~What in the Hell?~

Saturday, June 25, 2005

~ Somone Stop Me! ~

Before I spend all of my money on ebay! SHITE! That place is addicting as hell, isn't it? *bites nails nervously*

Let's see - I've bought a tent, a wall hanging for the tent (that just came today from Egypt - gorgeous!), a couple of tabala CD's and a pair of earrings.

But I found something that I absolutely positively cannot live without! Behold! Image hosted by Photobucket.com

One of the few things that would draw my attention away from the Big O in a heartbeat. (And is now my desktop wallpaper. Sorry, Orlando. You need to get with the program.) Besides, I believe this is more beautiful, sexier and probably more intelligent. Or at least I can understand it. So it is a thing of unsurpassed beauty in my book. Current asking price? A mere $103,000. I'll have two, please! LOL!

Yes, so today is the day that Steve comes to visit. *HE* is quite unhappy about this and has been grumbling and grousing for the past couple of days. I get the feeling he's not going to leave, tho. (I kinda wish he would, how weird is THAT going to be? Trying to intimidate me or creep me out, I think he is!)

Steve says he doesn't think His Haughtiness will ever leave. He just won't be around as much. I dunno how I can deal with that. Drink more, I guess. Why not? LOL!

Today at dance class I busted my hump. Dang! I think I'm finally starting to catch on. The only thing I don't like about it is that she plays such good music and I have to go buy the CD.

Like today - it was Will Smith's new one "Lost and Found." Now I like Will Smith anyway and the songs she was playing were great to dance to - the OLD school rap stuff that I LOVE. So, there went $15. I like it. He tells it like it is and you can dance to it! What could be better than that?

I don't think everyone can appreciate my taste in music, tho. they'll get over it. I'll just lock the door, close the blinds and dance like ain't nobody looking. Cause nobody IS but HIM and he can't dance anyway! So there! LOL!

OK - I guess I'd better do the dishes and get some laundry done. Then a nap. Why not? And eat. My belly is growling.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:46 PM


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