. Dad was out in the yard and that dog had to see what was going on. He's such a busybody (the dog).
Last night Mr. Wicked decided to descend from Mount Pout or where ever he's been hiding. Starting breathing down my neck tickling me. Then snuggled up right next to me when I went to bed. He is apparently happy about his story.
I'm sort of wondering if his readers are as pleased as he is. We've only gotten two reviews and I'm concerned that his other readers don't like the way things are going. But I dunno. I guess if they're disgusted with it, they'd tell me, wouldn't they? One would hope!
Personally, I think we're just getting to the good part. Confession time! Oh, and it will be fun! Yes! Lots of angst and hysteria. We likes it like that! And he has a fixation for the dramatic anyway.
Today I'm tired as hell and my back hurts. So what do I do? Go skate. Why not? Damned thing was hurting anyway - might as well give it a good reason! Now I'll need to scrounge up some tylenol or something before I go to bed. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep better tonight. Last night my back hurt and my knee was stiff so I couldn't get comfortable. Ugh! I hate this freaking age thing! It sucks!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:23 PM
OK, so today is cleanout day, right? We're all supposed to go out into the pilot area and clean it up. Then one of the managers takes us to lunch as a 'reward' for our hard work. Because it IS hard and dirty work.
So I'm out there busting my ass and my boss (who SHOULD be out there helping us) has decided that HE doesn't want to help because he doesn't want to "get dirty" and "he's tired". Whatever.
Lunch comes and everyone leaves not even bothering to tell me they are leaving. But guess what - they go find the lazy fucker and take HIM when he hasn't done a fucking thing! Oh, I just wanna bitch slap him! Fucking pisses me off. So I sent out a nasty gram and I'm on strike for the rest of the day. I'm not doing a damned thing - much like him.
I'm PMSing which doesn't help-it's just making me that much madder. I just want to go home but I don't want to take any time off so I'm going to hide out here until about 3pm then waltz into the office and leave. Fuck them. I'm tired of fucking busting my ass and not getting anything for it.
The only upside to this is I have a few dudes from the site who are wanting to meet and the dude from last weekend wants to meet for lunch since he works near me. This we can do. Believe me, I'm going to need a way to let off some frustration. Of course, I took my fucking skates in last night after practice so I can't vent my frustration THAT way. Dammit!
But at least I got my Axel back. Thinking about it and actually trying it on the floor really helped. I just wasn't jumping. Not bending my knee and lifting. It was really flat last week but this week the spring was there. So it's lost but not so bad lost that I can't find it again. Which is good.
My lutz is still rather ugly, tho. I think I make it too hard. Oh, well.
I'm beginning to get the urge to sew again. That is good. But I still have to finish Mr. Wicked's saga. He's still pouting for whatever reason but he's at least started to help me out a little. I guess he doesn't want me to screw his story up too badly. Well, pouting isn't going to get you anywhere, nut! You've got to work with me here or you're going to end up looking "bad" and we know you can't have that.
Now he's debating on whether or not he should do something now or wait until later. I say it doesn't matter but it does to him. He thinks the climax of the story won't be as believeable if this thing happens now. He thinks it should happen later. I don't think it matters because the nymph doesn't fully understand the situation yet anyway. So whether this happens now or later doesn't matter. But we'll see what happens. We've written it a couple of ways so once he makes up his mind we'll be good to go.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:19 PM
So much to say and so little time to say it! First things first - I finally got some this weekend. It's about freaking TIME, too! Been almost a year and I was getting pretty frisky. Of course, Mr. Wicked is pissed off as hell about it but that's just too bad. The frustration was getting too much for me and his disembodied ass just wasn't cutting it.
Anyway - come to find out that HE (The Wicked Creature) knew about Steve. How the fuck he knew I haven't a clue and I don't wanna know. That's why he's been sulking around pouting and the like. He's (worried? Concerned? Afraid?) that my Legolas muse will return. When Steve told me about him and his gf breaking up, a light went on and I was like "so THAT'S why he's been acting so freaking weird lately. How in the hell did HE know what was going on?" Too weird. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about that.
