Yesterday was my meeting with the sea hag again. Went much better than I had expected. We actually had a civilized talk and I simply said that I cannot work under the current conditions and do my best. There is simply too much chaos and none of the "systems" in place to prevent said chaos apply to anyone but us.
Surprisingly she actually agreed with me. She asked me if I still wanted to leave and I said "yes". I don't see this getting better anytime soon (within the next three years) and I can't take it anymore. I need more structure (not routine) but a place where EVERYONE has to follow the same RULES. This is WORSE than trying to herd cats. Cats can be reasonable sometimes. Especially if you're holding food!
I can be somewhat reasonable when I'm met half way. Most people are. But this "oh, I fucked up, can you fix it?" Shit is just gotten real old real fast. Nothing but a hysterical, manical cluster fuck is all it is.
I'm fixing to get on my Christmas rant here in a week or so - get ready for it. Why do these stupid retailers start putting that shit out before Halloween? Makes me not want to even go to the grocery store. Disgusting and pointless to push that stuff early. Shut up and go away!
Confession time - I don't feel like a girl. Never have. I don't like to shop. I don't like makeup or clothes or shoes. I haven't seen "sex and the city". Nor have I ever watched soaps. I don't flirt well and I don't do the "femme" things that a lot of girls do like touch their hair or swish when I walk.
It's just one of those things that I just can't seem to "get". And the harder I try the dumber it looks. Really, I feel like I resemble a tranny most of the time - and a BAD one at that. Not looks wise but acting wise. Oh, sure, I LOOK like a chick but I don't FEEL like one nor do I ACT like one.
Picture if you will Rita Hayworth back in the day with Russell Crowe's attitude. There you have me. Get it? See how fucked up and bizarre that is? Yeah.
Some sort of cosmic joke I think. But hey - it could be worse, right? ;-) It could always be worse. This is just weird. Ah, well. Just one of those things brought to the forfront of my mind lately.
Now I gotta go. Time for my pelvic exam. And you thought I was ruminating on being a chick "just because". Uh, no.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:04 PM
Ah. Vegas was nice. The weather was about 70 degrees during the day which was quite sweet. Beats the hell out of the 30's we were having here. Ugh.
Didn't win the "jackpot" but I managed to turn $20 into $150 at a craps table the last night I was there. Slowly but surely you can do it. And have fun!
Let's see - what'd we do? Spent lots of $$ but not on gambling this time. Went to the Guggenheim at the Venetian to see the Russia! Exhibit (the first Romanov tsar). Very cool stuff.
Dad and I went to Caesar's Palace to shop (he always likes to go). Found the exotic car place. Very interesting. Spent a lot of time there gawking and drooling.
Found a fur shop with my chinchilla coat. Still want $25K for it. Dammit. I acutally tried one on this time. It was sweet. Dad couldn't believe the price. I told him if he was going to be a cheapskate that "I'll settle for fox". He snorted and the saleslady laughed at us.
Got my hair cut, colored and the guy straightened it for me (not permanent, tho). I got me some SEXAY hair now. I had about 4-5 inches cut off of it. Looks a lot better, IMO.
Also went to a few pawn shops and bought mom a ring for Christmas. Got one for myself because it fit my little finger, was really neat looking and only $25.
Got two massages. That was nice. So relaxing to just lay there and get rubbed. No wonder the dog likes it so much! LOL!
Bought a ton of souviners for everyone - luggage tags, cigarette cases and magnets. No big deal. Also bought myself two dresses. Spent my $$ on things other than gambling. Of course, I did my fair share of that but if I won, I spent it on "stuff".
It was nice just to be away from work altho I'm still a bit tired. Spent most of the time on my feet and my knee was giving me problems. I think it might have been my shoes, tho. Next time I'll take two pair of shoes.
We all missed The Creature while we were gone. Dad actually wanted to call and see how he was. Of course, when they got home I called to make sure he was ok. I'll have to go see him this week. I missed that mutt.
Today it is quiet at work. So far. I have a meeting with the sea hag this afternoon. Are we taking any bets about how she tries to give me shit again? Not that it matters. I've got a few prospects I'm looking in to.
I shouldn't have to put up with her for much longer - she usually takes about the whole month of December off. That will give me time to look for a job and not have to deal with her shit.
Strangely I've gotten several short story ideas lately that I need to write. And I also need to finish Mr. Wicked's story. We're almost done. I think another 5 chapters or so will do it - if that many.
