Has finally packed, made my hotel reservations for next weekend and printed out all of my maps. I even went to the library and picked up some French CDs for a bit of a "refresher" on the subject.
I feel so guilty, tho. I blew off dance class (naughty!) and the event today so I could pack, stop the mail, do the laundry and fight this damned sinus whatever it is. So I was productive but still - I HATE it when I feel like I've got a million things to do and no time to do them and have to skip practices because of it! So bogus!
Ah, well. Tomorrow I think I'll visit the 'rents. I still need to mail out some bills and do a bit of cleaning before I leave.
And I've been tired as hell these past two days. Probably stress and long hours at work. Mr. Wicked is displeased with this and, frankly, so am I.
He says that he's not going to give me any smut until I chill. He's given me more plot and more understanding but he says no more smut until I can devote my full attention to him. Yeah, well, that might be a while, bud.
I'm tired, hungry and my sinuses are just going crazy (that's probably weather related, tho). Even after I took a nap, I'm still a bit dragging.
Well, maybe I'll take a shower, eat something and take some decongestants. Wonder if he'll talk to me then. I really don't want him to get verbal when I'm at the airport. That would suck. But it wouldn't surprise me. Not in the least. Certainly would be his MO.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:04 PM
Arrrrghhh! Am I not the space-time djinn? Then why in the hell am I having such a frightful time manipulating the continuum? It's really starting to give me a complex!
Today we talked to Lilibean who tells me she was on the BBC last night (Thursday night). Can you believe that shit? Oh, I just want to claw her eyes out! Trying to pass herself off as an "artist". Please! I know you still line your pictures up and compulsively organize everything like the good little engineer you are! You can't fool me! LOL!
Ah, I done told her I was gonna sell my sordid little story of her juicy secrets to The Daily Mail or whoever will get me an hour with The Big O as payment! LOL! Too rich!
So, anyway - I'm off to France on Sunday. I think I've finally figured out where I'm going. Sort of. We're looking at Fontainebleau, Chartres, Orleans, Chateau de Chambord, Chenonceaux and Chateau de Chaumont. You know me and the castle thing. One of these days, I PROMISE, I will get my act together, sober up and post all of my pix to my website. Altho I think that I'll have to find another hosting service to hold all of my pix - there are a TON of them from when I lived in Germany and all of my trips.
I have about an entire travel guide of places if I could just get Mr. Wicked to chill and let me concentrate on that. But, alas, he is pissed that I am running off to France for work. Can I help it? No. And I deserve it! Taking a long weekend and enjoying the sites.
This week has been from hell with all of the making, testing, filing and nonsense! It will be nice just to get away for a while!
I need a haircut, too. My ends are all chewed - I could use a good 4" off of it to get it back to manageable but I don't know when I'll get the opportunity to get it cut. Ah, well. Maybe I'll just hack it off myself. It's so long that I don't think anyone would really notice that it was crooked (if it turns out that way).
Uhm - yeah, tomorrow is Unicorn and I sort of don't want to go - I still haven't packed or anything. So bogus. And what do I do tonight after working late (again)? Do I go to practice? No. Do I go to the gym? No. Do I come home and pack? No. I go over to my fave Mexican restaurant (since they don't have them in France - really!) and swill down a couple of Margaritas as I read the reports for the trials I'm supposed to run. Then I come home and hit the beer, much to Mr. Wicked's disgust. (He thinks I should be paying all my attention to HIM instead of trying to find a place to stay in Paris. How rude of him!)
Ah, so, this may be my last update for a bit until I come home. But I'll have some pix - I promise. And they will be castle pix. Maybe I'll even have some more news about Lilibean and her BBC debut! LOL! Maybe I'll be on the cover of the Daily Mail myself when I claw her eyes out! LOL! Oh, I doubt it! We have waaaayyyy too much fun!
Speaking of which - how bogus is it that the Big O is scheduled to be in London the very day I leave Paris for home? Oh, that just sucks! I think he's on to me so everyone - shhhhhh! Stop telling him what I'm up to!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:14 PM
I thought I'd write a little seeing as how I'm stuck on this stupid call and can't do much else but sit here and listen to everyone panic.
