Ah. Yesterday was "jump day" with the new pro. Today my poor ass is sore. My back is worse, tho. Ugh! Thank God for Naproxen! It really helps.And the ass is getting even more sore with all the idiots riding it. Yeah, I took 1/2 day today - it's very nice and the phone guy was coming out to hook up something. So very nice to be able to have the windows open. Yay! I might even go clean the car and all that later!
Anyway - enough of that work crap. I'm sick of the stupidity. Again. Still. Whatever.
We went thru all my jumps and my new pro is a bit amazed at how strong I am. Yeah, well, that's not always a good thing when one skates. I have a tendency to try to "muscle" everything which can get me into some trouble. Don't get me wrong - I love being uber strong but it has its downside (overuse).
After we ran thru all my singles, we didn't even do combos we went right to Axels and doubles. Wooo! She showed me a new entry into my Axel to straighten it out and it really helped. It just floats now and it's so cool! I can feel my body go up and rotate.
That landing thing is still a bit puzzling (Where TF are my FEET? FEET? Hello? Bam! Ice meet butt!). Mostly because my feet get all tangled up. I feel like I must have a million miles of leg for them to get tangled up like that but I don't. Just lil' stubby legs so how can they get tangled up so bad? Surely one of the great mysteries of our time! I've gotten so used to the toe ring that I can't even feel it anymore so I'll have to try something else.
Apparently my double salchow looks pretty good too. I can tell I'm straight in the air but I don't feel like I'm jumping. She says I'm not getting enough "lift" and that's what it feels like. I must be rotating because I'm landing where I should be (albiet on my ass) but I'm not feeling the rotation in the air and I always could before.
Of course, it's been a long time since I've consistently worked on my double sal and even longer for the double loop. (I'd rather do a double loop anyway - I think it's easier. No infernal weight shift in midair - BAH!) Maybe after a few more sessions I'll be able to feel the rotation in the air. That would certainly help I think!
Now how cool is this - Bean has been making music with her imac and publishing it on line so I talked to her about getting some music to skate to. She asked one of the dudes she makes music with and they are all excited to do it. I think that would be AWESOME. I KNOW no one else would have my music - I can get some strange ethic-sounding thing that I like and give her buddies exposure as well. I think that's sweet!
I do currently have a program that I was going to use because I like the music but I think I might just give it to her and tell her "something like this" for 2 minutes and see what they come up with. Ol' Jeffy laid the trash talk down and begged for an ass-whuppin at an upcoming competition so it's a moral imperative that I oblige him! heeee!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:04 PM
Isn't my precious baby so cute? Yes, even with his lil' teeth protrouding in every direction! Anyway - more freaks have been unleashed in the dating pool. Why? You know, I should keep my membership there just because it's so entertaining! Cheaper than going to the movies once a week and a helluva lot more amusing, that's for sure! LOL!
So I get these dudes who think that I want read their porn. Uh, no. Sorry, not interested. Or these dudes that just want to come into town for a weekend and mess around. Uhm, no. I thought I made that clear but apparently I did not. How can they be so oblivious? I say "serious relationship" - that isn't a weekend you morons! How fucking stupid does one have to be?
And still the married guys keep asking. *eye roll* I don't even bother to be polite to them anymore. I just say "what part of NO MARRIED MEN can you not understand?" and leave it at that. If they're that stupid and think I won't look at their profile and marital status they don't deserve politeness. And now some of them have taken to leaving marital status off completely. Needless to say, they don't get a polite reply, either.
What's up with these damned Virgos, already? Get lost! I've had enough of your kind. For 5 years you had my attention and time and all you did was snivel and whine and lay around complaining about how miserable you are. Think I wanna listen to MORE of that? Hell no! Beat it! "But I'm not a typical virgo" they say. Bullshit! You're all alike so leave me alone. I've had enough!
Actually, it's Capricorns, too. WTF? I guess you all are needing a bit of spice in those dull lives of yours, eh? Well, people, there's a REASON they are dull. You spend too much time sitting around living in the past and not doing anything NOW. Sheesh!
And these overbearing Leos - I just want to puke! I've had like three of them write me and DEMAND that I pay attention to them RIGHT NOW. Hey, I've got Mr. Wicked breathing down my neck constantly with the same demand think I want more of that crap? Besides, he at least gives me something in return for my attention - a good juicy story. What are you going to give me? Excatly. Nothing but shit and grief. Thanks but no thanks.
A bit of advice to dudes out there - I don't care about your winkie. I really don't. So don't bother sending me a picture of it. It impresses YOU and YOUR buddies. NOT ME. And please don't send me a picture of your winkie in some chick's cooter. That is just stupid and likely to get your ass deleted without even a reply. If I wanna see a naked woman, I'll take off my clothes and look in the mirror, 'k?
Also, your amateurish attempt at porn to 'arouse' me is just laughable. If you only knew of my other life with Mr. Wicked you'd be ashamed to have me read that tripe. So please spare yourself our humiliation (he finds it amusing as well and he's not even incarnate) and don't bother.
