So no fornicating camel/dog this morning which is good. Those two were scaring me. Maybe they got a room somewhere or moved into someone else's lab. One never knows about the things around here.Tomorrow I'm going to be hating life. We have to make three full batches of product one right after the other. UGH! My poor body is so sore already! I know I'm just going to be creeping around like I'm 100 years old, too. Oh, well. After checking the schedule, I see that I'm the only person who ends up making the most stuff. Hmmmm. Wonder why that is? BAH!
Check out this freakin' HILARIOUS picture of the Big O staring at some chicks boobs. The look on his face is so classic! He doesn't even know he's been busted, either. Pun intended, of course! (From some screen caps for an interview he was doing for Kingdom of Heaven.)

Doesn't he look like he's thinking "whoa, look at that rack! Think she'd slap me if I touched them? Dayum!"
Poor boy's been without some real boobies in his life for so long he just doesn't know what to do with himself, huh? Awww, baby, come here, I'll make it all better. And you can look at my boobs all you want!
Ah, yes, nothing like seeing a pic like that to make you laugh in the salt mines. Today is nothing but paperwork. I think I might even be able to sneak out of here on time and skate tonight! woooo!
I've got so many freakin' reports to write it's not even funny. But am I doing that? Naw. I gotta get warmed up! Get all this other stuff out of my system so I can write those dry old things! BAH!
My feet are sweating like mad in these damned boots. It's gross.
Get this - the "space guru" came into my office yesterday and told me I have to move to another office. I'm like "uh, not until May unless you're going to have someone pack up all my stuff and move it for me. I don't have the time." HE KNOWS this because HE is the one who WROTE the schedule from hell! WTF is he thinking? I can just stay here 24/7 to get all this shit done AND move on top of it? *must control overwhelming urge to slap sense into someone*
New word of the day "scalarious" when something is scary and hilarious at the same time. Gotta love it.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:58 PM
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