It's amazing. I shake my head in wonder. Look, people, it doesn't matter if anyone has MADE it or not. What matters is the paperwork. If I have the paperwork I can figure out how to make it. Duh! Making's the easy part! Sheesh!
Not much else going on. Called mom. She said my baby woo is doing fine. He's outside smelling the flowers and following dad around. The Japanese Cherry tree is in bloom so I have to go see it - it's AWESOME! Huge fuscia flowers on it! So pretty! But it doesn't last very long so I have to run and see it before it looses its blooms.
Oh, I got the rugs for the dog. One says "Beware: Dog Can't Hold It's Licker!" And he can't, either! Or his snot! Poor ugly baby! Blowing snot and licking everyone to death!
I've been eating the hell outta these grapes for the past two days - we had them at a meeting and there was like 2lbs left over so I brought them into the office but no one else is eating them (they are eating the Easter candy). But I'm stuffing myself on grapes! So yummy!
Freakin' call is finally ovah! I think I might sneak outta here! That'd be nice. I'm supposed to meet a guy tonight for dinner but I dunno. Maybe I'll just have a beer or something. Go home, grab some grub, check some email then wander over there.
I'd like to be in bed at a decent hour tonight. Never seems to happen, tho. I end up writing or gnawing on some philosophical question as I stare out into space and the next thing I know it's like 11pm. WTF??? I'm not supposed to make time SPEED UP for Pete's sake!
BTW - heard new pope was elected today. Some old German dude. For what it's worth. Only one left before the apocalypse or so I've heard. The signs are everywhere for sure, tho!
I mean, Steven Segal making a CD??? Certainly a sign of our impending doom if I ever saw one!
It's another beautiful day here and I need to get outside and warm up. It's freezing in this place. They turn on the AC as soon as the temp reaches 60F outside. Bunch of morons! How anyone can wear SANDALS in this place amazes me! I've got on my steel toed boots and my feet are still cold!
(But then, mom swears I don't have any blood in my veins - I'm never really WARM until it hits about 85F or so - ahhhhh!)
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:58 PM
It is absolutely perfect out today! Bright blue sky, green grass, the trees are all in bloom with their pink and white flowers! Oh, it's just gorgeous! And it smells so good, too! Makes me wanna play hookey!
Why couldn't every day be like this? So wonderful! I've been outside for most of the day and it's been so relaxing. Ah!
Check it out - I'm off to Paris next week for work! WooooT! Spending the weekend in Paris! Cluny, look out! Here I come! Again! This time with my digital camera! WoooooT!
The bad part? Bean is going to miss me by two friggin' days! Only two days and we could be puttin' some Parisian drinking establishments out of business! LOL! I'm sure the Fates worked it that way - for the good of world peace - or what's left of it, anyway.
So I've got to get packing I guess. This weekend is Unicorn and I get to see everyone. Most everyone. Those who don't run off to Blackstone Raids. Then next week I'm off!
Ah, the frequent flier miles should add up! Maybe I'll be able to have a Vegas freebie after this! That'd be sweet! Ooooo - happy dance!
I'm just excited to be heading back to the Cluny. It's only been a few years since I've been there but still - this time with the digital camera which will be nice!
Somehow I managed to forget my workout clothes AND my skates today. WTF is up with that? Well, I woke up late and couldn't get my brain in gear today for whatever reason (I think the nice weather).
Ah, well. It happens. But I managed to get a bunch of nasty grams and meetings out of the way. That's one thing I guess.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:59 PM
I'm so tired today and I haven't the faintest idea why! And my legs are so very sore! Ugh! I know that's from dance class yesterday. Owww! But it was fun and I'll do it again. I'm just a glutton for punishment!
Here's a link to a review of Kingdom of Heaven with The Big O. Sounds pretty good. I loved Gladiator. And Ridley Scott can make some hella movies. I have to admit, tho, that I'm looking forward to the music! LOL! Good skating stuff there, fo' so! And it sounds like they may have actually gotten the HISTORY part right! WTF???? How did THAT ever happen?
Check it out
here.You know I'm just living in 1256 and nothing pisses me off more than bogus history. Even if the Big O is all sexy in it. He shoulda kept that 20lbs he gained. He be looking YUMMY!
