This weather bites the big hairy one. It's been like 20degrees F the past few mornings reaching a "high" of 34F. I hates it! HATES the nasty weather!
I hate having to wear so many clothes that I make the Michelin Man look thin in comparison. Ugh! Either freeze to death and never get warm or wear enough clothes to keep warm and not be able to move!
When it gets down below 30F I pull out the fox scarf I have. People are just fascinated by this thing. Yes, it's real and no, I didn't kill it. I found it at a "yard sale" for $20 and just had to have it. So very very warm and soft. Not as soft as chinchilla, mind you but soft and warm just the same.
I wrap him (yes, it's a "he" I checked) around my throat and tuck his head and tail into my coat. He keeps my neck and throat very warm. When people see it they sort of reach out to touch it then pull back. I always say "he don't bite" because they act like he will.
When they touch him they always ask "is it real?" Kids are especially fascinated by him. They love to pet him and look at his feet and just examine him. It's interesting to watch them. They are usually so intent and ask "is this his foot?" Or "what happened to his eyes?" Stuff like that.
His feet are my favorite part of him and his ears. They are so very soft with his downy hair. Oh, yes I know "fur is bad" and all that. Please. Where I grew up they were all over and getting into the hen house. Shooting them was the only way to keep them from killing all the chickens.
I have a full-length leather coat with a coyote collar, too. Bought that at a rummage sale for $5. Yes, FIVE DOLLARS. It was dirty and I bought it just for the leather (I was going to use it for something else) but I wore it to work once and everyone was so ga-ga over it I just had to keep it. So I cleaned it up and now wear it proudly as my "pimp coat" because that's exactly what it looks like.
Of course, you wouldn't BELIEVE the minks you can find at the Goodwill. Haven't found a fox yet (I'd have snapped it up) but plenty of mink wraps and coats. I don't particularly care for mink but that's just me.
Muskrat is very soft and beaver is nice. I'd have to say fox is my fave, tho followed closely by chinchilla.
Ah, so, anyway - last night Linda and I went out to a gay bar with a friend of ours for his birthday. It was a lot of fun. Kinda weird, tho, the place was full of dudes and yet it felt like women. It's hard to explain.
Everyone thought we were lesbians and that was fine. But there were several dudes there who were like giving us the evil eye. I mean that bitchy sizing up look you get from other females at a "str8 bar".
I wanted to laugh at them. As if any of the dudes there were even remotely interested in me! Bitches, please! First, I'm a GIRL! Second, they all think I'm a lesbian. Third, they don't want me anyway they're GAY! - DUH! And lastly, I'm here with a friend for his birthday not to pick anyone up anyway. Geez!
Linda said she got that impression from a few of them, too. The great majority of guys there were decent to us and I've gotten better service there than anyplace else I've been. The music was great (apparently we just missed the blues singer - dammit!), they had an awesome liquor and beer selection, the food was really good, the atmosphere was laid back and it was a nice big place with plenty of seating.
We stayed for a couple of hours dancing and buying rounds for the birthday boy. He drank so much I don't know how he could remain vertical! I sure would have been worshipping the porcelain god or passed out somewhere! LOL!
As it was I only had 3 beers and that was plenty. Just enough alcohol in my system to keep me from freezing to death when we walked back to the car.
Linda and I were in the can and I notice (to my relief) that I have started my period.
She's like "did you think you might be - you know?"
Well, yeah. There was an outside chance. Very remote but it was a chance. We had an accident and sometimes weird shit happens despite the odds, you know?
She was actually disappointed! I said "WTF woman? I don't want no kid! I'm too old to have a kid! WTF are you thinking? YOU gonna raise it? Then shut the hell up!"
I thought she was my FRIEND and here she wants to put this child curse on me! What the hell?!?!?! Bullshit on that!
Anyway - he was worried me, not so much. A little concerned that maybe all of the things in our favor - my age, my time of ovulation and the circumstances - might somehow defy all of the odds and turn against us. But they didn't so we are glad. Linda is disappointed but she'll get over it! lol!
I still have to clean out the car before we leave. My dad - I dunno why he does this - has to keep a running commentary of every single thing he finds in my car. So I have to clean it out (not like it's full of much anyway now that camping season is over for me).
Everything is examined. "There's a nickel in the floor back here." "Why do you have this axe in here?" "What's this from?" He'll ask about a piece of paper he finds God knows where.
I cannot for the life of me understand this fascination with the junk in my floor. It's a nickel! Leave it alone! I might need it! That's my throwing axe. Leave it alone! That's a piece of trash! Leave it alone!
GAH! It's like having a 2 year old I swear! So I have to get rid of EVERY SINGLE THING in the car - throw all the tools in the trunk, hide the maps, and pick up every coin to keep him out of trouble. It's amazing. I feel like I'm raising my parents a lot of times.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:20 AM
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