I've managed to lose a day somehow. So what's new with that?
This morning I get into the shower and there is this monster millipede in there with me! SHITE! Where the hell did that damned thing come from? I just cleaned the bathroom on Monday and poured bleach down the shower drain!
Fortunately I'm not afraid of bugs. But I did let out a squeal because it ran over my foot and startled me. EW! I did a Russian split jump landing on the edges of the tub (don't try this at home, kids, I'm a trained professional) as the horrid thing tried to escape. I grabbed a bunch of TP and smashed him. NASTY old thing! ICK!
Today at work some douchebag left the innards to a very important piece of equipment out then put the thing back together so no one KNEW it's guts were missing. Damned thing still ran but it didn't DO anything. Talk about people getting on the warpath! Why someone did this I dunno. Some speculate it happened during cleanout and was just never put back together. Hey, I wasn't there, remember? I was in the BACK cleaning. So there!
At lunch I was supposed to meet this dude from Saturday who wants to interview for my "job opening" as manwhore. Well, he's failing miserably and I'm about to just say to hell with it. I told him, "look dude, if you want it, come and get it. But don't think for one minute I'm going to chase you." Now either he's just as dumb sober as he is drunk or he's not interested and doesn't have the cajones to tell me. Geez, bud. Gimme a break! Don't waste my time or yours. If you don't want it then just say so! DUH!
Monday I went skating. Damned axel is gone again. Pisses me off. But the layback seems to be getting better. I feel more comfortable with it, anyway.
I can't believe this weekend is going to be Memorial Day. And it's still friggin' cold as hell here. OK. Maybe not as hell but it's no 80 degrees like it SHOULD be. Dammit! I wants sun! I wants heat! I wants the Big O naked in my bed! (Hey, if I'm gonnna ask - I'm gonna ask BIG!)
Today I get this nasty gram from one of the secretaries saying "update your work history and promotions". I'm like "it's the same as it HAS been since I started here." WTF???
Riddle me this, batman. The story I am currently working on has over 3000 views which is cool. But there are only the same hardcore few who comment. Why is that? I'd be interested to know what people think.
Do they like it? Hate it? Is it the same people who keep reading it over and over again? Are they just re-reading a favorite part? If so, what was it and why? Just - well, curious to know what people think. If they don't like it then why? What would they do differently?
I do have to say, tho, that some of the comments really make me all fuzzy inside. When they say that they can relate to something or that got choked up at something - that really makes me feel good. Like it's hitting the mark. Of course, I can't take complete credit for it - just my fingers on the keys. It's not my saga. It's his and as much as I hate to admit it I've gotta.
I'm taking a bit of a break this week and probably won't have anything until next week or this weekend. The Scowling One knows the ending is coming and he knows what will happen but he doesn't want it to so he's just stopped talking. You can't stop the speeding train, hon. (Well he says he doesn't know what a train is. *sigh*)
Tomorrow is my skating lesson. Then FRIDAY!!! Yay! Crown Tourney is this weekend and I think I'll go. Maybe even talk to the dude who refuses to give me any. HA!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:37 PM
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