As I have said before, demanding that I call you RIGHT NOW or write you RIGHT NOW is one sure fire way to get me to ignore you. I have people on my ass all the time at work saying the very same thing and I hate it there. I sure as hell don't want to put up with it when I'm off work. WTF?
HA! I amuse myself! One day, young grasshopper, you will have good sex again. And it will be fun. And not with some fat, ugly, hairy, toothless wonder with a 6th grade education and an utter lack of personal hygiene. Yes! I believe! I must believe that! Otherwise I might just be temped to throw myself at Mr. Wicked and how fucked up would THAT be? My emperical brain quivers at the thought!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:27 AM
My precious, precious baby!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:36 PM
Ah! Back on the ice with a new pro after a brief hiatus. It feels so good. But it hurts so bad! My poor ass! Ye-ow!It was the first time Dori and I got together. Paul had actually recommended her to me several years ago when he ran off with the Ice Capades (or whoever sent him on tour and took him away! Boo!) but she kept getting pregnant and couldn't teach. But now she's back and we're on it.
She seemed rather impressed that I'm older than she is and have such nice speed and take correction so easily. I usually do but it takes it a while to become habit and I have to keep reminding myself of it.
We only got thru my moves and spins today. Those moves are killing my thighs. Everytime I skate I say to myself "no wonder skaters have such nice legs". I keep wondering when *I* will get such nice legs! It hasn't seemed to happen yet! LOL!
I learned some new "finishing touches" today for my spins. Especially my back spin. The "Dorothy Hamill 4-step exit" which looks very smooth and nice. I likes it a lot!
She seemed amazed that I "finish" my spins completely. I had to laugh. That's something I was taught VERY early on. I can't remember who told me but I remember the words "I want to hear your blades click together at the end of the spin" and I never forgot it. (I think it was probably Paul, actually!)
And it's nice because she's skated in a lot of shows so she knows how to "look good" when you skate. Put the "little touches" in that I lack. Technically I'm a very good and powerful skater. I just am lacking artistically because no one has ever taught me to "look good" on the ice.
It was a lot of fun. Tuesday we're going over jumps. Ouch! I ran thru them all today but my poor legs were rather tired after that workout. She said she was pleased that I will try just about anything she can throw at me.
Well, yeah. In practice. I'll try damned near anything - even a double Axel just for the hell of it. But I'm not about to try that in a competition. Practice is for pushing limits. Competiton is for winning - not for taking chances.
Of course, after skating I had to go get in the hottub for my sore muscles. I swam a bit, too. But I haven't managed to do much else today. Just been a lazy old toad. Ah, well.
Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be nice so I might do some serious cleaning. Mr. Wicked has given me plenty of fodder for the time being and has chilled out a bit. He seems rather pleased with himself and I need to take advantage his temporary good humor to get some other things done around here.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:12 PM
I need a cease and desist order from them. I can take on no more work. Only 10 people can ride my ass at one time and since no one has gotten off the ass and others are trying to pile on, I think we need a citation here. It's just not safe to have more than 10 people riding my ass at one time, get it?So this co-worker of mine shows up and demands that I drop everything and immediately give him what he wants or he's going to "tell". WHATEVER. "Go tell," I say. "The longer you sit here and threaten me, the longer it's going to take me to finish and get to your shit. DUH." WTF is wrong with people? I told you I'd get to it today. Why do I have to do it RIGHT THIS MINUTE??? Oh, I see. How foolish of me to forget - the world will be destroyed if I don't do it, right now, huh? Yeah. My bad. Oh, well. Considering this is only the second time this WEEK that the world was supposed to end, I don't think we're doing too bad. I was trying for 4 world destructions but it's a short week after all. Maybe next week.
And WTF is up with these stupid people, anyway? This other douche bag calls up and keeps blabbing at me on the phone "are you going to do that? When are you going to do that? You know I need that, don't you?" So what do I say? "Yes, whatever. Are you finished? The longer you blab the longer it will take me to finish it. Now shut up and leave me alone."
I thought that was pretty plain but apparently not because he just kept yapping. I'm like "what do you WANT for Pete's sake? I'm busy doing your crap. If you don't want anything then leave me alone so I can get some work done!" Did he get to the point? Well, hell no. So I just sat the phone down and let him blab while I got on with the important stuff. WTF is he thinking?
Sometimes I just want to be incredibly RUDE to these idiots. How I manage to keep myself under control when they are just begging to be bitch slapped I dunno. It must be some sort of miracle at work. Daily. Hourly. Moment by moment. LOL!
Ah, yes. Now Mr. Wicked. I have to say that the worse he gets the more people adore him. It's truly disgusting. Of course HE doesn't think so. Oh, no. The more the merrier in his opinion. He can never amass too many swooning fans (of either sex, I'm sure).
And I must grudginly admit that what he has in mind for the ending of this story is very appropriate. But don't tell him that. I'll be forced to suffer more of his arrogance and I just don't know if I can take that right now.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:38 PM
But I got to "beat" the dog tonight. The little flat-faced snotblower! If ever there was a poster "child" for "spoiled creatures" he would most certainly be it! I'll dig up a photo and post it.