Next - geez, so much happened over the weekend that I just don't know where to start. How about Friday night? Yeah, good enough. So I get to the campsite and D and I camp with the pirates. They were having a private birthday party Friday night so we attended (we brought some grub to contribute to the pot).
Needless to say, the rum flowed freely and I became quite happy. But not too happy. Just right. By the end of the night, we ended up with a whole mess of dudes sitting with us and I was practicing my "Sweet D" routine. It actually worked! LOL! The music was good (we had a guitarist, fiddle player and two drummers) and we sang songs. It was a lot of fun!
Saturday morning I didn't want to get up - it was so nice and warm in my sleeping bag! But I finally did. It rained but it did't storm. I wrote a bit since The Sweet One wanted to talk. Then I dediced "to hell with this rain" and put on all my wool and went out. It kept me dry and warm - the water just beaded off of it. Ran into several people and went shopping with Steve. Bought a bunch of stuff I didn't need but could use - iron on designs that I can use for henna. Sweet! New wooden shoes! Yay!
Saturday night came and D and I ended up over at the Baronial encampment passing some tequila and champagne around. Damn! People just kept opening bottles and passing them around the circle. Fortunately, there were enough of us that the impact of so much booze was evenly distributed so as not to cause too devistating an effect.
We hung out there for quite a while until the fighters went to the torchlight tourney then we headed over to the hafla. The girls were dancing (the girls we were camped with). I danced a little - mostly to keep warm. And hugged my bottle of to-kill-ya when I wasn't passing it around.
We talked and danced and drank and socialized. As the hafla was winding down we were going to leave and we started talking to this one dude (who is an aquaintance of ours from before). So we're yapping and somehow (I don't remember how) the conversation turns to the weather being freaking cold as shit (it was about 42 or so). I start bitching that I need to find someone to keep me warm or I'll end up sleeping with D because I can't deal with the cold. PERIOD.
Then, being my bold self, I proposition this dude to sleep with me and he looks at me like I'm insane. "Are you kidding?" He says. "Uh, no, I'm not," I say and bite his chest so he knows I'm serious.
Well, obviously the guy was entirely DIM because he still couldn't believe that I would come out and ask him this (in front of several other people). Why the hell not? I'm freaking cold and I haven't had sex in almost a year! If all dudes are a dim as you I could end up going another YEAR! Geez!
I'm like "I know I ain't THAT ugly - are you THAT dim?" And he says "well, yeah. I can't believe you're serious." I look at D and say "Am I serious or not?" She confirms that I'm deadly serious and he's still like "no way".
"Dude, what part of 'do you want to sleep with me?' are you not understanding? Is that not plain enough for you? I don't know how to put it any plainer." Talk about a dimwit!
He FINALLY believes it when I shove him into my tent. Then he's all like "oooooo! Wow! This is great! Thank you!" WTF??? It's no wonder you're not getting any. Chick walks right up to you and says "do you wanna do it or not?" and you stand there like "duh".
How stupid are dudes, anyway? What part of that is obscure? *sigh* Orally - I certainly hope you're more perceptive when I finally proposition you. I don't want to have to explain to you what "do you wanna do it now or later?" means.
Holy smokes! So I come home and have to make on Monday. Today I had to finish putting my stuff up from my move on Friday (the office). It was crazy. The phone rang off the hook, people jammed in that office all trying to talk at once. People demanding shit from me that isn't my problem and a temp who needs work. Why me? *sigh*
And I wanted to go skating tonight but I couldn't remember where my skates were. Are they at work? In the car? hell, no. I left them laying in the living room under the tent! GAH!
Lost my mo'fo-ing axel which pisses me off to no end. And I have a lesson Thursday and Dori wants to be working on it. I'd best be getting it back. And soon!
