~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

~ It's Hump Day ~

Which means there are only two more days until FRIDAY! Yay!

So yesterday I *DID* take a half day off and it was so very nice! I took all the stuff to the Goodwill then dropped off some stuff at 1/2 price books. Of course, this was a Bad Idea since I ended up spending about 10X as much as I got for my stuff. Oh, well.

Got some new Mozart music, tho, which I needed to help me concentrate. It helps believe it or not. A lot.

Took a nap then planted the rest of my flowers. It was nice. Now my balcony is full of flowers and it smells good. Even had a hummingbird stop by a few times getting in the geraniums! Really neat! It came up while I was sitting out there reading my book. I should probably take my digital camera out there and try to catch it when it comes around again. That would be sweet!

After I woke up from my nap, His Haughtiness decided he wanted to talk so I put on some music (not Mozart). Some old Motown stuff. Well, it was quite amusing. He apparently likes the Marvin Gaye quite a bit. Everytime "Let's get it on" played he'd start dancing around the living room while he would sing and it was cracking me the hell up. I mean, that's not something you see everyday, and it was odd to say the least! LOL!

Of course, I couldn't let him see my amusement or he would have been PISSED and probably sulked for another week. But I can tell you it was funny as hell. And, yeah, kinda sexy too. I mean those legs are just incredible. And with that little "swish, swish" he had going on. Yeah. Mmmm. I bit my lip and ignored him as best I could until the next song came on and he calmed down and started talking again.

We're into a lot of the angsty part now and I think that's why he's been so tight-lipped. First I thought he was mad at me or just pouting because I wasn't paying enough attention to him but now I think it might be the story is getting to him. Hell, it's getting to ME and I'm only taking dictation. I shouldn't feel sorry for him, the big oaf! But I do. And that makes him mad, too. Like he thinks he's so above having a HUMAN pity him. STFU!

Today I had to run to the chiro for an emergency adjustment. My poor neck was like all crooked. It made the most horrible sounds when he adjusted me. He was like "did you fall skating?" Nope. Havne't fallen or twisted or anything. That's probably what's WRONG with me. I haven't jarred my guts out enough to keep everything in place. Well, that will change. Tomorrow I have an early lesson.

Yeah, and that stupid Axel is still coming and going - can't seem to get a handle on it. Probably would help if I skated more often but with the holiday and my own laziness . . . I just haven't managed to do it.

I still have to set that fabric that I got over the weekend. And do the laundry. I was going to go to the gym tonight but I dunno if I will. I might just go home and do the laundry instead. Maybe put in my Jane Fonda aerobics tape while the laundry is going.

Tomorrow I'm meeting Linda for dinner. Friday I'm meeting Steve for dinner. Doesn't look like anything is happening on Saturday but one of the other guys was saying he wants to meet up and talk about selling some skating dresses. I wish Jeff still had his shop. That would be kinda nice. But maybe I can talk him into making some stuff for a competition and selling it there. There should be one coming up shortly.

Hell, if I had any inclination I'd do the Troy competition. I think Jeff and I were supposed to do that one but I forgot. I haven't seen the entry forms floating around. (But I bet if I got off my azz and went to the RINK every now and then I'd see the entry forms - ya think?)

There are about a zillion projects going on and I know I'm missing something. Oh, well. World done ended 4 times last week because I didn't do something. What's one more earth shattering event? Exactly.

At least the weather is nice. Finally. Just beautiful outside. Went out and walked around to get warm. Ah! And summer skating school starts on Monday which means I can skate before work. Ah, that is a Good Thing! Yay!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:41 PM


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