Rotten to his very core that animal is!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:38 PM
That's it, it's official. I've reached my project limit as of today. This minute. I'm "officially" at 10 now. TEN fucking projects. The ass is done overloaded - go find another ass to saddle with your requests. I've had it.Hear me, O Wall Street and tremble at my declaration! I will take no more projects on. That's it. Stick a fork in me - I'm done.
I think I just might have to start acting the diva now - We're making on the $$$$ and we're still treated like the illegitimate step child of this company. No more projects until I get my Italian villa in Roma. No more projects until I have a bottle of champagne delievered to my house every Friday afternoon for the next year. No more projects until my cabinets are stocked with Godiva dark chocolate truffles and diet coke.
That's it. Done. Ass done full. Go sell crazy somewhere else, 'cause I'm all stocked up now.
I think I need more alcohol. And I need to get laid. Yeah, sad but true. Too bad Mr. Wicked isn't corporeal. I could put him to good use for a change. (Heh, he's giving me his "disgusted" look again. He thinks he's ALWAYS useful.) Go on with yo' bad self then, you naughty boy! HA!
Oh, I do wish sometimes I could take a picture of him, but, alas, all I have are words to describe him and it's just not the same. It's probably a good thing he ISN'T corporeal 'cause I probably would have strangled him about a million times by now considering how hateful he's been to me. Never talking when I want him to, pouting for no reason, keeping me up half the night and not letting me eat, demanding that I drop everything RIGHT THIS MINUTE because he wants to talk. Yeah, he'd be about dead a hundred times over and I'd be in Marysville. *shudder*
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:49 AM
Then where the fuck is the warm weather, dammit??? There was fucking FROST on the car this morning. I'm about tired of this damned weather. It's really starting to piss me off.Been gossiping all morning with the disgusted co-workers. I think they finally understand where I'm coming from about my office mate. Remember how I said his wife had to leave her job to go to run these experiments with him? Well, apparently, she pouted/bitched/moaned the entire time they were out there. I guess no one believed me how bad it's gotten until they saw it for themselves.
Now everyone who's had to experience her is saying "he's going to lose his job if she doesn't get a grip on herself." She called him constantly during their experiments and he would LEAVE to talk to her - right in the middle of HIS experiments. And this stuff just can't be left to sit while he yaps on the phone. Even the guys in the plant noticed it and were pissed. Actually a few of them have complained to their managers about it so it's only a matter of time before it gets back to HIS boss.
Things are going to get ugly I have a feeling. I mentioned something about three weeks ago to his boss about him struggling to do his work - just being distracted and disorganized. I did not mention a word about the wife. I find out today that another dude complained and now Bean complained to his boss as well. It's only a matter of time before it gets back to him, I'm sure.
The thing is - she's got a serious problem. She's got OCD (and I oughta know 'cause I have it, too) and she's also an anoxeric. The girl is going downhill mentally very quickly and she's taking him with her. He's been losing weight and not getting enough sleep. He's looking rough. I really feel sorry for him but yet I feel like it's none of my business to bring it up to him. UGH! I just don't know what to do. I think I might just have to bite the bullet and talk to him. Give him some information about her disease. I don't want to say "she's XYZ" because that's not for me to diagnose. But he should have some information about ana and OCD so he can recognize the symptoms himself.
Anyway - I miss The Creature. I do. Sad, isn't it? I miss his little furry mashed in face and his blowing snot. I got him some doggy breath mints at the store yesterday so we'll see if he'll take them (and if they will WORK!)
Today is Dad's BD so I'm going home after work and taking him out to dinner (if he wants to go - mom might already be taking him out tonight. I dunno.
I miss skating, too. I was going to go today but the bitch session sort of trumped all that. It's so rare that the three of us can actually get together at one place and time that we have to take it while we can! LOL! And I might be able to sneak out tomorrow at lunch. He'll be back then so there'll be no bitch sessions unless we "go to Starbucks". Don't you just love that euphemism for bitching? "Going to Starbucks". LOL!
Mr. Wicked has upset everyone with his shocking announcement that he has to "go home". Maybe he should just "go to Starbucks" LOL! Oh, he doesn't find that amusing. He doesn't find much amusing except having his . . . . ego stroked. (You should know this by now - know how he is!)
Ah, well. If he didn't scowl at me at least once a day I'd think there was something seriously wrong with him! But I have to admit he was rather good to me this weekend. Oh, indeed! A very interesting plot twist he has devised that brings us right back to square one where we can tie everything off in a nice little bow. Sure as hell took him long enough but who am I to rush him?
Indeed. I think this little twist will make everyone happy. Those who want her to stay loyal to her main squeeze and those who want her to just throw herself at Mr. Wicked. And him, too, because he'll get what he wants in the end. He always does. And I have to listen to it. Over and over again.