I still need to write some more chapters but His High Arrogance is still skulking around pouting about - Steve, I think. Can't be sure. Could be Steve. Could be because I got some (and not from him). I dunno what his problem is but I'm getting tired of that "you stepped on me" look of the dogs that he's been giving me. *sigh*
I'll just start writing and make him look "bad". That usually straightens him right out. Oh, at that threat he's said "oh no you will not!" :-P Then you'd better spill it, bub!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:56 PM
But it's a sad day in the salt mines of Tarsus. I had to vacate my big beautiful spacey office and move in with the boss. UGH! Not that I mind "the boss". I just HATE his office! It's so dang small and full of junk (he's such a pack rat!).
For the last two days I've done nothing but clean and move crap out. Most of it was empty boxes WTF??? A box would have like one sample in it and be taking up a whole shelf. So I pitched the box and saved the sample. I also managed to re-arrange things so HE had more room. I swear. The guys are cringing when they walk by. (The boss is out of town and he knew I was moving in). I'm like "how can he complain? He's got twice as much room and I didn't throw anything away that wasn't trash!" (Trash being empty boxes, packing material, stuff that was 10 years old and WELL past it's expiration date.)
I let him keep most of his "junk" - and I consolidated the "common area" so that there is more room for his junk there, too. It's not so bad. Not like I pitched anyting important! Sheesh! If he weren't such a pack rat I wouldn't have even been forced to do THAT!
HA! Now he's called and is worried that his crap is gone. Dude - don't piss me off or I'll toss it all on a skid and send it to the WAREHOUSE. Out of sight, outta mind!
Ah, so, anyway! It's clean. And I've absconded with the CD player so we have music - GOOD music (read: disco) blaring in the hallway. Everyone is like "there goes the neighborhood". Dry up! LOL!
Mr. Wicked has been eerily quiet lately and I think I've finally realized why. His "rival" has returned in a manner of speaking. The Sweet One has been trying to get my attention but since he's so well, SWEET, he didn't want to just slap me upside the head to do it. He just waited until I was ready to listen.
Now it's his turn to speak and Mr. Wicked is not happy about it. He's become sullen and tossing that gorgeous head of his around but he can't make The Sweet One leave (and he knows there'd be hell to pay from ME). All he can do is scowl darkly as he tosses his head and preen until The Sweet One finishes speaking to me. And what he's telling me makes me cry.
UGH! Why did this have to be so - sad in the end??? I just HATE it. I don't want to write it. But with each passing day the Sweet One grows more insistent that I DO write what HE wants and I know I'm not going to be able to resist him for long. His sustained increasing pressure is so much harder to deal with than Mr. Wicked's demands and the like. Probably because it DOES sneak up on you. Hmmmm.
I'm thinking that if I get away for the weekend that maybe that will help me clear my head. This whole thing is making me very sad. So bogus! I mean I logically KNOW what has to happen but that doesn't mean I have to LIKE it, right? Kinda makes me wonder what THE readers will think.
The sad thing is, if it were ME in that situation, I would have probably done things much differently from the beginning. But, alas, that story is not about ME, it's about three individuals in a lust triangle. But I can't let certain things happen because then I would lose respect for the characters and we can't have THAT!
Of course, Mr. Wicked only wants HIS way - he doesn't give a crap about logic, continuity or anything else. The Sweet One, well, he wants to be a hero and the Lucky femme caught between them just wants her life back. What a tangled web we weave!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:19 AM
Someone needs to motor-vate me a little here. I've got these reports to write and samples to turn in and I should go to practice tonight and I just don't feel up to it. Well, the reports are boring and I'm just not wanting to start making a mess because then I'll have to clean it up. Ugh! Isn't that pathetic? I don't wanna have to clean up my mess! LOL!
