~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

~ Summer Solstice! ~

Happy Solstice to everyone heathen and non alike! Break out your bonfires and sanctify yourselves!

For my part, I think I'm going to put on my toga and run around the parking lot. Why not? LOL!

Today was so friggin' busy at work I didn't have time to turn around and spit. Geez! Meeting after meeting then just running here and there. Then I had a lesson at lunch so that was kind of crazy. I didn't get to do anything really that I needed to. Just a bunch of answering emails, holding hands and telling everyone "it will be ok. Trust me." UGH! So aggrivating when you work and work and don't feel like you've gotten anything done.

Tomorrow I'm making. The easy stuff. The "old cold" stuff. So nice. I'll be in and outta there. At least I'll accomplish SOMETHING.

The lesson went ok. I've still lost my camel. I'll find it, tho. It hasn't gone far. So bogus that I haven't been able to really put some time in on the ice during work. Oh, well. I'll have to start going in the mornings.

Got my new tent today! Yay! It looks good. Might have to drag it up to mom and dad's over the weekend and pitch it so I can waterproof it and set it up. Looks pretty good, tho. And just the right size for a weekend.

So today I get a nasty gram from a psycho woman. I've always had a lot of dude friends that I talk to. Grew up with dudes and I like their company. Well, one dude is in the process of undergoing marriage counseling with his wife, right? He and I have been emailing for a while (like years).

You guessed it - the wife intercepts his mail and sends me back a nasty gram. Like there was anything in my email that was "incriminating" or even perverted. Puhleeeeze! It was all "give therapy a chance" and "work sucks" and "I did XYZ over the weekend". Pretty boring stuff, right? Stuff I post here all the time! Not like you're getting the big scoop or anything!

She says "well, he just wants in your pants". I'm like "yeah, and your point is?" Like I'm too dumb to figure it out on my own! Image hosted by Photobucket.com Tell me something I don't know.

Ah, so. That's the drama for the day. The Haughty One has decided after our little "tryst" the other night that he wants to start talking again. That is a good thing. He's not as talkative as he WAS but more so than he has been lately. Whatever. I'll take it.

Then some crazy person tells me that she thinks he should stay with me and we should have our own sitcom! Oh, fuck! He just snorted but I nearly fainted. Noooooooo! I will throw him out when this is done. Better yet, I'll drag another male over and see what happens. That got an evil glare. Go on with yo' bad self then!

Stay with me? As if! OK, I better stop dissing him - he's starting to give me that look again.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:09 PM


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