~What in the Hell?~

Sunday, May 08, 2005

~ Happy Mother's Day! ~

Yay for moms everywhere! Happy mother's day!
Send my ma flowers and a big mushy card. I would've given the creature a bath but I fell asleep instead. Oh, well. I don't think she minded. Hey, I was quiet!

The weather is beautiful today! Yesterday I did a bit of cleanout and need to drop the stuff off at the Goodwill that I'm getting rid of. I'll probably do that tomorrow after practice since it's on the way home from the rink.

Mom taped the Big O on A&E the other night. They did a thing called "reel history" about historical movies and did a thing on Kingdom of Heaven.

I read Jonathan Riley-Smiths take on the movie and he says it's historically inaccurate so it looks like I'll be waiting until it hits the dollar theater.

Sorry, Orally, baby, but there is very little that overrides my love for MY TIME period. Now if you'd have had a nice long NUDE scene . . . well, I think I would've gotten my ass to the theater on THURSDAY! LOL!

Do not butcher MY TIME and think I can so easily forgive you for it. You must make it up to me by appearing shirtless at least one MINUTE for every infraction. And I WILL be counting. heh! Of course, you can always just bypass that all together and just appear at my door one day. Then I wouldn't care WHAT you did/said/acted in. Just an FYI.

So this moron has decided that he has to sit out in the parking lot and rev his engine because he can't figure out that his fucking carbeurator is stuck. YES, it's a carb and not fuel injection. Idiot. I should go down there and smack the piss outta him.

Poor thing needs some LEADED fuel, douchebag! God!

OK - the website is almost done but alas, I can't manage to get ahold of the hosting company. One I signed up it was like the place disappeared and I can't seem to contact anyone. WTF is up with THAT? Well, it was free so they don't have any $$ or personal info on me. So there! :-P

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:39 PM


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