Because if I do THAT then I might as well start packing to move my lab and I just don't wanna do that, either. The place I'm supposed to move into is a wreck which means that I have to clean that up before I can go anywhere. So it's best just to leave this whole situation stagnate until I HAVE to move. *sigh*
And I feel so useless for not going to practice yesterday. But I DID get the mail and drop all those things off at the Goodwill so I did something productive at least! Yay for that bit of motor-vation!
I think I'll go to practice tonight and just kinda goof off. That sounds good. I've got a sinus headache which is really the only BAD thing about the weather changing. Fortunately I have sinus DRUGS! I will take them before practice so I don't get snot everywhere. That'd be kinda considerate, huh?
Ugh! So I look in my desk and I have no drugs. Dammit, Jim! I must've moved them to my new office or took them home. UGH! Need drugs! Must find sinus meds! Stat!
This morning, Mr. Wicked decided he wanted to set up camp in the bedroom for some odd reason. I told him that I don't write back there and if he wants me to continue his little saga, he'd best get his firm ass up front.
He just laid there on the bed all stretched out and smug-like and said, "I know, but you THINK here."
Cue my heavy sigh. Why does he insist on getting in between my ears? Look, you've got the fingers, isn't that enough? Jeez! There's nothing in there that would interest you anyway - just a bunch of HTML code that you can't understand interspersed with vast wastelands of nothingness. How exciting do you think THAT is? Right. And just because there's empty space in there doesn't mean YOU need to invade it. I know nature abhors a vacuum but the answer is still NO!
But I think I might have to give into him. He's right. I DO most of my thinking in my bedroom staring up at the ceiling. I have a feeling he's been wanting to tell me something but I've been too busy to pay attention (except at the crack of dawn when he WAS waking me up to write). Now that I've gotten down the big chunks he wants to agonize over the details. I should probably let him, huh?
Oh, I got a new picture of the BABY! He's so cute! Snow in his little flat face with his tongue sticking out! I'll have to post it! Such a precious baby!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:28 PM
Yay for moms everywhere! Happy mother's day!
Send my ma flowers and a big mushy card. I would've given the creature a bath but I fell asleep instead. Oh, well. I don't think she minded. Hey, I was quiet!
The weather is beautiful today! Yesterday I did a bit of cleanout and need to drop the stuff off at the Goodwill that I'm getting rid of. I'll probably do that tomorrow after practice since it's on the way home from the rink.
Mom taped the Big O on A&E the other night. They did a thing called "reel history" about historical movies and did a thing on Kingdom of Heaven.
I read Jonathan Riley-Smiths take on the movie and he says it's historically inaccurate so it looks like I'll be waiting until it hits the dollar theater.
Sorry, Orally, baby, but there is very little that overrides my love for MY TIME period. Now if you'd have had a nice long NUDE scene . . . well, I think I would've gotten my ass to the theater on THURSDAY! LOL!
Do not butcher MY TIME and think I can so easily forgive you for it. You must make it up to me by appearing shirtless at least one MINUTE for every infraction. And I WILL be counting. heh! Of course, you can always just bypass that all together and just appear at my door one day. Then I wouldn't care WHAT you did/said/acted in. Just an FYI.
So this moron has decided that he has to sit out in the parking lot and rev his engine because he can't figure out that his fucking carbeurator is stuck. YES, it's a carb and not fuel injection. Idiot. I should go down there and smack the piss outta him.
Poor thing needs some LEADED fuel, douchebag! God!
OK - the website is almost done but alas, I can't manage to get ahold of the hosting company. One I signed up it was like the place disappeared and I can't seem to contact anyone. WTF is up with THAT? Well, it was free so they don't have any $$ or personal info on me. So there! :-P
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:39 PM
Time has crept up on me. What happened? I blame the weather. See - had it been nice here like it was in France I never would have started to drag. But, no. That would have been too easy. It had to be cold here when I came home. So bogus.
