Why do I have to deal with them? Did I not bitch incessantly when I was told I'd have to move in with my immediate manager? Did I not say it would be a problem? I think I did. I think I ranted and raved and pissed and moaned more than one human being should have to.
So it isn't until I threaten to stop working and put the beat down on someone that I'm taken seriously. WTF??? Do you think I'm bitching to hear the sound of my own voice? I don't THINK so!
It's like this. When the Master Batcher left *I* was the only one left who understood the "tricks" because *I* was the only one who spent enough time with him to learn them. And who understood his thinking. I had to function on MY OWN because I did NOT have a choice.
There are others who have followed behind me who aren't as "independent" and cannot work by themselves without constant supervision/hand holding. One of these individuals was SUPPOSED to move in with our manager so SHE could be babysat by him constantly. Do they move her in there? Well hell no! They stick ME in the middle of Grand Central Station.
ME!!! With ELEVEN FUCKING projects - TWICE as many as anyone else on the team has because "you can handle it". I can handle it because I LISTENED to the Master Batcher and I TOOK NOTES!
So now my work is beginning to suffer because all I do from about 7am until 9am is tell people "no, he's not in, I don't know when he'll be in - come back at lunch." "No, I don't know if he got it/sent it/knows who/what the hell you are." "no, I can't help you. I don't know/have it". Constantly. Every fucking day for TWO HOURS until his ass decides to show up.
Can I get any of MY work done? No. I'm too busy trying to wade thru the people in my office to do anything. And everyone wants to congregate in our doorway so I can't move. Or better yet, they literally SHOVE me out of the way so they can cram into the office with the three of us. That damned place is the size of a fucking CLOSET and there are THREE of us in there.
Four if you count the co-worker who is in there constantly because she can't do anything without a bunch of hand-holding.
So there are FOUR fucking people shoved into this closet and I'm going berserk. I finally went to my manager (after trying to find her for two damned days) and said I can't do my job and I won't do my job until I either give half of these projects away or I get moved to a less trafficed place.
There's NO REASON for half of those people to be in there constantly. They are just clingy and needy. Fucking DEAL. It's just (something I can't name)! NO ONE is going to DIE from it!! It's not that important in the overall scheme of things! It's just NOT! So why are you standing there sniveling about a fucking pH curve?
My God, sometimes I wonder how in the hell some people can even put their clothes on they seem so stupid. How hard is it to dump some fucking acid into something until the pH lowers? It's NOT!!! Fo'! A trained monkey could do it but YOU can't? WTF???? Geez.
Obviously this job is a little too mentally challenging for you. Maybe you should go into acting or modeling. That don't take a lick of sense. It just annoys the fuck outta me that I can't do my job because other people are too stupid to do theirs.
Hopefully I will be moving before Pennsic. And not during. I'm not missing the war to move. I didn't want in there in the first place.
Now riddle me this, Batman. It's my office and two people (neither of which resides in there) decide to have a meeting there that does not concern me. Is that rude or what? When I ask them to go get a meeting room they wanna raise shit. THEN the one comes back later while I was having a private discussion with the DOOR CLOSED and just walks in, sits down and acts like she belongs there. I'm like "you know, I'm right in the middle of something." She's like "well, I don't care." Talk about fucking RUDE. Took everything I had not to bitch slap her.
Needless to say, SHE is the idiot who can't fucking function on her own because she's too stupid. So when she comes crying to me (and she will because she can't do the job on her own) I'm going to tell her to go to hell. She's like "well, you're just gonna have to deal with me being in here all the time." Why? Because you're a fucking idiot who can't do their job? Why should I have to put up with you because you're stupid?
Then she bitches to me because she doesn't get raises or promotions!!! WTF???? It's because you're a FUCKTARD! How hard is that to understand? Oh, wait, you were the idiot who couldn't figure out that you had to dump acid into the product to lower the pH. Forget it. You probably STILL can't understand why you don't get raises/promotions. And if I told you it was because you were stupid you wouldn't believe it.
