~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, March 17, 2005

~ Why I need another vacation ~

I have it on good authority that the world will be ending at any moment now. Why? You ask. Because I didn't write this rationale for the plant to start up production. Therefore the world will cease to exist and it will be all my fault.

The good news? No more work and no more stupid vapid dipshit Kate Blankstare to plague us.

I certainly hope everyone reads this in time and makes amends. I guess I could have saved the world one more time but, dammit, Jim! I was just tired of it all. So farewell and see you on the other side!

Yeah, and my dad calls and starts bitching about a gift certificate I gave him. Seems it was only worth $5. (I won it - it was a gift card from Target so I didn't know how much it was worth. But, being the "good daughter" I am, I gave it to my parents to use. No good deed goes unpunished - especially in OUR family!)

I told him he'd just have to take a number. My ass is already overloaded with people who want to ride it. Being family doesn't mean you get to cut to the front of the line, either. So wait your turn to bitch at me.

I'm supposed to have a conference call tonight at 10:30pm with Japan (don't ask) but my stupid Palm Pilot didn't synch right and I don't have the phone number so I can't call in. Not like there's going to be any world LEFT to call in - I mean, once plant A realizes they can't produce, the world is going to end anyway so why should I even bother?

Yeah, that's gonna be my new attitude "well, the world's gonna end anyway because I already didn't do XYZ so why should I care? I don't think the world can end more than once in a day!" But I could be wrong. Highly unlikely about THAT particular item, tho.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:54 PM


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