So now I'm thinking it's early APRIL instead of MAY and "forget" that the Kentucky Derby is this SATURDAY as in TOMORROW and Baron Wars is next weekend. WTF?? How does one FORGET the Derby and the pie that comes with it? I must be insane! Derby Pie is the most wonderful glob of chocolate, crust and pecans that could evah be! Ooooo - I just can't WAIT to find some! Kerns Kitchen in Louisville is the only place that makes it. Must haves it! Must go south of the border to gets it! YUM! Almost like Orlando on a plate! So wonderful!
I haven't even dug the tent out to do repairs or anything to it, either, and next weekend it's going up! What the hell am I doing? Am I making garb repairs? Tent repairs? Digging out my camping gear? Hell no! I'm swilling tequila and sleeping! If I'm not doing that I'm listening to Mr. Wicked pout and scowl and only give me bits and pieces of his story. Good Lord, I've got issues! LOL!
Sunday is Mother's Day, too. Did I remember THAT? Hell no. I'm still thinking it's early April, remember? Fortunately for those of us who are calendarally challenged there is the town florist who takes plastic. Besides, mom loves roses. I'll have to go up there and take her out to dinner, too.
Ah, well. Tonight I have skating practice. Can't remember if I have a lesson or not. Doesn't matter. I'll probably be panting like I've run a marathon after 10 minutes of warmup. No matter what other exercise you do, it can never come close to the exertion that skating is - you just don't use the same muscles that you do in skating.
I've gotten the "official word" that my ass is getting tossed out of my nice big office/lab and crammed into a closet. Pisses me off, it does so I've made my displeasure known. My office/lab mates are pretty torqued about it, too. For some reason they think I'm the only "normal" person here. Now THAT, my friends, is a scary thought!!
Tomorrow I'll go start the mail up again. Then go to dance class. After that who knows? It's supposed to be nice here so I might do some cleaning. Wait, who am I kidding? I'll toss in a load of laundry, surf and sleep.
IF Mr. Wicked lets me. He's been waking me up early before work since I got home to write for him but he still won't tell me how this ends. Nor will he give me any of his usual "hawt" sex. Kinda makes me wonder what's gotten into him.
(Personally, I think he's mad that I ran off and left him again on such a short notice and didn't bring anything back he was even remotely interested in.) He'll get over it. He always does. But he has to "punish" me for being "naughty" or "ignoring" him. Whatever. Just spank me and get it over with already! LOL! Shhh! Don't wanna give him any ideas. He'd probably try it!
Yeah, he'll wait until I chill a bit before he speaks. That's probably why he's been waking me up - my overloaded brain will actually pay attention to him since I'm still partly comatose. It's the only time he has my undivided attention. It'll get better. I hope. Otherwise I'll just keep getting pulled out of bed at 5am to write for him. Ugh!
I DID want to go see the Big O's new movie that opens today but I don't think His Haughtiness will tolerate it. He doesn't seem to be in the mood to put up with my drooling over someone else at the moment. (Not like I EVER drooled over HIM. It's the thought of me writing for someone ELSE that gets his panties in a bunch. He doesn't care if my affections lie elsewhere but, by Eru, my fingers are HIS!)
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:42 AM
So I'm supposed to be writing reports but am I? Well, hell no. I'm having focus issues again today. Probably a bit of jet lag coupled with the general bummedness (is that a word) that it's still about 80 degrees and sunny in Paris while it's freaking 50 HERE! WTF???? Who ordered this bullshit? I wanna refund! It's supposed to be WARM here, people. Not freezing cold! Bunch of crap!
Next weekend is Baron Wars up in Toledo. I'm going to freeze my freaking AZZ off. But will I stay home? No way! My buds, brew and camping? I'm so there! I don't care how cold it is - well, ok. Maybe antarctic like conditions would change my mind . . . hey, at least now I have an excuse to go in search of a "heat source". Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Heh, there should be a few "innocent young male playthings" running around oblivious to the fate of the cold feet! I'll find one, I will! Mr. Wicked be damned! His disembodied hide doesn't keep me warm at night in the middle of the BFE!