So today I was going to be ambitious and clean and that but my legs are just so damned sore. And I'm just freaking tired as hell. I guess last weeks marathon making session has caught up with me. Ah, well. Better today than tomorrow.
Besides, as Bernie said "even God rested". Sounds like good advice. Maybe I'll just throw in some laundry and read a bit. I don't feel up for much else.
Mr. Wicked was a bit restless earlier but he's chilled. He seemed worried that someone would draw my attention away from him and he was NOT liking that. Especially since we've gotten to his favorite part of the story - the pointless, endless smut. LOL!
No WAY am I allowed to get "distracted" by other matters when he's finally getting what he wants. Oh, well. I dunno why he worries about stuff like that. He knows I'm not going to abandon him for a real dude until we get this finished. (Now I'm getting his smug look). Ah, well.
Oh, I have to add today's fave MB quote: "You could utter the most profound, eloquent universal truth and someone will still call you a fucktard."
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:13 PM
Finally! This is like the longest week! And I was so busy. All I did was make and make and make some more! Whew! I'm glad it's over. Even my lesson went by really fast tonight which was strange.
I figured with all of the physical labor I did this week I'd be too pooped to pop but that wasn't the case! I actually had enough energy to work on my axel. Wow!
And the layback is finally coming along nicely. Of course, it hurts like a mo' fo' (I'm old, see, and my spine just isn't meant to bend like that!) But at least I'm comfortable with it - now I can get into the position pretty quickly. I'll have to start working on the "flourish" part of it.
Tomorrow is dance class. We'll see how that goes. Then I have to go to the store. I'm out of diet coke. Oh, the inhumanity!
Now riddle me this, batman - why is it that the most earth shattering crisies usually happen at 3pm on Friday when no one is in the office but me? Why? Because I'm the space/time djinn and I'm being tested? I think that maybe it. I dunno tho.
So of course, our fearless leader abandons ship in the middle of the afternoon along with most everyone else. I'm just cruising along writing my reports when - BAM! Shit hits the fan! Frantic calls from everyone saying that "we can't ship! Oh, the horror! Help! Make it go away!"
Like some comic book superhero I spring into action, running up and down 6 flights of stairs to retreive all sorts of information and find out just what the hell is going on. It was someone ELSE'S responsibility but since that PERSON is now GONE it falls to ME to fix it. Figures!
After all the hysteria I find out that it's NEXT Friday when one should panic. Not this Friday! WTF? I say "look, we'll have the results Wednesday and it doesn't ship until Friday. What's the problem?"
Uh, suddenly there's no problem. They just wanted someone to hold their hands and tell them everything was going to be ok. Geez! Can I get an extra like $100 a week for babysitting? I think I deserve it
Speaking of deserving things, be sure to visit
here for some of the most HILARIOUS stories from the service industry. Funny as hell.
Oh, I need to add that Mr. Wicked was really pissed this morning. One of my dear readers made the suggestion (in jest) that Mr. Wicked's arch rival should reappear! Dayum! You shoulda seen the look on his face! I couldn't help but giggle at it.
His exact words to me "you will NOT consider it." Alrighty then! Don't have to tell me twice. Especially after that deadly look! (But it was still funny.) I can't believe he got so upset at the very mention of it! He really needs to chill out!
Poor thing! He's afraid that his victory will be snatched away from him by his rival. I don't think so. (I hadn't even thought about it until my - er - HIS reader mentioned it.) I'm mean but I'm not THAT mean. Not even to him (altho he can deserve it at times). No, he's been good to me giving me plenty of "hawt" scenes and a nice plot so I have to give him that. And it IS his story. Not mine. The rival is out of the picture until the story ends. That's just the way it has to be.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:41 PM
Today we were scheduled to make 3 back to back batches of product, right? Normally we'd make one, maybe two per day but of course, the world will end if we don't make all this stuff by the end of the month. Whatever.
Believe it or not, we ended up making FOUR and a HALF batches in EIGHT hours! Woooooo! We kicked ass! This despite everyone's best efforts to stop us! Indeed, we had 3 equipment malfunctions, one material screwup and several "OMG where the hell is . . .?" moments. But we prevailed! HA! I laugh at you and your pathetic attempts to delay us!