He's wandered off somewhere and I don't think he's going to be back any time soon but who knows? He tends to come and go as he pleases. Knowing him he'll wait until I have the last chapter written then appear and want to add another twist to it. I'll have to throw him out on his pointed ear if he tries to pull that shit again.
I have to admit it will be a bit of a relief to be finished with that saga. It's been coming up on a year that I've been writing it and everytime I think I'm getting to the end he changes things. Kind of like work - last minute changes which throws everything into a tailspin.
Oh, well. Not that I mind him being around. I've gotten rather used to him and grown oddly fond of him. I just want him to be quiet for a little bit and let me get caught up on some other stuff. I don't think that's so unreasonable.
But then again, I don't think it's so unreasonable that people get their shit together before they come barking at me. I must be a very unreasonable person. HA!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:26 AM
This weather bites the big hairy one. It's been like 20degrees F the past few mornings reaching a "high" of 34F. I hates it! HATES the nasty weather!
I hate having to wear so many clothes that I make the Michelin Man look thin in comparison. Ugh! Either freeze to death and never get warm or wear enough clothes to keep warm and not be able to move!
When it gets down below 30F I pull out the fox scarf I have. People are just fascinated by this thing. Yes, it's real and no, I didn't kill it. I found it at a "yard sale" for $20 and just had to have it. So very very warm and soft. Not as soft as chinchilla, mind you but soft and warm just the same.
I wrap him (yes, it's a "he" I checked) around my throat and tuck his head and tail into my coat. He keeps my neck and throat very warm. When people see it they sort of reach out to touch it then pull back. I always say "he don't bite" because they act like he will.
When they touch him they always ask "is it real?" Kids are especially fascinated by him. They love to pet him and look at his feet and just examine him. It's interesting to watch them. They are usually so intent and ask "is this his foot?" Or "what happened to his eyes?" Stuff like that.
His feet are my favorite part of him and his ears. They are so very soft with his downy hair. Oh, yes I know "fur is bad" and all that. Please. Where I grew up they were all over and getting into the hen house. Shooting them was the only way to keep them from killing all the chickens.
I have a full-length leather coat with a coyote collar, too. Bought that at a rummage sale for $5. Yes, FIVE DOLLARS. It was dirty and I bought it just for the leather (I was going to use it for something else) but I wore it to work once and everyone was so ga-ga over it I just had to keep it. So I cleaned it up and now wear it proudly as my "pimp coat" because that's exactly what it looks like.
Of course, you wouldn't BELIEVE the minks you can find at the Goodwill. Haven't found a fox yet (I'd have snapped it up) but plenty of mink wraps and coats. I don't particularly care for mink but that's just me.
Muskrat is very soft and beaver is nice. I'd have to say fox is my fave, tho followed closely by chinchilla.
Ah, so, anyway - last night Linda and I went out to a gay bar with a friend of ours for his birthday. It was a lot of fun. Kinda weird, tho, the place was full of dudes and yet it felt like women. It's hard to explain.
Everyone thought we were lesbians and that was fine. But there were several dudes there who were like giving us the evil eye. I mean that bitchy sizing up look you get from other females at a "str8 bar".
I wanted to laugh at them. As if any of the dudes there were even remotely interested in me! Bitches, please! First, I'm a GIRL! Second, they all think I'm a lesbian. Third, they don't want me anyway they're GAY! - DUH! And lastly, I'm here with a friend for his birthday not to pick anyone up anyway. Geez!
Linda said she got that impression from a few of them, too. The great majority of guys there were decent to us and I've gotten better service there than anyplace else I've been. The music was great (apparently we just missed the blues singer - dammit!), they had an awesome liquor and beer selection, the food was really good, the atmosphere was laid back and it was a nice big place with plenty of seating.
We stayed for a couple of hours dancing and buying rounds for the birthday boy. He drank so much I don't know how he could remain vertical! I sure would have been worshipping the porcelain god or passed out somewhere! LOL!
As it was I only had 3 beers and that was plenty. Just enough alcohol in my system to keep me from freezing to death when we walked back to the car.
Linda and I were in the can and I notice (to my relief) that I have started my period.
She's like "did you think you might be - you know?"
Well, yeah. There was an outside chance. Very remote but it was a chance. We had an accident and sometimes weird shit happens despite the odds, you know?
She was actually disappointed! I said "WTF woman? I don't want no kid! I'm too old to have a kid! WTF are you thinking? YOU gonna raise it? Then shut the hell up!"
I thought she was my FRIEND and here she wants to put this child curse on me! What the hell?!?!?! Bullshit on that!