I've started thinking about the website again. I'm still drawing it all out. Oddly, I have to see it as a picture in order to get the links to work. Now I just have to find a place that can hold all of the pix. I have a feeling there will be a lot of them.
Now somehow I've managed to lose my bills. I think they are in one of my co-workers files. Don't ask. I'll have to go hunt them up.
Not much else going on here. Was going to stop and see the 'rents tonight after work to give my baby love and drop off their souviners. I'm supposed to move my office next week. So totally bogus! But all the guys will be gone so I'll be able to have some peace and quiet.
BTW - Bean took my breach of silence a lot better than I thought she would. She was on the BBC again last night and is also getting airplay in Lithuania. I swear, I'm going to sell all my sordid secrets of her to The Sun or the Daily Mail. Just because I can! LOL!
I can't help it! I think it's so cool that she's on the BBC! I told her I blew myself in as well and coughed up the links to my stuff. I mean, come on, girl! Writing music and getting airplay is a hella more respectible than writing erotica! Sheesh! At least you don't have people looking at you "that way" (like they know what you look like nekkid!) LOL!
Anyway - I have a very odd feeling that she and I might end up in London some day soon getting into trouble. That would be very nice indeed! Now, if only we could add the Big O and a bicycle to that equation . . . nah. That'd surely be a sign of the apocalypse!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:32 PM
OK - where to begin. At the beginning I think would probably be a good start.
On Monday afternoon I arrived in France just in time to make my 2:30pm meeting. I no sooner got to the hotel, checked in, got to my room then I was on the phone calling in.
We met for about an hour discussing how I bring order from chaos. Everyone was suitably impressed. Score one for the sexy process team!
Then it was time to explore. I was so tired that I would fall asleep if I laid down and never get my time right. So I headed out the door, picked up a bunch of touristy fliers and went in search of grub. Of course, when I travel, I am permitted to eat anything I please because I walk everywhere. And I like it! I'd much rather ride a bicycle or walk than drive a car but we don't have much of a choice at home. That kinda sucks.
Anyway - I found some diet coke, croissants and chocolate stuffed croissants. How yummy is THAT? My two favorite things together as one? Chocolate stuffed bread! Ah! It is divine!
By the time I got back to the hotel it was about 7pm and I was tired as hell. I laid down and didn't wake up until the neighbors damned dog started barking at about 4am. Stupid thing!
To work. They didn't know if they could run my stuff because they were still having issues. OK. Whatever. Finally, that afternoon we ran some product and sent everyone into a panic because they thought it was bad. BAH! It turned out to be better than expected when I looked at the last results. Everyone was happy and I went home.
Actually, I went in search of transport. It's pretty flat here so I was thinking a bicycle would do just fine. My co worker tried to talk me into getting a car so we walked over to the rental place. They didn't have any cars today - check back tomorrow. (I thought it was too expensive anyway and would have been perfectly happy with a vespa or something but he wanted me to have a car for some reason!)
Tuesday night I wandered around and explored - found a grocery and bought diet coke, croissants and those chocolate stuffed thingies for my room so I could have grub to take with me (or in case I was too tired to go in search of food after a long day of exploring.)
Wednesday we didn't make because of another issue. It's crazy. So I only worked ½ day (actually most of it since we didn't find out until after lunch that it was off). I was determined to find transport and tried to book a car on line. No dice. Then I Googled it and lo, there was a bike rental place! Armed with my map I was determined to get some wheels (paying $22 euros every day to get back and forth from work was totally bogus!)
I take a taxi up to the train station (where the map said the place was) and it wasn't there. The voice told me it had moved but did I listen? Hell no! I cursed and walked and asked and no one speaks Italian and my French is hideous! They all told me it was in the same place. HA!
Now I'm pissed and I flatly REFUSE to pay for another taxi so I'm going to WALK back to my hotel (about 2 miles away). I start walking and would you believe it? I see a van unloading bicycles in the middle of the street! Score!