Maybe you should take a look at how many times you have to ask someone for help and how long you've been doing the job. It's been two years and you still can't figure it out? I don't think it's because the job is HARD. It's because you're stupid.
/rant. Whew!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:53 PM
Before I spend all of my money on ebay! SHITE! That place is addicting as hell, isn't it? *bites nails nervously*
Let's see - I've bought a tent, a wall hanging for the tent (that just came today from Egypt - gorgeous!), a couple of tabala CD's and a pair of earrings.
But I found something that I absolutely positively cannot live without! Behold!

One of the few things that would draw my attention away from the Big O in a heartbeat. (And is now my desktop wallpaper. Sorry, Orlando. You need to get with the program.) Besides, I believe this is more beautiful, sexier and probably more intelligent. Or at least I can understand it. So it is a thing of unsurpassed beauty in my book. Current asking price? A mere $103,000. I'll have two, please! LOL!
Yes, so today is the day that Steve comes to visit. *HE* is quite unhappy about this and has been grumbling and grousing for the past couple of days. I get the feeling he's not going to leave, tho. (I kinda wish he would, how weird is THAT going to be? Trying to intimidate me or creep me out, I think he is!)
Steve says he doesn't think His Haughtiness will ever leave. He just won't be around as much. I dunno how I can deal with that. Drink more, I guess. Why not? LOL!
Today at dance class I busted my hump. Dang! I think I'm finally starting to catch on. The only thing I don't like about it is that she plays such good music and I have to go buy the CD.
Like today - it was Will Smith's new one "Lost and Found." Now I like Will Smith anyway and the songs she was playing were great to dance to - the OLD school rap stuff that I LOVE. So, there went $15. I like it. He tells it like it is and you can dance to it! What could be better than that?
I don't think everyone can appreciate my taste in music, tho. they'll get over it. I'll just lock the door, close the blinds and dance like ain't nobody looking. Cause nobody IS but HIM and he can't dance anyway! So there! LOL!
OK - I guess I'd better do the dishes and get some laundry done. Then a nap. Why not? And eat. My belly is growling.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:46 PM
Happy Solstice to everyone heathen and non alike! Break out your bonfires and sanctify yourselves!
For my part, I think I'm going to put on my toga and run around the parking lot. Why not? LOL!
Today was so friggin' busy at work I didn't have time to turn around and spit. Geez! Meeting after meeting then just running here and there. Then I had a lesson at lunch so that was kind of crazy. I didn't get to do anything really that I needed to. Just a bunch of answering emails, holding hands and telling everyone "it will be ok. Trust me." UGH! So aggrivating when you work and work and don't feel like you've gotten anything done.
Tomorrow I'm making. The easy stuff. The "old cold" stuff. So nice. I'll be in and outta there. At least I'll accomplish SOMETHING.
The lesson went ok. I've still lost my camel. I'll find it, tho. It hasn't gone far. So bogus that I haven't been able to really put some time in on the ice during work. Oh, well. I'll have to start going in the mornings.
Got my new tent today! Yay! It looks good. Might have to drag it up to mom and dad's over the weekend and pitch it so I can waterproof it and set it up. Looks pretty good, tho. And just the right size for a weekend.
So today I get a nasty gram from a psycho woman. I've always had a lot of dude friends that I talk to. Grew up with dudes and I like their company. Well, one dude is in the process of undergoing marriage counseling with his wife, right? He and I have been emailing for a while (like years).
You guessed it - the wife intercepts his mail and sends me back a nasty gram. Like there was anything in my email that was "incriminating" or even perverted. Puhleeeeze! It was all "give therapy a chance" and "work sucks" and "I did XYZ over the weekend". Pretty boring stuff, right? Stuff I post here all the time! Not like you're getting the big scoop or anything!
She says "well, he just wants in your pants". I'm like "yeah, and your point is?" Like I'm too dumb to figure it out on my own!

Tell me something I don't know.
Ah, so. That's the drama for the day. The Haughty One has decided after our little "tryst" the other night that he wants to start talking again. That is a good thing. He's not as talkative as he WAS but more so than he has been lately. Whatever. I'll take it.