Anyway - he was worried me, not so much. A little concerned that maybe all of the things in our favor - my age, my time of ovulation and the circumstances - might somehow defy all of the odds and turn against us. But they didn't so we are glad. Linda is disappointed but she'll get over it! lol!
I still have to clean out the car before we leave. My dad - I dunno why he does this - has to keep a running commentary of every single thing he finds in my car. So I have to clean it out (not like it's full of much anyway now that camping season is over for me).
Everything is examined. "There's a nickel in the floor back here." "Why do you have this axe in here?" "What's this from?" He'll ask about a piece of paper he finds God knows where.
I cannot for the life of me understand this fascination with the junk in my floor. It's a nickel! Leave it alone! I might need it! That's my throwing axe. Leave it alone! That's a piece of trash! Leave it alone!
GAH! It's like having a 2 year old I swear! So I have to get rid of EVERY SINGLE THING in the car - throw all the tools in the trunk, hide the maps, and pick up every coin to keep him out of trouble. It's amazing. I feel like I'm raising my parents a lot of times.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:20 AM
No, I ain't talking about who killed Kennedy or any of that nonsense. I wanna know the REAL deal. The practical stuff that puzzles me every day.
For example - how do complete and utter fucktards manage to get such good jobs when they can't even figure out how to open their damned email? How? How can they be promoted when they are too stupid to know that "f5" is a keyboard key? Insane!
Another one - how in the hell do my damned glasses get so friggin' DIRTY just by being on my FACE? I mean, my FACE don't get that dirty - why the hell do my glasses? It's disgusting.
The biggie that puzzles str8 women everywhere - why in the hell are the best looking, funniest, smartest dudes gay? Does God really want only the fat, ugly, hairy dudes to reproduce? WTF is up with THAT? It's just not fair! Dammit!
And today's burning question - Who in the hell ordered this weather? Well, take your azz to Siberia and turn the heat back on for crying out loud! It's freezing! Ugh.
Last night I met up with my gf and a mutual friend for dinner. It was a BLAST! We must've talked for 3 hours. Actually it was more like laughed insanely for three hours. And we weren't even drinking! I can't imagine how goofy we're going to be this weekend.
See, we were having so much fun carrying on that we decided to meet Friday night downtown. My gf is going to drive over here and one of us (whoever wants or is willing to remain sober - we'll probably flip a coin) is going to drive.
I'm very much looking forward to it. Should be a scream! My cheeks were sore from laughing so much. And it was just about nonsense. Bitching about work and "career crippling incidents" and just other stuff. But it was so nice to see both of them. Ah.
Work is work. But more and more the sea hag is realizing she doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Imagine THAT! And HER boss doesn't know what the fuck is going on. So now we all have to write up little reports on the server so they can keep track of what we're doing because they don't know.
Why not? Well, the sea hag is never around. No way. She's always in meetings trying to make herself look good - she doesn't have TIME to see what we're doing or help us! Perish the thought! *eye roll*
And I can't help but think she was a bit taken by surprise when I wrote up all of the projects I've worked on in the past year and handed it to her. She doesn't want to look that clueless again because she had no fucking idea how much work I did. Too late. She's still fucking clueless because she doesn't WANT to know. If she KNEW what we did - she'd have to help and she can't.
Anyway - enough of her. I had practice tonight. My pro asks me if I can - get this - do a
Bielman spin. I'm like - uhm, well, no. Remember, I'm about 7 years older than YOU. She tends to forget that.
But I told her I would give it a shot. She seems to think that I've got enough muscle to do it and I am pretty flexible. Many, many snows (and several pounds)ago I COULD kick the back of my head so who knows? Maybe I might be able to one day. That would be rather impressive I think.
Hey - the spinning part is easy. It's the finding the foot and dragging it up over your head that's hard. Because you spin FASTER so you have to fight the g-force, too. Ah, well.
Been working on my moves. There's a test coming up in March and I think that's enough time to get ready. It should be if I can keep going to practice 2x or more a week. Not that I don't WANT to - I just usually don't have the time.
:-( But it's been like 3 years since I last tested and I really need to.
I think I might take the adult test this time around - it's pretty much the same as my last test with one additional set of figures. Not a big deal. I just HATED that last test with a passion. Ugh. But if I've done it once I can do it again. Especially since I've had a lot more practice! lol!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:29 PM
What I'm listening to - "Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends". Yeah.
Last week at practice my pro asks me if I'd like to skate for the "media preview" at a local parks Holiday Opening Gala. They need some skaters to show on TV and in the papers for publicity.
