Between departments are not my problem, right? So why do we continually get caught in them? I don't know and it's really starting to grate on my last nerve (the only one I have left!)
IT wants us to do one thing and QA wants us to do another and neither one of them will talk to the other one and get it straightened out. For some reason they think this is MY job. Uh, no. I'll just sit on my hands until production comes to a grinding HALT then some elephants will jump in and, miraculously, all will be solved! All my bitching is for naught because I have neither the authority nor the influence to "make" anyone "do" anything.
If people don't do their jobs then why do I get blamed for it? I'm not their managers. We've been having the same issues for months now and no one wants to fix them. We just keep limping along and as long as we manage to limp and subvert the "system" to get work done, we won't get any help to fix the problems. Or they'll put another, even MORE stupid "fix" in place and make it WORSE.
So we get caught between these pissing matches constantly. R&D fights with the plant over who is supposed to do what and they catch us in the middle thinking that WE should "fix" this. Well, if I could "fix" anything, I'd fire your stupid lazy asses for making my life miserable, what do you think about THAT? STFU and FIX the fucking problem. I don't care HOW you do it, just GET IT DONE!! We are losing LOTS of $$$ here because YOU won't do your DAMNED JOB that you were HIRED for! Oooooo - I'd just like to strangle some people sometimes.
And the lame ass managers! Oi! When they finally DO get involved, they have to copy God and everyone on their emails bitching at YOU because THEY didn't answer your first 10 emails regarding the problem. WTF???
Ah, God! And I'm so tired and my eyes hurt. I put some allergy stuff in them but that may have done more harm than good. At least my neck feels so much better today! The muscle spasms have finally subsided but I still have to go to the chiro again today and have him check it. I'd still like to know what happened to it.
Yesterday was practice. I hate edge jumps. Just for the record. In case anyone wondered. I'd much rather toe-jump. How someone can like edge jumps is beyond me.
Oh, and I gave the engineers something to chew on regarding velocity, acceleration and the like. It was a skating question but I drew a picture and translated it into a word problem (but it was a "why"). Now Matt is chewing on this like Ug would a piece of rawhide. He said he's going to ask one of the mechanical engineers. No need to call out the calvary, bud. It was just a question. But he can't let it go. I think I might know the practical answer but I'm not sure. I'll have to do a little more experimenting on the ice. Then we'll see.
So that's the rant for the day. Everyone is screaming at me. The world is going to end 2 more times by the end of the day and I'm about to go on my "boston strangler" rampage if these morons can't take their pissing matches elsewhere.
I've put some Mozart in the CD player and it is having a nice soothing effect. Like the Mozart I do - when I need to think. It has that "rondo alla turco" on it which is one of my fave pieces.
OK - well, it's back to the salt mines. If I get one productive thing done today it will be a miracle. Maybe I'll just go make. It's peaceful, no one bothers me and I actually feel like I've DONE something.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:33 AM
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