Then some crazy person tells me that she thinks he should stay with me and we should have our own sitcom! Oh, fuck! He just snorted but I nearly fainted. Noooooooo! I will throw him out when this is done. Better yet, I'll drag another male over and see what happens. That got an evil glare. Go on with yo' bad self then!
Stay with me? As if! OK, I better stop dissing him - he's starting to give me that look again.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:09 PM
So I skipped dance practice and the campout today. Am I a bum or what? Well, I had about 6 loads of laundry to do, there's still camping stuff piled up in my living room and I've let the ironing and sewing go until I can no longer stands it.
I thought it would be best if I just stayed home today and made like a maid. It sucks but it has to be done. And since I couldn't convince that little Polish girl to come home with me (the one that took such good care of me in Germany) I've gotta do it myself. How bogus! I needs a wife! LOL!
That's what's on my agenda for the weekend. Big excitement, huh? Yeah, well. I've been neglecting so many other things to try and pry the rest of the story out of His Hatefulness but he's still being a hag so to hell with him. I'll clean and sew and all that good stuff. He'll come around. No matter what he says, he doesn't want me to screw it up!
Check out this double rainbow that was out earlier this week. Very cool! It was after a big old storm.

I really like having that digital camera around. I can take pix and download them like right now. So nice. But I do like having some to share, tho. Oh, well. I can always burn them to CD later to share them, huh?
Last night I had a very very odd dream. It was about HIM. I don't wanna talk about it yet. It's just too weird. And too uhm - arousing. I need to get some cleaning/laundry/cooking done before I even THINK of putting it down. Once I start thinking about it I'm going to need some new batteries. Woke up with a smile I did. But it was still wierd. Disturbingly so.
The other day I stopped by Guitar Center to check out their drums. I've been buying some stuff on ebay lately - got a new weekend tent which I desperately needed (the old one is like 10 years old and dry-rotted at the corners where you stake it in).
I decided to go ahead and check out some drums on ebay just to see what they were running. Some of them were pretty decent so I put a bid in on one. We'll see what happens.
Anyway - I wanted to see if Guitar Center had anything cheaper/better because I really want to hear a drum before I buy it. It took me about two years to finally find a drum that didn't sound "tinny" that I could afford.
So I go in there (the place is full of dudes, of course) and I head right for the drums. I'm looking and touching and one dude comes over to help so I have him get one down for me. Imagine his surprise when I sit down and start playing! LOL! Gawd! It was funny.
And it was a nice drum! Very nice. Small enough but had a nice rich sound. I liked it. The head was tighter than mine (but I still love mine). So if I don't get the one on ebay I'll run over there and pick that one up.
I mean, last pennsic Gryphon turned into the drumming camp but we only had two drums to share. I figure why not get another one? I mean, for $40 to make people happy. Pretty cheap if you ask me. And everyone wanted to try it but there weren't enough to go around. So bogus! If I have an extra one that means one more drum for the circle and one more drummer in class, right?
Who knows? Maybe the Gryphon will become known as a dancing and drumming camp! Now wouldn't THAT be a switch? LOL! Anyway I can take them anywhere. Most parties are more than happy to let drummers in or dancers. I still have my "dancing in public" phobia when I'm sober but drumming doesn't bother me.
One of these days I'll get over it. I hope. I have the same thing skating. It's not really "stage fright" because last weekend I was a stand in for one of the younger kids during a play and that doesn't bother me. No problem. I guess because I'm with other people. But when I'm alone - skating or testing or dancing - EEEEEP! (altho dancing is usually in a group as well - go figure!)
Anyway - the dryer went off so I have to fold clothes and get back to work!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:01 PM
Since I got side tracked before I could finish my saga of the weekend I'll continue now.
Yes, it was a good weekend. The Unholy Grail made its nefarious appearance on Friday night - filled to the brim with Captain Morgan until he was dead and called to his buddy Sailor Jerry to attack. But we fought him off as well. Finally, ye olde potato fire water(vodka) tried to do us in but we killed that off as well. Yes, the Grail was bottomless that night!
