Time has crept up on me. What happened? I blame the weather. See - had it been nice here like it was in France I never would have started to drag. But, no. That would have been too easy. It had to be cold here when I came home. So bogus.
So now I'm thinking it's early APRIL instead of MAY and "forget" that the Kentucky Derby is this SATURDAY as in TOMORROW and Baron Wars is next weekend. WTF?? How does one FORGET the Derby and the pie that comes with it? I must be insane! Derby Pie is the most wonderful glob of chocolate, crust and pecans that could evah be! Ooooo - I just can't WAIT to find some! Kerns Kitchen in Louisville is the only place that makes it. Must haves it! Must go south of the border to gets it! YUM! Almost like Orlando on a plate! So wonderful!
I haven't even dug the tent out to do repairs or anything to it, either, and next weekend it's going up! What the hell am I doing? Am I making garb repairs? Tent repairs? Digging out my camping gear? Hell no! I'm swilling tequila and sleeping! If I'm not doing that I'm listening to Mr. Wicked pout and scowl and only give me bits and pieces of his story. Good Lord, I've got issues! LOL!
Sunday is Mother's Day, too. Did I remember THAT? Hell no. I'm still thinking it's early April, remember? Fortunately for those of us who are calendarally challenged there is the town florist who takes plastic. Besides, mom loves roses. I'll have to go up there and take her out to dinner, too.
Ah, well. Tonight I have skating practice. Can't remember if I have a lesson or not. Doesn't matter. I'll probably be panting like I've run a marathon after 10 minutes of warmup. No matter what other exercise you do, it can never come close to the exertion that skating is - you just don't use the same muscles that you do in skating.
I've gotten the "official word" that my ass is getting tossed out of my nice big office/lab and crammed into a closet. Pisses me off, it does so I've made my displeasure known. My office/lab mates are pretty torqued about it, too. For some reason they think I'm the only "normal" person here. Now THAT, my friends, is a scary thought!!
Tomorrow I'll go start the mail up again. Then go to dance class. After that who knows? It's supposed to be nice here so I might do some cleaning. Wait, who am I kidding? I'll toss in a load of laundry, surf and sleep.
IF Mr. Wicked lets me. He's been waking me up early before work since I got home to write for him but he still won't tell me how this ends. Nor will he give me any of his usual "hawt" sex. Kinda makes me wonder what's gotten into him.
(Personally, I think he's mad that I ran off and left him again on such a short notice and didn't bring anything back he was even remotely interested in.) He'll get over it. He always does. But he has to "punish" me for being "naughty" or "ignoring" him. Whatever. Just spank me and get it over with already! LOL! Shhh! Don't wanna give him any ideas. He'd probably try it!
Yeah, he'll wait until I chill a bit before he speaks. That's probably why he's been waking me up - my overloaded brain will actually pay attention to him since I'm still partly comatose. It's the only time he has my undivided attention. It'll get better. I hope. Otherwise I'll just keep getting pulled out of bed at 5am to write for him. Ugh!
I DID want to go see the Big O's new movie that opens today but I don't think His Haughtiness will tolerate it. He doesn't seem to be in the mood to put up with my drooling over someone else at the moment. (Not like I EVER drooled over HIM. It's the thought of me writing for someone ELSE that gets his panties in a bunch. He doesn't care if my affections lie elsewhere but, by Eru, my fingers are HIS!)
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:42 AM
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