Aren't I the lazy old thing? Yeah, well. Zip it. I gots more "impotent" things on my mind at the moment. I'm getting a new computer at work so I had to delete all the photos of the Big O on my hard drive. How embarrassing would THAT be to have those IT geeks giggling at my Orlando obsession? Uncool, dude. So his pix went bye-bye along with all my "writings". Now I'm defraging the drive in the hopes to bury it all. OK it probably won't totally work but it will make me sleep better tonight anyway so shut up! Meanies! Making fun of old ladies who remember programming in DOS!
Ah, yes. Work is crazy. People act like the world be ending because I'm out for a week. Job security I guess is one way to look at it. I'm thinking that someone needs to give me some movie tix for all the hand-holding I do. "Oh, don't worry, it will be ok. It's no big deal. I promise," I wish I had a buck for everytime I had to say that to some idiot in a panic! I'd be independently wealthy and not have to work at all! LOL!
That's work. I'm still trying to get my personal life back in order as well. Gotten a lot of hits on the personal ad and just trying to weed thru the morons. Lots of those out there. What does "NO MARRIED MEN - period" mean, exactly? I thought that was pretty damned explicit but apparently not. There are still some idiots who believe (for whatever reason) that they are just "all that" and I will ignore that little detail to get with them. Uh - NOT! Don't waste my time.
So far none of them have panned out - I met like 5 dudes, three have stood me up (not of the 5) and several haven't even bothered to write back after a few times. Some of them just keep demanding that I call them or meet them RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Sorry, dudes - I've got to write this formula RIGHT THIS MINUTE or, as the hand-wringers have assured me, God will destroy the WORLD! And it will be ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!
What's more important - you getting laid or me saving the world? Yeah. So shut yer flap! I got more "impotent" things to do than worry about sexual satisfaction. The fate of the WORLD rests in my grubby lil' paws. So there! :-P
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:57 PM
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