But fear not young livers! The High Priestess of Debauchery has placed the Unholy Grail in its vault and sealed it away inside its crypt until such a time as she shall call it forth again for another night of rip-roaring rum swilling! All is safe with the world today as the UG lies sleeping. Replenishing its rum stash for another night.
Indeed, what started out as a quiet evening of mere wine tasting and a quiet chat with friends suddenly turned into a full-blown, bottle throwing, singing, dancing, drumming, story telling get down. Then Mike decides he's hungry about 11pm and fires up the grill so we even had FOOD to boot! Dayum! What a good time!
The next morning, however. UGH. Altho someone must have had a REALLY good time because they left us a dollar tip! Mike and I laughed our asses off about that. I guess we should start a "rum fund" or something, huh? LOL!
Geez, I was feeling rough. D and Nonna showed up in the afternoon and they were all ready to party but, alas, everyone else was still pretty rough from Friday's bout with the Grail. So they had to drink alone while the rest of us just sat around and watched. Of course, there was plenty of singing and drumming and story telling. There was just no Unholy Grail to bear witness to these things.
But it was nice to sit around and talk to them and even old Thurston made it out. He's still not camping over the whole weekend due to his condition but it was still nice to see him out and about.
Sunday I took a nap when I got home. Did I ever need it! Man! My feet were so dirty (I hate wearing shoes when I'm outside and the weather is nice.) Then I mounted my new blades and plugged the old holes in the soles. It took me about 2 hours. I was pretty busy after I woke up surprisingly.
Today was the first day I got to skate on my new blades that *I* mounted myself on my beloved Harlicks. Dayum! I was scared that I didn't do it right. I've never done it before but one of the pro's at the rink told me how and showed me so I tried it. Pretty expensive mistake if I mess up but I figured "why not? It was only $100 to get them resoled." So I tried it.
Today at lunch I skated. It took me a little while to get used to them. My camel was a little off because that bottom pick doesn't drag like it used to on my comets. But my Flip and Lutz - OI! I'm gonna double up on that flip. It is enormous! I couldn't believe it when I did it - it was like "wow!" Same on the lutz. I was in the air longer than I'm used to so I started squirming (bad habit). Even my loop was higher. My axel felt better but I don't think the blades are too much of a factor there - just me remembering to not hurl myself into it.
The only think I was really afraid to try was the layback because of my head position and that bottom pick doesn't grab like my old skates did. But I tried it and apparently my body knows where to go because I didn't tip over and I could see behind me (like you're supposed to). But my balance is a little off when I try to finish my spins. Just have to get used to the rocker on these a little more.
And I love the fact that I can't do "slop" in them. That I have to keep a good technique and not just muscle my way thru everything like I usually do. Oh, well. Those big old legs had to be good for something! hehehehe!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:21 PM
Ah, so many things have happened over the past few days. Wednesday we get a nasty gram from our new Associate Director who tells us we are "expected" to attend some inane meeting preaching to us about something completely pointless. Do we go? Hell no. But we had an excuse!
The Master Batcher calls at 7am desperate for help. Seems they made some product that came out a color that was very very wrong. We spring into "superhero" mode because, let's face it, he trained ALL of us and has saved MY ass more times that I care to count. If he needs me - I'm there. No questions asked.
OK. The boss finally comes rolling in at 9am after Kimby and I have already gotten the situation sort of under control. We just tell "the boss" what we're going to do and he calls the MB for an update. The "attack" admin stops by and says "I'm going to that meeting - you all should be there." And looks at us.
Kimby says "we've got a man down!" I add "and it's MB!" The Admin says "say no more" and leaves.
THEN some mid level manager writes me and tells me that he's on the phone but wants me to WALK up to his office so he can ask me questions. I'm like "no. I'm busy. MB is DOWN and needs me. You could be (the CEO of this multi-national $$$ making machine that I shall not name) and I'd STILL tell you I was busy. MB needs me. Everyone else can wait."
He was saved so all was right with the world.