I run up to the dude and say "bisicleta!!!" He looks at me like I'm on crack and points to this building. Now this is where it gets funny. I try to open the door and smack this poor girl on the butt nearly knocking her over.
They are like "what do you want?" In French. I ask if they can speak English (in French) and the dude DOES! (the girl does too but she's a bit more shy about trying it. I'm like, honey, it's better than my French, I can tell you that! LOL! )
I tell them I want to rent a bike and they start laughing. Seems that they had just moved THAT DAY and I was their VERY FIRST customer - they were laying the carpet when I burst in on them. So we laughed and they gave me a discount for being their very first customer in their new place.
It was funny and we got to talking and carrying on. I told them I hope I bring them good luck! LOL!
So I get my bike and it is SWEET!

I'd get one at home if I didn't think I'd get killed on it! Then I have to go meet my co-worker and his wife for dinner but not before I ride all over town exploring the place! It was cool! I found a medieval church on the other side of the river with a walled cemetery – that was neat! Then I found the boats they use in the summer for tours. It was really interesting.
I met them for dinner and they were all impressed with the bike. We have dinner and the wine is FAB! The food was perfect! Hmmmm!
The next day at work they tell me they can’t run my stuff. OK. Whatever. I split about 2pm and went on a long ass bike ride to hell and back. Maybe not THAT far but it sure felt that way to my poor ass!
Does someone think they can remind me that I'm no longer 23 and jumping on a bicycle and pedaling 30 miles + in one day is kinda dumb? Yeah. But there was a cool castle I wanted to see – Chambord. I hop on that bike and I’m gone. Needless to say, I get off course then back on course then finally manage to find the place and it is AWESOME! (I'll have to post pix).
The main staircase is designed by Da Vinci and it's a double helix – yeah – it’s really hard to describe and you have to see the model of it to understand how it works. Really cool, tho.
The rest of it was awesome, too. Not furnished a whole lot but that doesn’t really matter. And it's a chateau – not truly a defensive fortress like the German castles are. I can't complain, tho, cause it was too cool! Bought a ton of books and took a lot of pix. Wandered around for about 2 hours then pooped out and gorged on ice cream and croissants while I people watched.
Back on the bike and my ass wouldn't have none of that seat! I had to like ride sideways switching cheeks because it was so sore. Thank God it's about flat as Indiana here or I never would have made it back! Naturally, I ended up taking the looooong way back but I did get to see another cool chateau on the river that I would have missed. The sun was starting to go down and I didn't have a light on the bike so I wanted to get back as quick as possible. Oh, my butt!
I staggered into the crepe place and gorged myself (again) on a giant crepe of ham, cheese and mushrooms. Ah! Then I walked back to the hotel with the bike in tow.
The next day my ass was so sore I couldn't hardly ride into work. Or sit down on my chair. It was horrible!!
Work the next day is ok. Panic is setting in again. We solved problems 1 and 2 but another cropped up. Yeah, well. That's the whole point of running this experiment, right? So we get it worked out and I sign away that I'm releasing it. Then me and my co-worker have to rush outta there – he has to go to the bank before it closes (everything in town closes from noon – 2pm for lunch!) WTF??? We zoom over there and he runs into the bank while I wait for him in the car (we’re parked on the sidewalk and I tell him I'll move it if the cops come). Some idiot honks at me and I give him the old Italian "what" sign out the window. Moron!
While he's in the bank, I'm looking through all the notes Kimby gave me on the experiments SHE has run in our lab. Hmmmm. Things were looking quite interesting. It appears that even tho I released that stuff technically "out of range" it will end up better than the stuff THEY did at home. The calculations on the first run worked out. So that was good to know anyway.
That's when things started to get weird. I should have known and just laid in my bed and not come out but that would have been too easy.