Why he insists on telling me how wonderful he is I don't know. This is usually followed by some sort of idle threat to the tune of "perhaps I should just leave" when I remind him that there are others who are more than willing to indulge in "all he has to offer". (His words, not mine). He's not going anywhere. He likes it. We're stuck with each other until this thing is done. So which one of us keeps drawing it out? Hmmmm?
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:23 AM
Dammit, I think I need some serious psychological help or to drink more. Something! I'm losing it (if I ever had it to begin with!)
Last night I had another dream about the Big O. Of course, it didn't start out that way. It never does.
I dreamed that I was at work getting ready to make product. I was wearning a Tshirt and jeans. I had just put on my steel toed boots and safety glasses and was putting my hair up when I looked at the refrigerator in the lab. The magnetic poetry board said "this is a dream".
I thought about it for a minute and I'm like "fuck working if this is a dream - I wanna talk to Orlando. He's got some 'splaining to do!"
I walk out the back door and down the hall to the lobby. One of my co-workers is sitting there and I say, "where's Orlando at? I need to talk to him!" She points to a staircase that has mysteriously appeared in the middle of the lobby.
Down the stairs I go and I end up in this room. It's very nice. Someone's house I think. There's a full bar and leather couches and the Big O is sitting on the couch talking to some dude who's standing near the bar holding a drink.
They both turn and look at me when I walk in. The dude with the drink gives me this look of disgust and snorts. I give him the despised look. Hey, asshole, I'm what makes this country run, not your pompous ass! Get over yourself!
The Big O just smiles and motions me over to him. I sit down on the couch next to him, glaring at Mr. Asshole with the drink. Orally's been smoking again and it's stronger than the scent of his cologne.
They continue talking - about work. What movie is getting released when. I understand but I'm not interested in the least. Doesn't matter squat to me. Besides, if I'm sitting next to the Big O I sure ain't gonna give a damn whether he's talking or not.
I smell him and rub my cheek against his. He has a slight stubble and his skin isn't healthy looking. I frown. I don't like this. He needs to take better care of himself. He's very thin and looks tired. He's dressed in a dark suit with a tie and I get the impression that he and the asshole are getting ready to go somewhere "important" - like to an interview or appearance or something.
I watch him closely. He needs to take a break. He's looking rough and tired and run down. He's going to get sick if he doesn't watch out. I feel almost guilty about being mad at him, but not guilty enough to let it slide.
The asshole goes to the bar and I say to the Big O, "She's not good for you, sweetie. You really need to get a grip on yourself."
He smiles at me (kinda sad) and says, "I wouldn't believe what you hear. You don't avoid Steve, do you?"
"No," I admit. "I like Steve. I love Steve. I just can't give him what he wants or needs. OK. I understand if that's how it is."
"And that's how it is," he assures me.
The asshole comes out from behind the bar and Orally stands up. I grab his hand. I don't want him to leave.
"It's time to go," the jerk says.
I pull the Big O back toward me and kiss him. He laughs. "I wondered when you were going to kiss me," he says.
I giggle then kiss him again. And he kisses me back and it's just as wonderful as before and I know it's the same dude (whoever in the hell he is!)
He stands back up and says, "I have to go but remember what I said. Don't believe all of that."
I smile and nod. Of course, the asshole has to get his digs in and comments, "She's not Hollywood at all. Too fat and too old," he sniffs.
"Yes, but she's honest," the Big O answers and smiles at me. I stick my tongue out at the asshole.
They leave and I just lay there thinking about what he told me. I guess it all is an illusion. Just like the work I do. It's all marketing and spin. When I hear some of our commercials I have to laugh. I'm sure it's probably worse for them.
Is anything "true" anymore? Or is it all just an illusion?
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:05 AM
The world didn't end as purported. Imagine that! Can't say I'm much surprised, tho, all things considered. Today I indulged myself a bit at work by setting up a display case in the lobby. Why not? It was fun and the guys I asked to help me gather the products were pretty excited. It turned out pretty good.
Now I've horned in to another case - heh, heh! Gotta make sure my "babies" get their proper exposure! Everyone else can go fish!
While I was out I also picked up all the rag mags. Seems that rumour about the Big O getting back together with the vapid coke fiend were trash. I'm still a little peeved at him, tho. He needs to find a woman with tits and stop screwing around. Or start screwing around with a chick who actually LOOKS like a chick and not a dickless twink.
Worlds is going on and I haven't had the opportunity to watch due to various reasons. Mostly work. Ugh. What else? I need to get my sorry ass back on the ice, too.
Speaking of which - I have a competition coming up tomorrow that I'm going to work at. Then Mike's party. Dad's birthday is Tuesday so I'm going to have to go home and take him out to dinner.
Where in the hell as the time gone? It's still not even warm here. Today was the first day the weather has finally gotten nice. Hence my desire to trek back and forth between buildings all day hauling product to the display cases!
Pretty soon it will be my birthday. Oh, man. That's not a good thing. But summer will be here and I'll be able to roam around outside. That will be nice.
I forgot to add the most important thing! Advice from the Master Batcher. "Never EVER frighten the herd!" Good advice. He also tells me "You might not want to be so brutally honest with them. They tend to panic at the slightest provocation."