Friday I went to Push. Was attacked by Captain Morgan and his buddy Sailor Jerry but we fought them off and killed them both. They did not dare show their faces again on Saturday! HA! Of course, most of US couldn't show our faces on Saturday, either, because we were too hungover but that doesn't matter. We fought the rum and WE won! This time.
But I was quite entertaining by all accounts and was quite entertained by those different from me. hehehehehe!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:51 PM
Someone posted this the other day and it was just so funny I had to share it.
I think I can honestly say I've seen it all now! (Altho dude would have more luck if he could learn to spell - ya think?)

Everytime I see that I have to giggle. What a nut case! LOL!
OK - time to hit the salt mines!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:52 AM
This morning I went to practice before work to try the new blades and they are GOOD! Mmmmmm! Wonderful. I couldn't mount them on my Harlicks but that's ok. I used them on the SP Teri's and they are SWEET!
The rocker is shorter so I can't spin on the middle of my blade (as I am wont to do) and it makes my turns really sharp and quick but I'm not doing those back inside 3's until I slap them on my good boots. I would rather try my doubles than do figures. Eeek!
The boots are in really bad shape, tho. Someone didn't take care of them very well and they are dried out. The blades were a little rusty but the pumice stone took care of that. I'll put some mink oil on the skates and let that work its way in tonight.
I talked to my pro about getting the new blades mounted and she said to talk to another one of the pro's who can do it so I'll have to do that. I'd really like to try those bad boys out on my Harlicks before I have a lesson. It didn't take me long to get used to them - not at all.
The boots don't match the blades, tho. The boots are like for a beginner and the blade is for an advanced skater. Someone probably about killed themselves skating on that if they were a lower level.
Now for today's humor!
Check this out -

Needless to say, these things have been passed out to every person at work! LOL! The boss already has three of them! LOL! So appropriate and so needed on so many levels!
I'm thinking of getting up early and hitting the Pilates class before work. I think that would be a good idea. Skating this morning before work really helped me stay alert and the day seemed to go a lot faster. That's always a good thing.
So tonight when I get home I ask the Pouting One if he is going to talk to me. I'm having some problems with his story and he's not been helping. This is the look he gives me when he's disgusted with me (actually, he pretty much looks at me like this constantly).

Does he give me an answer? Well, hell no! That would make life just too easy for me and we CANNOT have THAT! Quelle Horror!
Instead he throws a book at me "Fellowship of the Ring". OK. I get it. I'd lost the feel of Tom and Goldberry and I have to find it. Can't expect HIM to talk about anyone but HIMSELF now, can I? (See me give him that disgusting look right back!) So there!
Finally broke down and turned on the AC today. It's set at 85 so hopefully I won't freeze to death. That would suck a big hairy one.
I'm still threatening to sew. I've actually pulled out the books and patterns and have decided what I'm going to do. Push is this weekend so I doubt if I get around to starting anything. I still need to pack the car up!
THIS time I'm going to remember all the alkey-hol! Dammit! Damned kitchen is full up of booze - there's three bottles of rum alone! Plus one bottle of vodka, one of wine and about 12 beers in the fridge. WTF?? I need to have a "clean my 'fridge" party! LOL!
Ah - I'll just take it with me this weekend - I'm sure I can get rid of it. Dad said he's got three bottles of Black Velvet he can give me but I dunno if I"m up for whiskey. Been long time since fire water hit the ol' liver. Not sure how she'll react . . .

Yeah, I think that's about it! LOL!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:04 PM
Just in case anyone wanted to know that!
So, it's Sunday. Had a pretty decent weekend. Friday I was in a foul mood so I came home and slept then met Steve for dinner. That was nice. I was still pretty tired, tho. I dunno why. Probably all the stress at work getting on my nerves! ARGH!
After dinner we went for a walk and ended up over at Play It Again Sports and I found a pair of SP Teri skates with MK Vision blades on them. Now, as you might recall, I was wanting a new pair of blades (NEEDING is more like it - my others have about had their last sharpening).
