~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

~ Not Much ~

Yo! Check it out! See how I managed to fit the stuff? I'm so proud of myself! Took me for freakin' ever to size those things. Not that the sizing its self is hard - just reading the damned code. There has GOT to be an easier way to do this! (I just haven't managed to find it yet!)

So work is still work. Got my new computer today and it's got a bunch of new-fangled thingys hooked up to it that I'm still trying to figure out. And I can't find half of my stuff because the place it USED to be isn't there anymore and the IT guys moved it to another file. Just have to get used to where everything is and how to get to it.

I got it right after lunch so I spent most of the day just trying to get my icons back and answer email. Still haven't quite caught up yet. Sad, I know. But at least I managed to keep the world from being destroyed by writing that formula, huh? hehehe! gimme a little credit, will you? *laugh*

Tonight is another early one for me. I've just been so tired this week - probably from all the stress of coming back from vaca, trying to get my computer and get caught up on stuff. Hopefully things will calm down next week and I'll be able to get caught up.

Not much else going on. Need to dry my hair. See that old scraggly mess in that photo? Yeah. Tends to get caught in and on things. Has a mind of it's own, it does!

Maybe this weekend I'll sit down and play a little more with the format and the pix and the like. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll just go get intoxicated again. Why the hell not? Sounds like a plan to me! Or maybe I should get intoxicated and fiddle with the format - can't hurt!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:18 PM


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