But sometimes I just may WANT to frighten the herd to watch them scatter and because it's fun. Why not? Lord knows they jerk ME around on a whim. Serves them right!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:28 PM
I have it on good authority that the world will be ending at any moment now. Why? You ask. Because I didn't write this rationale for the plant to start up production. Therefore the world will cease to exist and it will be all my fault. The good news? No more work and no more stupid vapid dipshit Kate Blankstare to plague us.
I certainly hope everyone reads this in time and makes amends. I guess I could have saved the world one more time but, dammit, Jim! I was just tired of it all. So farewell and see you on the other side!
Yeah, and my dad calls and starts bitching about a gift certificate I gave him. Seems it was only worth $5. (I won it - it was a gift card from Target so I didn't know how much it was worth. But, being the "good daughter" I am, I gave it to my parents to use. No good deed goes unpunished - especially in OUR family!)
I told him he'd just have to take a number. My ass is already overloaded with people who want to ride it. Being family doesn't mean you get to cut to the front of the line, either. So wait your turn to bitch at me.
I'm supposed to have a conference call tonight at 10:30pm with Japan (don't ask) but my stupid Palm Pilot didn't synch right and I don't have the phone number so I can't call in. Not like there's going to be any world LEFT to call in - I mean, once plant A realizes they can't produce, the world is going to end anyway so why should I even bother?
Yeah, that's gonna be my new attitude "well, the world's gonna end anyway because I already didn't do XYZ so why should I care? I don't think the world can end more than once in a day!" But I could be wrong. Highly unlikely about THAT particular item, tho.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:54 PM
Orlando - you fucking douche bag moron - is your dick really that stupid? Honey, I know you have no taste in MEN but I thought you'd at least come to your senses about women when you finally dumped Kate Blankstare.But, alas, it would appear that my estimation of your taste in women was short-lived and you've returned to seeing that vapid bony dim bulb of an ex. Does she make you feel intelligent? Is that it? Lord, honey - she makes a houseplant feel intelligent!
We all know you're no Einstein but really - she's about one step up in intelligence and personality from a door knob. Seems to me someone needs to be re-educated and in a bad way.
WTF is wrong with you? Need I remind you that we fangirls pay your bills and most of us can't stand that immature whiner?
I am losing what little respect I did have for you and I'm starting to dislike you for staying with that vapid dipshit. And I'm not the only one. Remember who feeds you, sweetie. It's not nice to piss off your fanbase. Not nice at all. We pays your bills. And don't you EVER forget it. We stop going to your movies and you're out of a job. Simple as that.
*sigh* It's obviously time for me to break out the nasty-grams. Oh, well. Marketing has been on my ass and I'm in a foul mood anyway - your stupidity has just added to it. Don't worry, honey, I'll use small words so you can understand me.
On another note - why the fuck are dudes in love with my hair? Maybe I should introduce my HAIR to the Big O. Maybe THAT would make him come to his senses. (I rather wonder if he HAS any to be honest!)
It would seem that most guys are in love with my hair. WTF?? It's just hair, people! Grow your own for the love of Pete if you want it so bad!
Last night I meet this guy from the personals, right? And he just keeps staring at me. Very weird. Then he writes me this big note telling me how he loves my hair and wanted to touch it and brush it. It just makes me want to hurl. I am more than just some hair, halfwit!
*sigh* So it's been a rough day but not work wise. For some reason. Of course, the idiots are in full force and all that but nothing like it CAN be or HAS been. And I've managed to get quite a bit done today. Still have more, of course, but at least I'm getting there.
Now this whole other thing has me fired up. I know it's stupid and it doesn't matter and all that. Yeah, I know. It's just - bah. If I ain't gettin' any then HE doesn't need to be gettin' any, either. So there!
And Mr. Wicked is being mean to me. Really mean. Like evil - more evil than usual. He wants me to stop with the Big O, stop with the personals and stop going to the gym and just fawn over him. Well, um. OK. Sure. Why not?
Why the hell not after all this? OK, Mr. Wicked. I'm convinced. This was a sign from God - I need to stop with all this BS and just concentrate on YOU - a disembodied muse. Now THAT sounds sane and logical.
Forget about the Big O and his stupid dick that wouldn't know anything beautiful if it slapped him upside the head. Forget about marketing that is driving me to drink. Forget about the dudes who want to meet me because they are in love with my hair. Forget about all of them and just think of YOU. Just your wicked self.
And what's in it for me? I sort of forgot.
Riiiiiight. Nothing. So it would seem I have nothing to lose then, yes?
