It's just not worth chewing thru the leather straps, you know?
Today would be one of those. Infernal server at work is down so I can't get my email. Not like anyone bothered to put a recorded message on the help line, either. I mean, people, it's AFTER 8AM!!!! The damned thing has been down since I got in at 7:30 and no one has reported it? You can't TELL that it's DOWN??? Hello?
Geez! So today I think I have the pilot plant so I don't wash my hair. Guess what? I don't. I don't have it this week or NEXT. WTF?? I must be losing my touch in my dotage. I certainly hope I can remember HOW to make once I get the opportunity 'cause I've got a lot of things to do!
The good news is my new raw material came in and it looks like it's going to be a pure 1:1 substitution. Ahhhhh! (Now, I'm not going to tell the fucktard who can't answer his email this. I'll let his boss do that. So there! Let him sweat it out a little more, the idiot!) That means less work for me, too. All I have to do is write up the substitution. One major catastrophe averted (for the time being, anyway!)
I'm sitting here seriously considering taking a 1/2 day today. Why not? I was busy all weekend and didn't get to just sit around on my buttocks not doing anything. Well, let's face it, even if I take 1/2 day I probably STILL won't. But at least I'll be able to take some of mom's stuff to the Goodwill and get the car cleaned out and take a well-deserved nap. Yes, the more I think about this the more I realize I should do it. For my own sanity. And the continued safety of everyone around me. Yessssss. (Heavily medicated for YOUR protection!)
I'm trying not to think of all the "OMG I'm gonna DIE if you don't" issues that I have got to take care of. What's one more day going to do? Nothing one way or the other.
Yesterday I went home, helped mom clean the basement, gave the creature a bath, went to see the new Star Wars with my bro and took dad to the drugstore so he could get some candy.
The Creature is such a good boy when he gets a bath. He just stands there in the utility sink all patient while I wash him. Then he lets me use the blowdryer on him. Of course, after THAT, he wants to tear thru the house like a madthing - running around, barking, growling like he's crazy and you're supposed to chase him. Then give him treats. But that's ok. He's so cute! He looks about 10lbs lighter after a bath because all of his loose fur and dirt is gone.
Of course, I had to borrow a shirt from mom because I was so wet and full of fur that I didn't want to go to the movies like that. Ick!
The movie was ok. Too many plot holes, stupid hokey dialogue and a complete lack of empathy for any of the characters (except Jimmy Smits and Yoda) for me to really give a damn one way or the other about them. Spoiler alert!
I mean, how did Anakin go from wanting to simply protect Padme to wanting to rule the universe????? I must've missed his "evil overlord 101" training. I dunno. That's a helluva leap to take in about 15 minutes with no prior inkling.
End spoiler. Anyway - it was ok. Not bad not great. OK. Could have been so much better, IMO. Tighter - better dialogue. But hey - I'm not making a bjillion dollars off of this franchise, now, am I? uh-huh.
Of course, we giggled thru it and said lines from "ghostbusters" during it (which is a TRUE classic, IMO) and I shouted "kill the bastard" at one point and everyone looked at me. Oh, well. The motivation to kill him should have outweighed (logically and emotionally) any other consideration. But I'm an old girl so what do I know.
So I still can't get my email here. And Mr. Wicked is skulking about gloating over my lack of "ahem". That's part of the reason I want to take off as well. I feel he's ready to spill his guts (finally).
Sure, I could make him wait, but why prolong my own agony? hehehehe! I guess I could ask him NOW but I just HATE for him to come to work with me because he always wants to talk about sex. AT WORK! And that's just too weird. And he won't shut up because he thinks it's funny to watch me squirm and bug my eyes out at him trying to get him to shut up. Nah. I think I'll just wait. Don't need the added stress of his nonsense going on.
I can see the headline now "worker goes postal - driven to brink by perverted muse". Yeah. THAT would end me up on Springer for sure! Eeep!
The weather is supposed to be nice today so I can plant the rest of my flowers. I have an idea for one of the old wooden containers I have but I'll have to figure out what to do with the dirt first! LOL!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:10 AM
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