~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, May 26, 2005

~ Miscellaneous Crap ~

Today I finally wrote a couple of reports. But it's always one step up and two steps back. Others are hysterical about something else that, well, quite honestly isn't a big deal. That's usually how it works, tho.

I recall the master batchers words of wisdom "never frighten the herd". Yes, well. I was stupid and I allowed them to be frightened. I could have prevented this hysteria but I figured "what the hell?" Let's make sure it still works. And it does. Does it ever!

Methinks I'll let terror reign over them until about next week then I'll tell them what they want to hear (and PROVE it) and everything will be right with the world. Why not?

It's just the same old crap. Had to make up a list of acronyms for the boss 'cause he's having trouble coping with my weekly reports. They are littered with "WTF" and "STFU" and the like and he can't remember what it means. So he has a little "cheat sheet" now that he can refer to when in doubt.

Got a note from the dude who doesn't know if he wants to have sex or just bask in my glorious intellect. Riiiiight. He's like "well, I don't understand what 'you can have it if you want it' means." WTF?? So I spelled it out for him.

"Are you going to give me the peter or what?" That's plain enough isn't it? Must've been because the light finally went on in his head. His reply?

I owe ya a spankin...I blew diet coke all over my monitor!
Oh...my sides hurt..."

You say something vapid like that then I'm going to be brutally honest with you. I warned ya but you didn't listen. So now you need a new monitor. Who's fault is that? Your own. Yeah. (He still didn't answer the question, either. Hmmmmm.)

Found this blog that is just heart-wrenching. It's just beautiful. So human and so fragile. http://postsecret.blogspot.com Be WARNED! You will cry! And giggle and feel so very human and vulnerable but you won't be able to stop reading.

Ah, so, anyway. Tomorrow is Friday. Yay! I can feel a "focus issue" day brewing. hehehehe! And I still need to work on my website and clean this place and all that. Oh, well. I probably won't do anything but try to pry the rest of that story out of His Haughtiness.

Speaking of him, I had a dream about him the other night. He was just as horrid as he is when I'm awake but . . . well, he was able to carry out his threats. Heh. No, you'll just have to read about it later. In HIS story. It's all about him. It always is.

Oh, before I forget my security blanket/master batcher told me that he had four beers in my honor the other day. I'm like "WTF??? ONLY FOUR??? Slacker!" He laughed and said "well, I would have had more but I had to be in here at 6am." UGH! Say no more! Besides, you can make up this weekend. If I'm not mistaken you're still about a bottle of wine and one bicycle short!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:49 PM


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