Well, you know I'd like to but I'm going to be in Vegas that week. Yes, I actually said that then laughed like a fiend. She laughed, too. Truth be told, I don't LIKE to skate in front of people. It terrifies me!
Oh, I've done shows before and competitions but I don't really LIKE it. Now if someone just wanted me to skate like I do at practice then that's all well and fine. I usually skate much better at practice (and try more things) than at a show or competition.
Anyway I'm going to be in Vegas living it up (read - attached to a craps table somewhere).
It's getting to be that time of the year again - the dreaded shopping season. A word of advice for anyone looking to buy electronic equipment as a gift (or for themselves) - wait until AFTER December 5th.
Why? Mercury is in retrograde until then and buying anything electronic is BAD. Very BAD. The thing will never work right, you'll have a bunch of trouble with it and it's generally a bad idea. I'd say not to buy ANYTHING but that's a little extreme. Just stay away from electronics at this particular time. After December 5th it's ok.
Look at this adorable picture. I think it's from one of the wire services but I'm not sure (since there's no watermark on it).

I just LOVE that look on the whales face - It looks like it's smiling at that girl. So cute! Dolphins and dogs always look like they are smiling to me.
Speaking of "dogs" - I went to visit The Creature on Friday. Actually it was to drop off the pumpkin pie (which, according to dad is quite good).
Ug was asleep when I got there and barked his head off (I guess I sort of scared him). Mom had gone out with my aunts for dinner so dad was there with the dog alone. It would seem they were both dozing away when I knocked on the door and threw the whole place into a tizzy.
Once he was awake, he wanted to race around the house barking like a fiend until I chased him - the dog, not dad. So I did for a while - until he got tired then he wanted love. The snot-blowing mutt!
Yesterday I went to see "Capote". It was very very good. One of those movies where you just say "wow" after you leave the theater. Really made me think. And the dude who plays Truman Capote does a hell of a job with that voice. Even the mannerisms (from what I remember of the man) are uncanny. I would highly recommend it.
It's not an "action" movie by any means (altho the last 20minutes is rather graphic and gory) but it's very tense psychologically. I'm sure a lot of people will think it's *boring* because it's more "mental" and a lot of the "stuff" going on is unspoken. But I really liked it - I like movies that make you THINK and this one definately does.
Today I was thinking about going to the library. I have some books due that I need to return. I also need to pack for Vegas. The quilt is finally off the floor - yay!
Finally finished tying it off last night during "The Crusades" marathon on the History channel last night. They only showed 1-3. WTF is up with that?
Now I'm sewing the ends together. It will take me a while. And I have to put the pearls back on Mike's tunic I made for him. He seems to have worn the threads loose so I'll put them on with upholestry thread this time. THAT should hold them.
I guess he must really like it to wear it if he's worn the threads out on it already! LOL! Hey - we don't make ugly garb. No way no how.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:05 AM
Is going on in this world? Tuesday Ammam, Jordan was attacked by terrorists. Now what the fuck is up with THAT? How in the hell can any self-proclaimed "muslim" (I use the term loosely) justify killing other innocent Muslims? That's just fucked up.
These cowards are terrorists, plain and simple. They can say whatever they want and delude themselves into thinking that "religion" justifies their hate but those in the civilized world know better.
Religious extremism in ANY form disgusts me and gives EVERY religion a "bad" name. Yes, that means YOU, Christian fundamentalists that preach the same sort of intolerance and hate against "liberals". You're not making the world any better by pushing your beliefs on the rest of us, either. Or did you just sort of "miss that part" where Jesus said "love one another"?
Anyway - enough of that. Some good news today. This morning I heard one of my co-workers was hit by a semi-truck on the way to work. Fortunately, the worst that happened to him is he was covered in mud. As a precaution he was sent to the hospital where they ran some tests. Turns out (praise be) that he's ok and went on home. I was very glad to hear that.
Mom is getting her free limo in Vegas. But I haven't told her yet. I'll do that tonight when I go over there and drop off the pie. And give the dog his "beating". LOL! Chase him around the yard and the house is more like it.
In other news - I believe this weekend is going to be one of quiet. Thankfully. I need to return some books to the library and maybe do some Christmas shopping. Yes, it's disgusting, I know. But I have a list of things I should be able to pick up at Biggs or something. And dance class on Saturday morning.
This has been a busy week for me so it will be nice to just lay around and not do anything.
Today we had a "girls" group lunch for those of us "unfortunates" that work in the department. The question was rasied as to why women don't stick around. This was met with derisive snorts and laughter.
On the way back, it was mentioned by my other co-workers that our manager is an idiot (but not in those words). Apparently, she takes any requests for "help" as "unable to do your job" and any questions about "why are we doing this?" as "bitching".