When I finally got to take a lunch, I checked my email and lo, another moron believes that I am the material djinn. People how many times do I have to tell you *I* am NOT the material djinn! I am the space time djinn! Now get it right! Dammit!
Stupid twit believes that poor planning on HER part constitutes an emergency on mine. Uh, no. Dumbass neglected to tell me that they needed 4 products - she told me three so she got three. Now she wants the fourth by May. I told her - verbatum "you're crazy. It's not happening. It will take me at LEAST 9 weeks from the first week in May to have this. Deal with it." Fucking idiot!
I think it's time for me to edumacate the morons. I'll do it the "company" way and write a fucking ignorant report but I'm sure the sarcasm will be lost on them. It usually is.
Get this - some other half wit wants to know if I'll join him in a meeting about a meeting! WTF???? What the fuck is the point of THAT??? No, I'm NOT going to waste my time on you. Get a grip!
Just another bizarre day in the salt mines, for sure! Every day is an adventure. Tomorrow I think I might do something less productive. Why not? Maybe write a bunch of reports and clean. That's pretty unproductive as things go.
I actually went skating after work yesterday. I was too tired to work on my doubles or axel so I just did a bunch of spins and combo jumps. Surprised myself. Even as tired as I was I could still land my lutz/loop combo. Amazing! Of course, I had to sit in the hot tub for a while to get those sore muscles to relax. Couldn't head back into the salt mines all stiff.
Which reminds me - I'll have to take it easy tomorrow since I have practice and Dori will have no pity on me. We'll be back on doubles again. My ass is sore just thinking about it!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:11 PM
So no fornicating camel/dog this morning which is good. Those two were scaring me. Maybe they got a room somewhere or moved into someone else's lab. One never knows about the things around here.Tomorrow I'm going to be hating life. We have to make three full batches of product one right after the other. UGH! My poor body is so sore already! I know I'm just going to be creeping around like I'm 100 years old, too. Oh, well. After checking the schedule, I see that I'm the only person who ends up making the most stuff. Hmmmm. Wonder why that is? BAH!
Check out this freakin' HILARIOUS picture of the Big O staring at some chicks boobs. The look on his face is so classic! He doesn't even know he's been busted, either. Pun intended, of course! (From some screen caps for an interview he was doing for Kingdom of Heaven.)

Doesn't he look like he's thinking "whoa, look at that rack! Think she'd slap me if I touched them? Dayum!"
Poor boy's been without some real boobies in his life for so long he just doesn't know what to do with himself, huh? Awww, baby, come here, I'll make it all better. And you can look at my boobs all you want!
Ah, yes, nothing like seeing a pic like that to make you laugh in the salt mines. Today is nothing but paperwork. I think I might even be able to sneak out of here on time and skate tonight! woooo!
I've got so many freakin' reports to write it's not even funny. But am I doing that? Naw. I gotta get warmed up! Get all this other stuff out of my system so I can write those dry old things! BAH!
My feet are sweating like mad in these damned boots. It's gross.
Get this - the "space guru" came into my office yesterday and told me I have to move to another office. I'm like "uh, not until May unless you're going to have someone pack up all my stuff and move it for me. I don't have the time." HE KNOWS this because HE is the one who WROTE the schedule from hell! WTF is he thinking? I can just stay here 24/7 to get all this shit done AND move on top of it? *must control overwhelming urge to slap sense into someone*
New word of the day "scalarious" when something is scary and hilarious at the same time. Gotta love it.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:58 PM
So the birthday came and went and I still didn't have a party or anything. Am I pathetic or what? Yeah, I know. This weekend Bean is in London - the beyotch! I wants to go! But no - I have to stay here and slave away in the salt mines. *sigh*I'm already tired and it's only Tuesday. We haven't even hit the peak cycle yet. I just don't know how I'm gonna do it. Lots and lots and lots of caffeine, most likely.
This morning when I came in, I discovered a stuffed dog and a plastic camel fornicating on my desk amidst a zillion reece cup wrappers. *shakes head sadly* I tell ya - the things that go on in this place when the lights are off! (At least someone/thing is getting some action. I sure as hell ain't!)