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:26 PM
First off, let me say that I've done a bit of work on my site so please visit. See that link there on the side? Yeah, that's it. Now click on it!Lots of pix that I can't post here (I'd freaking overload photobucket and imageshack both if I did!) The travel pix are the best. Don't have a lot of them linked - it took me for freakin' EVAH to figure out why the code wasn't working. And since I'm too freaking CHEAP to pay for the service, it won't let me upload directly from my hard drive. I have to copy and paste each line of code in there so it's kinda time consuming. Ah, well. There are pix of the Big O (natch!) and Alan Rickman (God, that voice!) and Craig Parker (he is just so cute) and even yours truly from her very first "modeling" gig (paid in diet coke and the CD of pix). Also pix of the Rogue Head back in action after a brief hiatus. Just a bunch of goofy ass stuff. Mostly pix for now. When I get around tuit I'm sure I'll put more stuff on there. Transferring the code is a pain in the buttocks so maybe I'll have to break down and buy a subscription. UGH! I might as well get my own dot com for that!
OK - so since I've been back the office mate has been acting rather "squirrelly" as it were. Skulking around and not talking to anyone and I'm wondering what's up with that, right? Well, the wife who used to call about 20 zillion times a day has suddenly stopped calling. She's called maybe TWICE in the last week and both times he's said "I'll call you back later." Then taken his cell phone and left. Hmmmm.NOW - get this - he was SUPPOSED to go to our plant in France to run some experiments on their equipment. Well, SHE was going to go with him (the trip was planned for the time she was off on spring break). When the trip got pushed back a week (due to scheduling conflicts at the plant) suddenly can't go for "personal" reasons.
Am I the only one who thinks that "wifey poo" is forbidding him to travel without her tagging along? WTF??? Does she not understand that this obsessive fawning over him is affecting his JOB?? Someone needs a swift kick in the ass if you ask me.
Onto other matters - I'm supposed to meet this dude after work, right? One of the guys from the personals site. Well, he finally tells me (after I agreed to meet him) that the picture he sent me is NOT him. WTF???? He's some old pudgy guy. I'm like, "whatever".
I hate to be the one to break this to him but I'm not interested in a LTR. I just want some peter. And that's just a little too old and too round for me. Let's face it, ladies, when a guy has to lift his gut so you can access his peter it's just not worth it. Ick!
So, yeah. I guess I'll meet him. But I'm going to have to make it clear that there isn't going to be any sex (unless no one else is willing but I doubt that). Can anyone fathom these douchebags? Geez!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:31 PM
Still can't seem to figure out the HTML code to get my site up. I only have the "parent directory" showing up instead of the site as it were. Oh, well. I might eventually figure it out. I'll talk to one of the geeks at work and see what they say. Probably take them about 5 seconds to fix it. Figures.
But there IS some good news on that front - I DID figure out how to link all my pix and the like and all the links work. It's just the url link isn't showing up on the WEB PAGE - it's showing the code. Ah, well.
And that means that I should be able to enhance THIS site (once I get around to it.) Methinks right now my lazy ass is going to nap a bit. So there! Jealous? I thought so.
Finally got back to going to the gym. So nice. It probably sounds really weird but I like moving around and working out. It's relaxing. Odd, I know. But hey I'm weird (or so I've been told). And swimming as much as I want is my "reward" for doing the cardio workout.
Another touch of aggrivation today - for some reason the muse is skulking around giving me the pouty hurt look and I can't seem to figure out why. He was all nice and talkative this morning, snuggling up next to me and purring in that throaty voice of his but as soon as I got out of bed (because I thought that's what he wanted me to do - start writing) he just turned his nose up at me. Even AFTER I took a shower! Humph! WTF is up with THAT?
Now he won't talk to me. He just keeps eyeing me over his shoulder like the dog does when HE'S disgusted with you. At least the dog usually has a good reason for looking at me like that (I've probably accidently stepped on him or something). But I can't figure out why Mr. Wicked is giving me that look. I thought he wanted me to get up and write but when I got up and sat down here he just pouted.
GAH! Maybe our earlier conversation didn't end the way he thought it would so he's pouting. I swear sometimes he's moodier than my mother for the love of Pete!
I'm thinking I probably didn't sufficiently stroke his massive . . . .
ego (made you look!) enough.
But that can't be. I nearly begged him for more info. I told him he was beautiful, splendid and sexy. I told him he made me weak in the knees and how lucky I am to have him.
Hmmmm - maybe that's why he's disgusted with me. I was too easy. *sigh* Well, I figured that after three months of haunting it was the least I could do - considering that he told me he would be leaving me. I figured what harm could it do to stroke that . . . ego of his a little, right?
He's probably disappointed to find out that I'm just a big squishy mess inside. Ah, well. He'll get over it, I'm sure. I could always go back to ignoring him since he seems to like that game much better.
Ah, now he's finally decided to speak. Seems he doesn't BELIEVE me. Thinks I'm just trying to torment him (I believe the psychological term for his particular affliction is called "projection"). Whatever.
Yeah, I've been lying to you. I think you're hateful, vile, nefarious and horrid. How's that suit you? I thought so. Now he doesn't believe THAT, either. *sigh* I'm taking a nap. I've had enough of this!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:33 PM
Just when you thought it was safe to check your e-mail! Geez, where do these morons come from and WHY do they believe that every woman is in mad love with them?
Things seemed to be going ok on the dating site. Then I get this email from some asshat who writes "I was going thru this site looking at all the poor, desperate lonely women out there . . ."
