~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

~ Whatever ~

So the birthday came and went and I still didn't have a party or anything. Am I pathetic or what? Yeah, I know. This weekend Bean is in London - the beyotch! I wants to go! But no - I have to stay here and slave away in the salt mines. *sigh*

I'm already tired and it's only Tuesday. We haven't even hit the peak cycle yet. I just don't know how I'm gonna do it. Lots and lots and lots of caffeine, most likely.

This morning when I came in, I discovered a stuffed dog and a plastic camel fornicating on my desk amidst a zillion reece cup wrappers. *shakes head sadly* I tell ya - the things that go on in this place when the lights are off! (At least someone/thing is getting some action. I sure as hell ain't!)

It's gotten crazy around here, more so than usual and that's saying something. As Kimby says, tho, once your head's underwater it doesn't matter if there's an inch over your head or ten feet. You're still drowning. Yup.

Things will go on like this until someone screws up royally then the shit will hit the fan and everyone will act like "well, why didn't you say you needed help?" WTF??? Like what have we been saying for the past two years? Obviously they don't want to listen because we continue to get it done.

Maybe I should kidnap myself. Of course, my randsom would be the Big O. heh, heh! Hey, if I'm gonna ask for something I might as well go all out, huh? All they can do is say "no". I've done been turned down for the Villa in Rome, the yacht and the chinchilla coat. Not much left on my list but him, champagne with Godiva chocolates every Friday, my own private office with a view, that lil' boat for the lake - ok, maybe the list is a bit longer than I thought. But we're getting close to the bottom of the list and I STILL don't have anything on it that would make my job easier, dammit!

Hmmm - now an extra week of vacation would be nice. Veeeeerrrryyyy nice. I could spend a full two weeks at war. Oh, what fun! My liver would protest but we'd shut him up real quick with a nice jolt of tequila! Yes, indeed. An extra week of vaca. Hmmmmm.

Oh, speaking of war - here's one of my new out of context fave MB quotes from Pennsic.net "I knew (it) was getting too big when security came by and threw us out of Hell at 2am". Dayum! How often does THAT happen? One gets thrown out of hell? How bad does THAT suck!

And after being thrown out of Hell, where would one go to continue one's drunken debauchery? THAT, my friends, is the burning question of the day!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:13 AM


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