~What in the Hell?~

Monday, November 07, 2005

~ Get Thee to the Gym! ~

Yikes! Talk about scary! Here's an article from ediets.com about what the "typical" American eats in a year. Makes my hair stand on end it does!

By Julia Griggs Havey
eDiets Master Motivator

I was totally blown away when I heard these statistics about what "the typical American" eats in a year --

*756 doughnuts
* 60 pounds of cakes and cookies
* 23 gallons of ice cream
* 7 pounds of potato chips
* 22 pounds of candy
* 200 sticks of gum
* 356 servings of soft drinks
* 90 pounds of fat

OHMIGOSH! Is there any wonder as to why we have an epidemic of obesity on our hands?! Need more convincing??

* 41 percent eat NO FRUIT
* 82 percent eat NO cruciferous vegetables (the really good for us kind)
* Over 33 percent eat two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day
* 80 percent don't eat ANY fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A
* 84 percent don't eat ANY high-fiber grains

These statistics shocked the heck out of me when I first read them, I hope they shock you too! We tend to not really think about it when we eat one donut, but if you do that numerous times throughout the year before you know it you are eating the typical 756 a year! That is over two donuts a day on average. Are we really eating that many?

I can think back to when I was morbidly obese and I do remember eating donuts quite often, now I may have perhaps two doughnuts a year, if that! Maybe there is something to these statistics!

The typical American is overweight. The statistics that I was told at a recent continuing education meeting said that 85 percent of Americans are overweight and 65 percent are obese! THAT statistic is a lot higher than I had previously thought of 65 - percent overweight and 35 - percent obese.

I am looking for some more data to say exactly what our current statistics are but if the typical American is eating 756 donuts a year- I see a good place we can start to put a dent in Obesity! We need a ban on donut eating, if not a nationwide ban, a personal ban to bust that "vice" right out of your life would be in order.

I guess we could make a safe comparison and assume that the NONtypical or trimmer American DOESN'T consume --

* 756 doughnuts (but fewer than 12 a year)
* 60 pounds of cakes and cookies
* 23 gallons of ice cream (but abstains from ice cream or has it in small to moderate quantities)
* 7 pounds of potato chips
* 22 pounds of candy (dandy indeed but the nontypical folks go for fresh fruit as a treat)
* 200 sticks of gum (they go for sugar free if any -- cows chew cud all day, not humans!)
* 356 servings of Soft drinks (they drink agua, H20, water only. They know that even diet soda isn't healthy!)
* 90 pounds of fat. Egads! (Those who are nontypical and healthy know to eat leaner and cut the fat!)

It is also safe to assume that the nontypical folks ARE eating --

* Cruciferous vegetables (the really good for us kind)
* More than two servings each day of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A
* High fiber grains

The choice is yours. Are you going to typical or nontypical? There really is a movement going on in our nation to get healthier, and it is time that you join to bandwagon. A life of health and fitness is NOT a life of deprivation! Rather, living a life filled with doughnuts, ice cream, candy and potato chips, gum, soft drinks and fat -- but completely devoid of health and fitness -- is, in fact, a life of deprivation!

FYI "cruciferous vegetables" are things like broccoli (which I love), Cauliflower (ditto), cabbage and the HATED brussel sprouts.

Good GAWDH Almighty that's disgusting! Now if it said like 100 pounds of bread, 200 pounds of pasta, 50 pounds of cheese, 10gallons of rum, then yeah, I'd admit guilt to that. But all that candy, donuts and cake - ewwwww! (Now ice cream is my vice and I will defend my right to eat it against anyone!)

Dang. That's just eye-popping. And here I was going to skip going to the gym so I could shave my hairy legs. I guess NOT! (The thought of putting skates on with my hairy legs is repulsive so no skating until I shave - ew!) I'll just have to suffer the hairy legs and work out! That article has just freaked me out! Yuck!

Here I was planning on grilling up some Orange Roughy and spinach for supper. Makes me feel kinda weird. Like I'm not being a "true umeriken" if I actually LIKE grilled fish and spinach (and LURVE the broccoli). I guess I'm a freak then. Oh, well.

So I'm going to be totally "unumeriken" and go to the gym then eat grilled fish. The feds will be busting down my door as I raise the last morsel of spinach to my lips. They will cry "treason" and throw my ass away somewhere.

Ah well. At least I'll be outta THIS hell hole, right? Gotta look on the bright side. LOL!

ETA - well, I didn't go to the gym. Instead I got into a duel to the death with that chocolate pie. I guess we all know who won, eh? Don't look like that PIE is writing! LOL! I'm sad, I know. But it's that time of the month - when I'll eat just about anything and go berserk for chocolate. Oh, well.

Talked to my cousin for about 2 hours tonight. The poor thing. I need to go pick her up for dinner or something. I might do that later this week depending on what's going on (how late I'm working). It would be good to see her. And I'll have to visit the snotblower while I'm up there.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:04 PM


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