I ended up melting 1/2 lb of BUTTER in my co-workers car by accident. Then we went to dinner with his wife and drank like fiends! My GOD! What in the bloody hell was I thinking? I should have known! me+co-worker+wine+bicycle = DISASTER of Biblical porportions! You'd think I would have learned my lesson in Germany but NOOOOOOO! That was too long ago and too far in distant memory.
So we eat and drink and drink and drink and I become so intoxicated that well, I morph into "the return of pukensplaten". We get tossed out of some place - hell if I know what's going on. People are shouting at me in French and all I can do is mumble "c'est bon" but they won't have any of it. So I start singing all the French words I've heard throughout the day - I believe it was about a porcupine on a bicycle - I was making it up. Just singing all the words in French I had remembered from the day. Lord have mercy I was obliterated. FUBAR is a gross understatement.
Couldn't even walk the 20 yards to the hotel. My co-worker and the hotel desk guy had to carry me up stairs (up those narrow ass stairs in those 600 year old buildings they have) as I sang about this procupine and the bike.
Then I decide that I want to sleep in the bathtub (so I don't end up drowning in my own vomit like a rock star) but the wife won't have it. She wants me to sleep in my bed like a good little girl. BAH! Lemme sleep in the tub and I'll be perfectly happy. I know how to take care of myself when I'm that completely gone. Just toss me in the bathtub face down and I'll happily sleep it off. I promise!
Surprisingly, I didn't feel quite so bad when I woke up the next morning. Of course, I was still a bit tipsy but once I got up, ate and had some diet coke I was good to go. So away we went!
(Update - I just ran into my co-worker today and we both laughed like fiends! I apologized profusely and he said his wife was worried. I'm like, "I know. She really shouldn't worry. It's not a big deal. I should have known bad things were going to happen when I did the math - me, bicycle, coworker and wine. That's NEVER a good combination." He was puzzled by the bicycle part of the equation and I had to tell him that if I get drunk I'm morally obligated to ride the bike the next morning. That's just the way it is. So we had a good laugh. He said I was the lucky one 'cause they both felt like crap the next day. At least I got it all out of me before I went to bed! LOL! So he's not as disgusted with me as I thought he would be. And I gave him a gift for his wife. Hopefully she'll accept my peace offering!)
Now I'm determined to get that website up and operating. I really need to get all this info out there so other people can avoid (or enjoy) my mistakes and learn from them. Or just laugh at my stupid ass!
You know, I'm still mad at myself for not being able to just take an extra day off work, sneak over to London and kidnap the Big O when he was at the premiere of his new movie. Would that not have been hilarious? Cue the "Witch Music" from "The Wizard of Oz" and picture me on my rental bike, zooming into Leicester Square, snatching the Big O up on my handlebars away from the protective grasp of his mother and peddaling like a fiend as he screams helplessly for his "mummy"!

Now where I would squirrell him away to I'd have to decide once we hit a downhill stretch. Should I cart him off to France or Germany? I couldn't take him to Italy because then *I* would be distracted by all of the wine, food, art and men. No. I'd have to take him somewhere that I feel safe and know the area. Yes, Germany it is!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:21 PM
I'm back! Safe and sound. Still bummed that I didn't jump on that bicycle, say "to hell with work!" and pedal to London to see the Big O at the premiere of Kingdom of Heaven. Think he can ever forgive me? LOL!
So no pix as of yet - still have to hook up the card reader but I will and there will be pix! I swear, one of these days I'm going to have a decent website with all the info on it.
As for the trip, well, things got ugly, then weird then sort of ok but not necessarily in that order. The weather was absolutely PERFECT, tho! Blue sunny sky with a temp of about 80 degrees with NO humidity! Ahhhhh!
The Cluny was fucking CLOSED on Sunday so I had to settle for Notre Dame and the backstreets of Paris. Still bummed about that bullshit! (Missing the Cluny, I mean. I loves that place! It's my favorite!)
Expect a full report once I get some zzzzz's and caught up on all the stuff going on around me.
Now it's time for sleepy-poo - I have some jet lag to battle.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:40 PM