~What in the Hell?~

Friday, November 11, 2005

~ WTF? ~

Is going on in this world? Tuesday Ammam, Jordan was attacked by terrorists. Now what the fuck is up with THAT? How in the hell can any self-proclaimed "muslim" (I use the term loosely) justify killing other innocent Muslims? That's just fucked up.

These cowards are terrorists, plain and simple. They can say whatever they want and delude themselves into thinking that "religion" justifies their hate but those in the civilized world know better.

Religious extremism in ANY form disgusts me and gives EVERY religion a "bad" name. Yes, that means YOU, Christian fundamentalists that preach the same sort of intolerance and hate against "liberals". You're not making the world any better by pushing your beliefs on the rest of us, either. Or did you just sort of "miss that part" where Jesus said "love one another"?

Anyway - enough of that. Some good news today. This morning I heard one of my co-workers was hit by a semi-truck on the way to work. Fortunately, the worst that happened to him is he was covered in mud. As a precaution he was sent to the hospital where they ran some tests. Turns out (praise be) that he's ok and went on home. I was very glad to hear that.

Mom is getting her free limo in Vegas. But I haven't told her yet. I'll do that tonight when I go over there and drop off the pie. And give the dog his "beating". LOL! Chase him around the yard and the house is more like it.

In other news - I believe this weekend is going to be one of quiet. Thankfully. I need to return some books to the library and maybe do some Christmas shopping. Yes, it's disgusting, I know. But I have a list of things I should be able to pick up at Biggs or something. And dance class on Saturday morning.

This has been a busy week for me so it will be nice to just lay around and not do anything.

Today we had a "girls" group lunch for those of us "unfortunates" that work in the department. The question was rasied as to why women don't stick around. This was met with derisive snorts and laughter.

On the way back, it was mentioned by my other co-workers that our manager is an idiot (but not in those words). Apparently, she takes any requests for "help" as "unable to do your job" and any questions about "why are we doing this?" as "bitching".

It would seem that my initial assesment of her motivation (to look good to others no matter what) was right on the mark. Much to her dismay. Hey, I may not be the smartest chick but I calls 'em like I sees 'em and if you're dumb enough to ask me point blank, I'm gonna tell you.

This is the way it works. You walk into the Delphic Sybill and ask a question. You get an answer. That simple. If you have the stones to ask the question then you should have the stones to accept the answer. Otherwise, don't bother to ask. Seems pretty simple, doesn't it? And yet idiots continue to come to me and ask questions that they have no intention of hearing the answers to.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:47 AM


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