It would seem that my initial assesment of her motivation (to look good to others no matter what) was right on the mark. Much to her dismay. Hey, I may not be the smartest chick but I calls 'em like I sees 'em and if you're dumb enough to ask me point blank, I'm gonna tell you.
This is the way it works. You walk into the Delphic Sybill and ask a question. You get an answer. That simple. If you have the stones to ask the question then you should have the stones to accept the answer. Otherwise, don't bother to ask. Seems pretty simple, doesn't it? And yet idiots continue to come to me and ask questions that they have no intention of hearing the answers to.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:47 AM
Since I've finally gotten around to making that pumpkin pie dad wanted, I thought I'd post the recipe for it. Just in case any one wants to try it. Be warned! It is quite sweet because that's how my parents like it.
First, the pie crust (if you're gonna make a pie you might as well do it right!)
*1 1/4cup shortening (I personally use butter)
*3 cups flour
*1 teaspoon salt
*1 egg, well beaten
*5 tablespoons of water
*1 teaspoon vinegar
In a large bowl, cut shortening into flour and salt.
Combine egg, water and vinegar in a mixing cup and beat with a fork until well mixed.
Pour liquid into flour mixture. Blend with spoon until uniform.
Makes enough for 2 - 8" pie crusts.
For the pumpkin pie filling -
*2 cups of cooked pumpkin (now, you can use the meat of your halloween pumpkin and cook it with a little water or you can use the canned stuff which is already cooked.)
*1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
*1/2 teaspoon salt
*1 teaspoon (more or less) of cinnamon
*1 teaspoon (more or less) of ginger
*1 teaspoon (more or less) of pumpkin pie spice
*1 tablespoon of dark molasses
*1 teaspoon vanilla
*3 eggs, beaten
*1/4 cup flaxseed or 1 teaspoon nutmeg
*1 can sweetened condensed milk
*1 pie shell (this will need to be cooked if you are using the crust recipe above).
Take pumpkin, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, pumpkin pie spice, molasses, vanilla, eggs, flaxseed/nutmeg, milk and mix in a medium sized bowl until well blended. (I would recommend tasting it to make sure you have it "spiced" to your particular liking).
Pour into pie crust and bake at 425F for about 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.
One watchout - you will have to cover the exposed crust with tinfoil about 1/2 way thru cooking to keep the crust from burning.
It will make your entire house smell yummy!
Why flaxseed? It has a great nutty taste and it has lots of Omega 3 oils (so it's good for you and tastes good!)
That's enough cooking for now. Maybe next week we'll have another. Now is a good time for baking and candy recipies since the holidays are coming up. And everyone likes homemade goodies! Yum!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:39 PM
Yikes! Talk about scary! Here's an article from about what the "typical" American eats in a year. Makes my hair stand on end it does!
By Julia Griggs Havey
eDiets Master Motivator
I was totally blown away when I heard these statistics about what "the typical American" eats in a year --
*756 doughnuts
* 60 pounds of cakes and cookies
* 23 gallons of ice cream
* 7 pounds of potato chips
* 22 pounds of candy
* 200 sticks of gum
* 356 servings of soft drinks
* 90 pounds of fat
OHMIGOSH! Is there any wonder as to why we have an epidemic of obesity on our hands?! Need more convincing??
* 41 percent eat NO FRUIT
* 82 percent eat NO cruciferous vegetables (the really good for us kind)
* Over 33 percent eat two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day
* 80 percent don't eat ANY fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A
* 84 percent don't eat ANY high-fiber grains
These statistics shocked the heck out of me when I first read them, I hope they shock you too! We tend to not really think about it when we eat one donut, but if you do that numerous times throughout the year before you know it you are eating the typical 756 a year! That is over two donuts a day on average. Are we really eating that many?
I can think back to when I was morbidly obese and I do remember eating donuts quite often, now I may have perhaps two doughnuts a year, if that! Maybe there is something to these statistics!
The typical American is overweight. The statistics that I was told at a recent continuing education meeting said that 85 percent of Americans are overweight and 65 percent are obese! THAT statistic is a lot higher than I had previously thought of 65 - percent overweight and 35 - percent obese.
I am looking for some more data to say exactly what our current statistics are but if the typical American is eating 756 donuts a year- I see a good place we can start to put a dent in Obesity! We need a ban on donut eating, if not a nationwide ban, a personal ban to bust that "vice" right out of your life would be in order.