It's gotten crazy around here, more so than usual and that's saying something. As Kimby says, tho, once your head's underwater it doesn't matter if there's an inch over your head or ten feet. You're still drowning. Yup.
Things will go on like this until someone screws up royally then the shit will hit the fan and everyone will act like "well, why didn't you say you needed help?" WTF??? Like what have we been saying for the past two years? Obviously they don't want to listen because we continue to get it done.
Maybe I should kidnap myself. Of course, my randsom would be the Big O. heh, heh! Hey, if I'm gonna ask for something I might as well go all out, huh? All they can do is say "no". I've done been turned down for the Villa in Rome, the yacht and the chinchilla coat. Not much left on my list but him, champagne with Godiva chocolates every Friday, my own private office with a view, that lil' boat for the lake - ok, maybe the list is a bit longer than I thought. But we're getting close to the bottom of the list and I STILL don't have anything on it that would make my job easier, dammit!
Hmmm - now an extra week of vacation would be nice. Veeeeerrrryyyy nice. I could spend a full two weeks at war. Oh, what fun! My liver would protest but we'd shut him up real quick with a nice jolt of tequila! Yes, indeed. An extra week of vaca. Hmmmmm.
Oh, speaking of war - here's one of my new out of context fave MB quotes from Pennsic.net "I knew (it) was getting too big when security came by and threw us out of Hell at 2am". Dayum! How often does THAT happen? One gets thrown out of hell? How bad does THAT suck!
And after being thrown out of Hell, where would one go to continue one's drunken debauchery? THAT, my friends, is the burning question of the day!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:13 AM
OK. Why do stupid men insist that I give them my phone number when I haven't even met them? Do they I'm stupid enough to believe that they can't find my address by using my phone number? Uh, HELLO??? I get this one joker who insists that he has to have my phone number before he meets be because he doesn't think I'm "real" whatever. Moron! What do you think I am? Mr. Wicked? Uh, no. Granted, most people think of me as a djinn (especially at work) but I can assure you I am very much in the flesh and "for real". He's like "well, you're too uptight for me". Yeah, well, my personal safety overrides every other consideration. No, you're not getting my phone number so deal with it.
Why is it that they want to meet immediately and start calling me? I said that I want to exchange emails before we meet and I feel comfortable. Obviously these idiots either have no idea how many freaks are out there or they just don't care. I'm thinking the moron from the above paragraph is going to run into one of those "psycho" bitches who stalks him before he realizes that it's SMART to be a bit careful. Oh, well. His loss.
Yes, I DO have a lot of guys trying to meet me. Juggling work, skating and them is kind of hard. But of course he wouldn't know that being "self employed". I guess I was supposed to be impressed by his "self employment" (I read it as "bum"). What impresses me is a degree from MIT. Now THAT is impressive because it's something I can't/won't do for myself.
Let's face it, why should I drop everything and meet you? I have a life. If you can't deal with it then that's just too bad. I'm not giving up my life to have sex with you. Get over yourself.
To keep myself "entertained" while I continue this search for another *ahem* young male plaything, I decided to stop and buy a new "toy" seeing as how the old one is about dead (I blame the Big O - it's all his fault). It's a Tuesday night and I go into the Hustler store right? I'm looking rather rough 'cause it's after work and I've about had the Day from Hell (more on that later). I'm dirty and I smell bad, ok? The stage is set.
I go in and go look at the shoes and corsets (because I like to check them out). Some weirdo rushes out to the shoes, stares at me for a few minutes then his cell phone rings and he walks off to talk. I wander around and end up in the "toy" section. So I'm just zoned out (as per normal when I've got a lot on my mind) and I'm just standing there with a blank look on my face (I'm thinking about work sad as that sounds). I must have looked pretty confused because THREE stock boys came by and asked if they could help me. Then TWO of them came back TOGETHER to ask me. At first I was like "uh, no" and snapped out of my daze. But when the two came back I was starting to get annoyed. I mean, I'm paying attention now and I'd like to choose my toy in peace if you don't mind!