Well, the blades were the right length so I bought the skates for $40. Yes - FORTY DOLLARS. Know how much those BLADES ALONE are going for? $320. Yes, THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS. Woooooo! I was frothing at the mouth over that! And they are in good shape!
Hell, the BOOTS are even in good shape and they FIT (I didn't think they would being a 5 but they do! Woooo!) So now I have new boots (new to me,anyway) and new blades. But I think I'm going to put the Vision blades on my beloved Harlick boots and see what happens. I'll put the old Coronation Comets on the SP Teri's and keep them as a backup (get them sharpened, of course!)
Of course, I'm thinking that my spins will probably be off a bit because I tend to spin on the middle of my blade and I won't be able to do that with the Visions since the rocker is quite a bit shorter. Oh, well. Break me of my bad habits I hope.
This week summer skating school starts which means I can skate before WORK! WOOOO! Don't know when I'm going to be able to get a lesson, tho. But skating before work RULZ! I can be exhausted when I go in to work instead of being tired at practice! YAY!
Also, I found out that my dance class is still going on so I went on Saturday. It's a lot of fun but damn, I feel so uncoordinated in there! Ah, well. I like it. And it's fun. And it's a great workout!
Today I've tried to clean a bit and do the laundry. It's such a pain. I really hate cleaning. Dug out a bunch of my sewing stuff, too. I just need to set the color on that linen before I wash it. Maybe I'll do that this week. I need to.
And it finally got HOT here. I'm thawing out from the winter so I don't have the AC on. I'm sweating and it feels GOOD! Yeah! Sweat! No more freezing to death! Sweet!
The Hateful One still refuses to talk to me. He's been moping around so I think I'm just going to start writing and if he doesn't like it he can put up or shut up. So there!
OK - time to take out the laundry.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:52 PM
Between departments are not my problem, right? So why do we continually get caught in them? I don't know and it's really starting to grate on my last nerve (the only one I have left!)
IT wants us to do one thing and QA wants us to do another and neither one of them will talk to the other one and get it straightened out. For some reason they think this is MY job. Uh, no. I'll just sit on my hands until production comes to a grinding HALT then some elephants will jump in and, miraculously, all will be solved! All my bitching is for naught because I have neither the authority nor the influence to "make" anyone "do" anything.
If people don't do their jobs then why do I get blamed for it? I'm not their managers. We've been having the same issues for months now and no one wants to fix them. We just keep limping along and as long as we manage to limp and subvert the "system" to get work done, we won't get any help to fix the problems. Or they'll put another, even MORE stupid "fix" in place and make it WORSE.
So we get caught between these pissing matches constantly. R&D fights with the plant over who is supposed to do what and they catch us in the middle thinking that WE should "fix" this. Well, if I could "fix" anything, I'd fire your stupid lazy asses for making my life miserable, what do you think about THAT? STFU and FIX the fucking problem. I don't care HOW you do it, just GET IT DONE!! We are losing LOTS of $$$ here because YOU won't do your DAMNED JOB that you were HIRED for! Oooooo - I'd just like to strangle some people sometimes.
And the lame ass managers! Oi! When they finally DO get involved, they have to copy God and everyone on their emails bitching at YOU because THEY didn't answer your first 10 emails regarding the problem. WTF???
Ah, God! And I'm so tired and my eyes hurt. I put some allergy stuff in them but that may have done more harm than good. At least my neck feels so much better today! The muscle spasms have finally subsided but I still have to go to the chiro again today and have him check it. I'd still like to know what happened to it.
Yesterday was practice. I hate edge jumps. Just for the record. In case anyone wondered. I'd much rather toe-jump. How someone can like edge jumps is beyond me.
Oh, and I gave the engineers something to chew on regarding velocity, acceleration and the like. It was a skating question but I drew a picture and translated it into a word problem (but it was a "why"). Now Matt is chewing on this like Ug would a piece of rawhide. He said he's going to ask one of the mechanical engineers. No need to call out the calvary, bud. It was just a question. But he can't let it go. I think I might know the practical answer but I'm not sure. I'll have to do a little more experimenting on the ice. Then we'll see.