I guess we could make a safe comparison and assume that the NONtypical or trimmer American DOESN'T consume --
* 756 doughnuts (but fewer than 12 a year)
* 60 pounds of cakes and cookies
* 23 gallons of ice cream (but abstains from ice cream or has it in small to moderate quantities)
* 7 pounds of potato chips
* 22 pounds of candy (dandy indeed but the nontypical folks go for fresh fruit as a treat)
* 200 sticks of gum (they go for sugar free if any -- cows chew cud all day, not humans!)
* 356 servings of Soft drinks (they drink agua, H20, water only. They know that even diet soda isn't healthy!)
* 90 pounds of fat. Egads! (Those who are nontypical and healthy know to eat leaner and cut the fat!)
It is also safe to assume that the nontypical folks ARE eating --
* Cruciferous vegetables (the really good for us kind)
* More than two servings each day of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A
* High fiber grains
The choice is yours. Are you going to typical or nontypical? There really is a movement going on in our nation to get healthier, and it is time that you join to bandwagon. A life of health and fitness is NOT a life of deprivation! Rather, living a life filled with doughnuts, ice cream, candy and potato chips, gum, soft drinks and fat -- but completely devoid of health and fitness -- is, in fact, a life of deprivation!FYI "cruciferous vegetables" are things like broccoli (which I love), Cauliflower (ditto), cabbage and the HATED brussel sprouts.
Good GAWDH Almighty that's disgusting! Now if it said like 100 pounds of bread, 200 pounds of pasta, 50 pounds of cheese, 10gallons of rum, then yeah, I'd admit guilt to that. But all that candy, donuts and cake - ewwwww! (Now ice cream is my vice and I will defend my right to eat it against anyone!)
Dang. That's just eye-popping. And here I was going to skip going to the gym so I could shave my hairy legs. I guess NOT! (The thought of putting skates on with my hairy legs is repulsive so no skating until I shave - ew!) I'll just have to suffer the hairy legs and work out! That article has just freaked me out! Yuck!
Here I was planning on grilling up some Orange Roughy and spinach for supper. Makes me feel kinda weird. Like I'm not being a "true umeriken" if I actually LIKE grilled fish and spinach (and LURVE the broccoli). I guess I'm a freak then. Oh, well.
So I'm going to be totally "unumeriken" and go to the gym then eat grilled fish. The feds will be busting down my door as I raise the last morsel of spinach to my lips. They will cry "treason" and throw my ass away somewhere.
Ah well. At least I'll be outta THIS hell hole, right? Gotta look on the bright side. LOL!
ETA - well, I didn't go to the gym. Instead I got into a duel to the death with that chocolate pie. I guess we all know who won, eh? Don't look like that PIE is writing! LOL! I'm sad, I know. But it's that time of the month - when I'll eat just about anything and go berserk for chocolate. Oh, well.
Talked to my cousin for about 2 hours tonight. The poor thing. I need to go pick her up for dinner or something. I might do that later this week depending on what's going on (how late I'm working). It would be good to see her. And I'll have to visit the snotblower while I'm up there.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:04 PM
I was going to make dad's pumpkin pie today but I neglected to have enough butter thawed to make the pie crust. Alas, I will have to make it tomorrow. And another chocolate pudding pie. Why not? I'm going to have plenty of pie crust (the recipe makes enough for two) and all the other ingredients. Sounds yummy to me!
It stormed last night pretty bad. I heard there was a tornado in Henderson, KY. My old college roomie is from there. I didn't realize it was that bad. Just really windy here with a lot of rain. It is still windy today. Strange because the air is still warm - it doesn't feel like a front has moved thru.
I've been slacking off on the violin practice but picking back up on the drum. I can make some decent noise on that thing. Been playing just random rhythms - making up my own. Rather soothing actually.
The skating is going ok. I'm still sore from practice. Stupid me didn't stretch out afterwards so I got stiff. Ugh! Like I said on Friday I wanted to hit the rink then but there was no ice. Maybe I'll go tomorrow at lunch or after work.
The quilt is still taking up most of the floor. I need to finish tying the thing off and just get it outta here. So I can start on another one. Lord knows I've got more than enough fabric scrap to make like 4 more! Eeeep!
This getting dark at 6pm crap is for the birds, you know? It just sucks. Feels like midnight. And it will stay this way until about February. So bogus!
I'm not looking forward to the holidays at all. The older I get, the more scrooge-like I become. It just gets crazy. All the crazy people swamping the malls, clogging up traffic. It's such a hassle. I'm so glad when it's over.