I found this highly insulting. If he thinks that only poor, desperate and lonely people are there - what the hell does that say about HIM? Hmmmm? Indeed.
So I read his profile, yes? This guy is so full of himself it's no wonder he hasn't found anyone. All he does is talk about how particular he is and how no one can live up to his standards and if he writes you that you should consider yourself "lucky" and "not let him get away" if he "lowers himself" to make contact with you. Whatever!
Said fucktard found a nasty gram from me saying "beat it, creep!" But apparently he doesn't understand plain English. So I'll write him back in Latin. I doubt if he'll understand that, either but I can try.
Who does this dude think he is, anyway? The Big O? Is he all that? Judging by his picture and the education he says he HAS - uh, no. Just looks like a "normal" dude with a diploma and that's about it. Nothing so wonderful that I'd be willing to put up with his load of BS. Jeez!
I ran into another fucktard like this years ago and it took me hanging up the phone on him THREE separate times before he finally realize I did NOT want to speak to him. I actually said to him "What part of 'go to hell' are you not understanding?" And he STILL insisted on calling me! WTF???? Apparently this clown thought because he was a "local celebrity" that I'd just be creaming my jeans at the mere THOUGHT of him with him. Uh, no. I have my standards, they may be low but I DO have them - believe it or not!
Then - despite the giant "NO MARRIED MEN - PERIOD" in my ad I still get emails from them. WTF??? Did I not make that plain enough? I've said that to several of them "what part of NO MARRIED MEN did you not understand?" Apparently they just don't bother to read - they look at the picture and go "ooo - woman! Redhead! Must type!" It's not until they get a nasty gram from me that they finally READ my profile. How fooking stupid can someone be, anyway?
The funny thing is, these idiots continue to write even when you tell them to "beat it". WTF??? Beat it means I'm not interested. How hard is that to comprehend? I thought "fuck off" was pretty plain but I guess not. What else can a girl say?
The current moron who called me a "poor, desperate and lonely" woman actually had the testicular fortitude to write me back and say "well, I thought you might be up to the challenge of winning me." I fell outta my chair laughing.
Dude, I got a newsflash for you - I'm a CHICK and I can GET LAID any time. You're a dude and therefore, can't (unless you're gay). So you'd best be recalibrating your "who's chasing who" here. I'm not about to chase after a guy - especially and asshole like you. Now the Big O - hell, yes, I'd chase - but only for a little while. Only a little while.
You I'm not even gonna waste any time on. Why should I? You've already decided that you're too good for everyone. He'll end up being banished and good riddance. Fucktards!
Edited to chastise myself - needless to say - I need to find another expression or I don't NEED to say it! Goofus!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:31 PM
Yo! Check it out! See how I managed to fit the stuff? I'm so proud of myself! Took me for freakin' ever to size those things. Not that the sizing its self is hard - just reading the damned code. There has GOT to be an easier way to do this! (I just haven't managed to find it yet!)So work is still work. Got my new computer today and it's got a bunch of new-fangled thingys hooked up to it that I'm still trying to figure out. And I can't find half of my stuff because the place it USED to be isn't there anymore and the IT guys moved it to another file. Just have to get used to where everything is and how to get to it.
I got it right after lunch so I spent most of the day just trying to get my icons back and answer email. Still haven't quite caught up yet. Sad, I know. But at least I managed to keep the world from being destroyed by writing that formula, huh? hehehe! gimme a little credit, will you? *laugh*
Tonight is another early one for me. I've just been so tired this week - probably from all the stress of coming back from vaca, trying to get my computer and get caught up on stuff. Hopefully things will calm down next week and I'll be able to get caught up.
Not much else going on. Need to dry my hair. See that old scraggly mess in that photo? Yeah. Tends to get caught in and on things. Has a mind of it's own, it does!
Maybe this weekend I'll sit down and play a little more with the format and the pix and the like. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll just go get intoxicated again. Why the hell not? Sounds like a plan to me! Or maybe I should get intoxicated and fiddle with the format - can't hurt!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:18 PM
Yeah, baby! Finally got the scanner hooked back up. Here's some vaca pix. Where I spent most of my time (my toes in the sand and rum in my hand!)
HA! Jealous, much?
And here's some fishy-fish pix! I loves to snorkel and feed the fishes! (I wanted to find a shirt that said "I swam with the fishes" but alas, I could not.)

Here's some shells and the like. Beautiful.

Now HERE'S some sweet scenery I wish I COULD have seen:

Mmmmmm - wanna split a bottle of liquid courage with me, babe?

Mmmmm - yummy manflesh! Gimme!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:43 PM
Aren't I the lazy old thing? Yeah, well. Zip it. I gots more "impotent" things on my mind at the moment. I'm getting a new computer at work so I had to delete all the photos of the Big O on my hard drive. How embarrassing would THAT be to have those IT geeks giggling at my Orlando obsession? Uncool, dude. So his pix went bye-bye along with all my "writings". Now I'm defraging the drive in the hopes to bury it all. OK it probably won't totally work but it will make me sleep better tonight anyway so shut up! Meanies! Making fun of old ladies who remember programming in DOS!