So that's the rant for the day. Everyone is screaming at me. The world is going to end 2 more times by the end of the day and I'm about to go on my "boston strangler" rampage if these morons can't take their pissing matches elsewhere.
I've put some Mozart in the CD player and it is having a nice soothing effect. Like the Mozart I do - when I need to think. It has that "rondo alla turco" on it which is one of my fave pieces.
OK - well, it's back to the salt mines. If I get one productive thing done today it will be a miracle. Maybe I'll just go make. It's peaceful, no one bothers me and I actually feel like I've DONE something.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:33 AM
Which means there are only two more days until FRIDAY! Yay!
So yesterday I *DID* take a half day off and it was so very nice! I took all the stuff to the Goodwill then dropped off some stuff at 1/2 price books. Of course, this was a Bad Idea since I ended up spending about 10X as much as I got for my stuff. Oh, well.
Got some new Mozart music, tho, which I needed to help me concentrate. It helps believe it or not. A lot.
Took a nap then planted the rest of my flowers. It was nice. Now my balcony is full of flowers and it smells good. Even had a hummingbird stop by a few times getting in the geraniums! Really neat! It came up while I was sitting out there reading my book. I should probably take my digital camera out there and try to catch it when it comes around again. That would be sweet!
After I woke up from my nap, His Haughtiness decided he wanted to talk so I put on some music (not Mozart). Some old Motown stuff. Well, it was quite amusing. He apparently likes the Marvin Gaye quite a bit. Everytime "Let's get it on" played he'd start dancing around the living room while he would sing and it was cracking me the hell up. I mean, that's not something you see everyday, and it was odd to say the least! LOL!
Of course, I couldn't let him see my amusement or he would have been PISSED and probably sulked for another week. But I can tell you it was funny as hell. And, yeah, kinda sexy too. I mean those legs are just incredible. And with that little "swish, swish" he had going on. Yeah. Mmmm. I bit my lip and ignored him as best I could until the next song came on and he calmed down and started talking again.
We're into a lot of the angsty part now and I think that's why he's been so tight-lipped. First I thought he was mad at me or just pouting because I wasn't paying enough attention to him but now I think it might be the story is getting to him. Hell, it's getting to ME and I'm only taking dictation. I shouldn't feel sorry for him, the big oaf! But I do. And that makes him mad, too. Like he thinks he's so above having a HUMAN pity him. STFU!
Today I had to run to the chiro for an emergency adjustment. My poor neck was like all crooked. It made the most horrible sounds when he adjusted me. He was like "did you fall skating?" Nope. Havne't fallen or twisted or anything. That's probably what's WRONG with me. I haven't jarred my guts out enough to keep everything in place. Well, that will change. Tomorrow I have an early lesson.
Yeah, and that stupid Axel is still coming and going - can't seem to get a handle on it. Probably would help if I skated more often but with the holiday and my own laziness . . . I just haven't managed to do it.
I still have to set that fabric that I got over the weekend. And do the laundry. I was going to go to the gym tonight but I dunno if I will. I might just go home and do the laundry instead. Maybe put in my Jane Fonda aerobics tape while the laundry is going.
Tomorrow I'm meeting Linda for dinner. Friday I'm meeting Steve for dinner. Doesn't look like anything is happening on Saturday but one of the other guys was saying he wants to meet up and talk about selling some skating dresses. I wish Jeff still had his shop. That would be kinda nice. But maybe I can talk him into making some stuff for a competition and selling it there. There should be one coming up shortly.
Hell, if I had any inclination I'd do the Troy competition. I think Jeff and I were supposed to do that one but I forgot. I haven't seen the entry forms floating around. (But I bet if I got off my azz and went to the RINK every now and then I'd see the entry forms - ya think?)
There are about a zillion projects going on and I know I'm missing something. Oh, well. World done ended 4 times last week because I didn't do something. What's one more earth shattering event? Exactly.
At least the weather is nice. Finally. Just beautiful outside. Went out and walked around to get warm. Ah! And summer skating school starts on Monday which means I can skate before work. Ah, that is a Good Thing! Yay!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:41 PM