Don't get me wrong - I like seeing everyone in the family (we don't do enough of THAT, IMO)- but I HATE the commercialism of the whole thing. It's just depressing and annoying. The weather doesn't help, either.
Been doing some thinking about various things. Mostly work. I've decided that the reason I hate this damned job is because of all the idiots I have to deal with. Of course, there is a fair share of idiots in any job but I'd rather work with THINGS than people.
So I'm going to apply for something where most of my daily contact is with lab equipment, a machine or something other than a human being. Those ass kissers and brown nosers and hysterical morons just get on my nerves.
And imagine that they don't want to know how stupid they are! Well then don't fucking ASK me to tell you what I think. DUH! Do I think you're an idiot? Yeah. Next question. Geez!
This weekend I got to see a couple of friends I mine I haven't seen in ages. We talked for quite a long time. It was great! I certainly hope they are around more. I really miss them.
One of them said "no one actually LIKES working for your company. Everyone I've asked has said they hate it for the same reason you do. But they all stay because of the benefits." It's disgusting, isn't it?
I sometimes wonder how we can stay in business with the friggin' idiots running the show. It's got to be one of the great mysteries of our time.
Fear not - once I'm outta there I'm writing a tell-all book so everyone can see how fucked up they are. I think a lot of people would be surprised. Or maybe not. The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe. Sadly.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:00 PM
It's Friday. Thank the gods! Seeing as how I don't really intend to do anything at work today (I'm on strike as it were), I thought I'd just ramble for a bit.
What I'm listening to - water running in the sink. Maybe I should turn something on. Hold on a minute.
Here we go. "Boogie Wonderland" by Earth, Wind and Fire. Makes me wanna shake my groove thang!
Let's see. I should say "mood" right? More tired than anything. Considering the mental and emotional strain regarding work it's no wonder.
I got a new chair at work yesterday which is nice. My old one was broken so it made me feel like I was always falling in the floor. This one actually has support.
What I'm reading - well, I usually have at least 3 books at any given time laying around half read. Now it's "The ancient engineers", "Palmistry" and "She Captains - female pirates". I hardly ever read fiction for some reason.
After my battle with the sea hag yesterday I went home and started cooking. WTF?? Obviously I still have some things to mentally work out. Cooking and cleaning are definate signs of wool gathering bad moodiness.
Dad asked me to make him a pumpkin pie the other day so I had to go buy everything for it. I ended up making a chocolate pudding pie instead. Oh, well. I'll make the pumpkin one this weekend. Not like I'm suddenly going to stop cooking. These moods usually last for a few weeks. Good timing on this one. I'll need to start making candy for the holidays.
When it was nearly time for bed I was worried I wouldn't sleep so I took some sleeping pills. The "natural" herbal kind - no big deal. It seemed to work.
I had intended to skate after work today but I just checked the schedule and there's no ice for some reason. So bogus. Maybe I'll go swimming instead.
Other random things - the dog HATES it when you blow on his feet. So, of course, I must do this. It's a moral imperative. It gives him an excuse to tear around the house like a nut.
Does one have to be a total asshole to drive a BMW? That's the way it appears to me. If you're not a total asshole you have to drive a Mercedes or something. Only total assholes can own a BMW (or lease!)
What's up with these lazy asses parking in the visitor spots, anyway? Uhm, you're NOT a visitor - you're an employee. Stop taking up all of the visitor spots, idiots!
Some amusing pictures -

^^ I like this one.
Here's The Creature - in case anyone forgot what he looks like

Isn't he pathetic? His little teeth sticking out in every direction. His eyes bugging out and his smashed in little face. Poor ugly lil' thing. I think I'm the only one who loves him! ROFL!!
Right - that dog lives better than a lot of people I know. Myself included!
Here's what fall looks like at home - (aka where I grew up)

This is one of the awesome pix I found when I was surfing for something else entirely. It was so awesome I just had to keep it. I think it's an amateur photog since there's no name on it. Just breathtaking. I believe it's the Grand Tetons.

And, of course, I must have my daily fix of the Big O. Yummy man. When is he going to stop teasing this old girl and give it up?


that man until he screams! Curse his sexy hide anyway!
What's up for this weekend? Well, Baronial Championships for one. I'll probably be heading over there sometime tomorrow. I can't make up my mind whether I should go to dance class first or just go over there right off. I'll probably makeup my mind tomorrow morning.
I've finally started tying off that quilt. Just had to get off my lazy butt and do it. (I have to get in the mood to tear the hell outta my fingers, you know.)