Ah, yes. Work is crazy. People act like the world be ending because I'm out for a week. Job security I guess is one way to look at it. I'm thinking that someone needs to give me some movie tix for all the hand-holding I do. "Oh, don't worry, it will be ok. It's no big deal. I promise," I wish I had a buck for everytime I had to say that to some idiot in a panic! I'd be independently wealthy and not have to work at all! LOL!
That's work. I'm still trying to get my personal life back in order as well. Gotten a lot of hits on the personal ad and just trying to weed thru the morons. Lots of those out there. What does "NO MARRIED MEN - period" mean, exactly? I thought that was pretty damned explicit but apparently not. There are still some idiots who believe (for whatever reason) that they are just "all that" and I will ignore that little detail to get with them. Uh - NOT! Don't waste my time.
So far none of them have panned out - I met like 5 dudes, three have stood me up (not of the 5) and several haven't even bothered to write back after a few times. Some of them just keep demanding that I call them or meet them RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Sorry, dudes - I've got to write this formula RIGHT THIS MINUTE or, as the hand-wringers have assured me, God will destroy the WORLD! And it will be ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!
What's more important - you getting laid or me saving the world? Yeah. So shut yer flap! I got more "impotent" things to do than worry about sexual satisfaction. The fate of the WORLD rests in my grubby lil' paws. So there! :-P
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:57 PM
SWEET! I'm back from my jaunt in the Bahamas and it was SWEET! Beautiful sun, sand, surf, sailing and rum! Ah! Nothing to do but snorkel, sail and lay on the beach drinking. It was barbaric torture but I managed to survive!The weather was nice - high 70's with a breeze. It rained the day I left. Sad to see me go, I'll bet. All of my clothes smell like the ocean and sun - it is quite wonderful!
Of course, I had to part with some $$$ on some serious rum (yummy!) and pay the hated Captain Morgan a visit in his home port after his unprovoked attack in August. He'll get his. I'm amassing my troops as we speak. heh, heh! We'll show him!
I had a lot of fun. Went out drinking at Senor Frogs one night. It was very odd. I had to be one of the oldest people in there but I sure didn't look it. And the guy I was with (one of the locals) was getting a kick out of how the other dudes were giving us the eye. Of course, he was gay and we were both trolling. (Why do gay me adore me? I must figure this out. Probably because they aren't intimidated by me - they find my "manliness" kinda cute I'll bet. Sad, isn't it? The gay ones are attracted to it and the straight ones are intimidated by it. Ah, well.)
Anyway - he thought it was funny as hell that most of the guys were watching me (according to HIM - I couldn't see a whole lot because I had about 6 shots of rum in me and 2 of tequila and I was sans glasses. So The Big O probably could've fallen at my feet and I wouldn't have noticed unless I fell over him). But it was a lot of fun no matter what.
The water temp was freezing - about 72 degrees F. Cold when you're out snorkeling, tho. The fish were absolutely beautiful and they would come right up to you and eat out of your hands. It was so cool! A big blue one with a big hook tooth like thing scared me and I pushed him away. That sucker looked like he could snap my fingers clean off! I did get to touch a lot of them, tho and it was so neat! I loves the fishes! I only wish it would have been warmer or less windy because I got too cold to go more than one day. Ah, well. Maybe next year I'll rent a wetsuit. I loves to swim and snorkel.
Visited the Atlantis. It was ok. The aquarium was wicked cool, tho! (That's the main reason I went, let's not kid ourselves!) They had a giant manta ray in there with a wingspan of about 10 feet. I kid you not! It was so hauntingly beautiful. It looked like a big angel just flying thru the water so slow and graceful like. People were just awed at it. Even the college dudes were like "whoa! Look at that thing! It's so cool!" And it was. Mere words cannot do it a credit. It was just gorgeous flying so leisurely around, the tips of it's "wings" touching the water surface. I watched it for a long time.
They had all sorts of fish in there and the aquarium is absolutely HUGE (it had to be with a monster like that manta ray in there). They also had eels (ick!) and shrimp, lobsters and sharks. They had one gorgeous sting ray that was colored like a cowrie shell top. It was so beautiful. I have never seen a ray that color before - brown with white spots - just like a cowrie shell. It was just gorgeous.
After I got my fill of the aquarium, I went back to my hotel. I actually stayed on Cable Beach which is a few miles outside of Nassau proper. It was very nice. Quiet and nothing but the sun, sand, surf and rum.
I went into Nassau town to do some shopping for two days. It was nice but I was glad to return to the beach. Very peaceful. Nassau is full of cruise ship tourists and traffic. It's ok but I wouldn't want to stay there. I'm more about the beach.
There are a few stories I could tell but I need to get some things done around here before it's back to the salt mines on Monday! I'll scan some pix and post them for the enjoyment of all. Hey, I can't keep this boring drabble up forever! lol!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:24 PM