HA! After THEY leave then the weirdo from the shoes comes up to me (while I'm trying to decide on what toy) and starts in with "don't I know you from somewhere?" WTF??? Do you see me trying to buy some fun here? Get lost - beat it, creep! If I wanted a real dude I'd have one! Sheesh!
Finally they all leave and I get what I want, pay for it and leave. I get in the car, lock the doors and pull out of the parking spot. I'm about ready to drive off when this wierdo (the same one from before) rushes up to my car and tries to get me to roll my window down. I crack it just enough to hear what he wants. He's like (no shit, I kid you not this is what he said to me) "I have a bet with a friend of mine and I'm supposed to strip for someone I don't know. Can I strip for you? Would you watch me strip?"
WTF? "Uh, hell no" and lil' blue laid a patch of rubber. What in the fuck is wrong with people? WHAT??? It's a fucking TUESDAY evening - still light out for crying out loud! WHAT the HELL kind of perv is out on a TUESDAY????? No one gets laid on a Tuesday! People's gotta go to work in the morning, halfwit! The salt mines are calling me - you think I'm gonna take your ass home, fuck your brains out then get up and go to work in the salt mines at 6am? You're insane! *sigh* I'm doomed, doomed I say! When I get all dressed up and go out, dudes run away. When I look like total and utter crap and smell like sweaty old pits besides they seem to like it. WTF??? I guess I should just go to the bars after work and see what happens. Apparently dirty, smelly chicks wearing steel toes and safety glasses are a big turn on. Who would have thunk it?
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:39 AM
OK - Does David Berkowitz ring a bell to anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Yeah, well, seems some freaking moron in our building has gotten a dog that barks incessantly.
After two days of listening to this non-stop assault on my ears, I can see how Berkowitz went wacky and thought the dog was Satan because of it's constant barking. I must destroy this barking! I'm going crazy listening to it!
Why the fuck do people do this? Buy these dogs then leave them for the weekend so the rest of us have to listen to them? Why? It's like one of those stupid car alarms that keeps going off - no one pays attention to it after a while. I could see people hauling stuff out of that apartment with that dog yapping and I wouldn't bat an eye.
Why? Because the dog barks all the time for NO REASON. Stupid dog.
Looks like I'm gonna have to play "bitchy neighbor" again and complain to the association about the damned thing. Not like that will shut it up. Duct tape would work, tho. HA! Oh, shut up! I can vent, can't I?
So, just for the record, if I go wacked and start doing crazy shit, that infernal yapping dog is the reason, m'k? Just wanna make that clear.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:05 AM
My bitching has paid off! YAY! We get a temp! Oh, sweet charity! A temp to fill those fucking 250 bottles! Oh, happy day!Now I just have to write about a zillion papers but that's ok. That I can do. And it's what I get paid for ultimately. Not filling stupid bottles.
My one poor co-worker. She has no idea of how easily one can manipulate the space-time continuum when you're a djinn! We can really do all that in six months? You'd better believe it, sweet ums!
This month is going to be about hell. Zillions and zillions of projects - people clawing each other's eyes out because there's a limited amount of resources and everyone now wants them. Oh, what fun! But I laugh at them! I have squirrelled away what I need and I will jealously guard it! So there!
More skating today. Much fun. Learned some new tricks - how to go into jumps and connecting moves. So very cool. That's what I loved about Elaine Zayak's skating - you never knew what she was going to do - she would just be doing some footwork or something then - bam! Double axel. Totally out of the blue but it was so great to watch! I HATE those long setups when you know EXACTLY what's going to happen. Surprise me! Entertain me! Yeah!
Um - the dating scene - yeah. More fanmail for the mop of hair. Why can't the Big O find fascination in an 'older' redhead, huh? Is that too much to ask? I think not. Hey, I got my temp so maybe I should continue bitching that I want Orlando to make me happy instead of a raise. What the hell? Why not? All they can do is say no! LOL!
Mr. Wicked has pissed everyone off by his irrational behavior but he assures me that in the end there will be more "hawt" sex than anyone knows what to do with. Yes, indeed! And he keeps telling me about it. Now if only he would stop gloating and start giving me stuff I can actually USE - yes, you horrible fiend, that IS a hint!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:10 PM