Booked our vaca for Vegas so mom is happy about that. Dad is worried about the dog not getting enough "love" while we're gone. As if. My brother will be staying with him but he works so the dog will have the whole house to himself for 8 hours. The horror! Not like he's going to do anything but lay around anyway.
Now I'm going to go to lunch. I dunno where the Bean is. She took off for parts unknown about two weeks ago and I haven't heard from her since. Ah, well. If she needs me to bail her outta the clink, she'll call, right? ;-)
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:11 AM
Today I had my follow up meeting at work with the sea hag. And this time I had a witness to her BS.
She thought I was just going to go in there and sign anything she wanted but when I started asking questions like "so how did you arrive at this conclusion and where is the documentation?" and "according to company policy you should have done XYZ. I see this wasn't done. Why not?" she got mad.
Tough shit, bitch. You didn't follow company policy and think I'm just going to sign what you want? Uh, no. I have a very strong feeling that if I had not had a witness in there with me that she would have tried to snowball me or threaten me. But since I had a witness she had to own up to the FACT that she did NOT follow the company policy and I have every RIGHT to go over her head with it.
So this round goes to me. I forced her to admit that she didn't follow the procedure, that she used information from 2004 and that it will all be redone. I may not be the baddest bitch in town but I'll do until she comes along. Friggin' pisses me off.
Then she has the nerve to ask me why I didn't think she was supportive. DUH. When I told her because she just wants to look good she got pissed off. I was like "well, you asked." Like I'm gonna LIE to make HER feel better? Bitch, please!
To add to her maturity level she said "dealing with you is the worst part of my job." I nearly laughed out loud at that. Whatever. I said, "You won't have to worry about it much longer. As soon as I find something else, I'm leaving."
Like I'm going to fucking stay there after THAT. Right. Find someone else to abuse. I'm thru with dealing with it.
Apparently word got around before the meeting and I had two of my co-workers come to me and tell me they didn't want me to leave. Why? It's just going to get worse for ALL of us. If you had any sense you'd get the hell out, too.
One of the guys actually came into my office and shut the door. He was like "man, don't leave. I don't want you to leave. You are one of the handful of people here I'd want at my back if I were marching off to war. I trust you. You can't leave me here with these idiots."
I said, "look, it has nothing to do with YOU ALL - the team is the only reason I've stayed this long. I can't stand working for her anymore because she doesn't give a shit about anything but having everyone 'like' us. She doesn't care how overwhelmed or understaffed or miserable we are as long as she looks good."
We had a long discussion about it. As he got ready to leave he gave me a hug and kissed me on the head. I was like "dude, don't. I'm going to start bawling. Be gone!"
That's the hard part. I LIKE all of the people I work with. And, like Mike said, it's a KNOWN evil. I guess most people would rather stay with a KNOWN evil than an UNKNOWN one but not me. I know I don't LIKE this evil. Lemme try a new evil on for size. It might fit better.
It will be hard to leave everyone. And Sonny was saying that our team leader doesn't know who they are going to get if I leave. Well, why don't the sea hag get off her lazy ass and do something instead of sit in meetings all day? Oh, I forgot. She doesn't have a FUCKING CLUE as to what we do or how to do our jobs. DUH!
Yeah, I feel bad for my co-workers and I don't like leaving them in the lurch. Maybe fortuna will work something out. However, I can't count on it. I have to look on my own, too.
Anyway - Here's a picture of me all made up for Halloween.
Don't I look horrible?
The other night I sat down to write for a while. It was rather odd. Mr. Wicked was hovering but not talking. I was having a bit of an issue with the end - sort of lost the feel for The Sweet One and was struggling to recalibrate myself to him.
After about an hour or so of me staring off into space, Hateful finally says in his snotty tone, "well, why don't you call HIM?" So I do. Score - two muses upset, one confused writer.
Apparently Steve couldn't believe that I would just call him out of the blue. Something had to be wrong. Something was going on - we needed to talk - oooooo!!! His overthinking Virgo mind just conjured up all sorts of doom!
I was like, no - I just needed some recalibration. No big deal. And yes, it really is THAT simple. Of course, Mr. Wicked was completely disgusted with me - I wasn't SUPPOSED to call "Stevolas". I was just supposed to mope around and beg him to help me. Yeah, right.
Apparently, in typical male fashion, Mr. Wicked can't seem to figure out just what the hell this thing called a "telephone" is for. DUH!
So Hateful was miffed that I actually did what he told me to (when he really didn't WANT me to) and Steve was all worked up because something HAD to be "wrong" if I'm just calling out of the blue.
I can't win, I tell ya! o-O
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:35 PM