Orlando - you fucking douche bag moron - is your dick really that stupid? Honey, I know you have no taste in MEN but I thought you'd at least come to your senses about women when you finally dumped Kate Blankstare.But, alas, it would appear that my estimation of your taste in women was short-lived and you've returned to seeing that vapid bony dim bulb of an ex. Does she make you feel intelligent? Is that it? Lord, honey - she makes a houseplant feel intelligent!
We all know you're no Einstein but really - she's about one step up in intelligence and personality from a door knob. Seems to me someone needs to be re-educated and in a bad way.
WTF is wrong with you? Need I remind you that we fangirls pay your bills and most of us can't stand that immature whiner?
I am losing what little respect I did have for you and I'm starting to dislike you for staying with that vapid dipshit. And I'm not the only one. Remember who feeds you, sweetie. It's not nice to piss off your fanbase. Not nice at all. We pays your bills. And don't you EVER forget it. We stop going to your movies and you're out of a job. Simple as that.
*sigh* It's obviously time for me to break out the nasty-grams. Oh, well. Marketing has been on my ass and I'm in a foul mood anyway - your stupidity has just added to it. Don't worry, honey, I'll use small words so you can understand me.
On another note - why the fuck are dudes in love with my hair? Maybe I should introduce my HAIR to the Big O. Maybe THAT would make him come to his senses. (I rather wonder if he HAS any to be honest!)
It would seem that most guys are in love with my hair. WTF?? It's just hair, people! Grow your own for the love of Pete if you want it so bad!
Last night I meet this guy from the personals, right? And he just keeps staring at me. Very weird. Then he writes me this big note telling me how he loves my hair and wanted to touch it and brush it. It just makes me want to hurl. I am more than just some hair, halfwit!
*sigh* So it's been a rough day but not work wise. For some reason. Of course, the idiots are in full force and all that but nothing like it CAN be or HAS been. And I've managed to get quite a bit done today. Still have more, of course, but at least I'm getting there.
Now this whole other thing has me fired up. I know it's stupid and it doesn't matter and all that. Yeah, I know. It's just - bah. If I ain't gettin' any then HE doesn't need to be gettin' any, either. So there!
And Mr. Wicked is being mean to me. Really mean. Like evil - more evil than usual. He wants me to stop with the Big O, stop with the personals and stop going to the gym and just fawn over him. Well, um. OK. Sure. Why not?
Why the hell not after all this? OK, Mr. Wicked. I'm convinced. This was a sign from God - I need to stop with all this BS and just concentrate on YOU - a disembodied muse. Now THAT sounds sane and logical.
Forget about the Big O and his stupid dick that wouldn't know anything beautiful if it slapped him upside the head. Forget about marketing that is driving me to drink. Forget about the dudes who want to meet me because they are in love with my hair. Forget about all of them and just think of YOU. Just your wicked self.
And what's in it for me? I sort of forgot.
Riiiiiight. Nothing. So it would seem I have nothing to lose then, yes?
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:26 PM
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