~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

~ More Ice Capades ~

Ah. Yesterday was "jump day" with the new pro. Today my poor ass is sore. My back is worse, tho. Ugh! Thank God for Naproxen! It really helps.

And the ass is getting even more sore with all the idiots riding it. Yeah, I took 1/2 day today - it's very nice and the phone guy was coming out to hook up something. So very nice to be able to have the windows open. Yay! I might even go clean the car and all that later!

Anyway - enough of that work crap. I'm sick of the stupidity. Again. Still. Whatever.

We went thru all my jumps and my new pro is a bit amazed at how strong I am. Yeah, well, that's not always a good thing when one skates. I have a tendency to try to "muscle" everything which can get me into some trouble. Don't get me wrong - I love being uber strong but it has its downside (overuse).

After we ran thru all my singles, we didn't even do combos we went right to Axels and doubles. Wooo! She showed me a new entry into my Axel to straighten it out and it really helped. It just floats now and it's so cool! I can feel my body go up and rotate.

That landing thing is still a bit puzzling (Where TF are my FEET? FEET? Hello? Bam! Ice meet butt!). Mostly because my feet get all tangled up. I feel like I must have a million miles of leg for them to get tangled up like that but I don't. Just lil' stubby legs so how can they get tangled up so bad? Surely one of the great mysteries of our time! I've gotten so used to the toe ring that I can't even feel it anymore so I'll have to try something else.

Apparently my double salchow looks pretty good too. I can tell I'm straight in the air but I don't feel like I'm jumping. She says I'm not getting enough "lift" and that's what it feels like. I must be rotating because I'm landing where I should be (albiet on my ass) but I'm not feeling the rotation in the air and I always could before.

Of course, it's been a long time since I've consistently worked on my double sal and even longer for the double loop. (I'd rather do a double loop anyway - I think it's easier. No infernal weight shift in midair - BAH!) Maybe after a few more sessions I'll be able to feel the rotation in the air. That would certainly help I think!

Now how cool is this - Bean has been making music with her imac and publishing it on line so I talked to her about getting some music to skate to. She asked one of the dudes she makes music with and they are all excited to do it. I think that would be AWESOME. I KNOW no one else would have my music - I can get some strange ethic-sounding thing that I like and give her buddies exposure as well. I think that's sweet!

I do currently have a program that I was going to use because I like the music but I think I might just give it to her and tell her "something like this" for 2 minutes and see what they come up with. Ol' Jeffy laid the trash talk down and begged for an ass-whuppin at an upcoming competition so it's a moral imperative that I oblige him! heeee!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:04 PM


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