Well, for the time being, anyway. The chicks across the hall are at lunch or somewhere so it's quiet.I'm having more focus issues today. Could it be because I'm on the verge of vacation? Nah. Perish the thought! lol! Yes, I'm packed and ready to go! Wheee! Beach, sun, rum! Yippee skippee!
I had planned on cleaning up the place last night and doing a bit of writing but one of my friends called me and we ended up blabbing on the phone for about 2 hours just shooting the breeze and catching up. It's pretty damned sad that we're too lazy to drop each other an e-mail. Pathetic. But we'll see each other over the summer quite a bit. It's like we all go dormant in the winter then awaken in the spring. So very nice.
Of course, Mr. Wicked hovered and scowled the entire time. He wanted me to write. Demanded that I skip practice to write so I did. Just as I had settled down and started in, the phone rang.
He was unhappy until the conversation turned to him then he wanted to listen in. After I hung up he was all full of questions wanting to know if my friend was jealous of him. Why? You're not even incarnate, how can he be jealous of a disembodied dude? This seemed to annoy him and he preened in the mirror for a while. I guess he was trying to comfort himself or convince himself that if my friend only knew him, he would be jealous. Whatever.
Uhm - I think I reported on the photos. Will post one or two when I get around tuit.
I finally managed to clean up the lab - it was a freakin' disaster and I couldn't put anything else on the counters. Now all I have to do is get rid of the junk on my cart. Somehow I've managed to amass quite the collection of bottles. It just keeps growing. Either they are breeding in that box or people are just throwing their bottles in there.
Of course, I have a ton of bottles and a ton of lids but the lids don't match the bottles. Figures, don't it? Yeah, well. We make them fit, dammit!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:34 AM
Geez, people! STFU for once, would you?Why do these chicks across the hall from me think they need to broadcast every last intimate detail of their lives to the entire hallway? Now, granted, I have a loud voice but I can usually tell when I'm getting out of hand - slamming doors are a good indicator. But nothing seems to faze these chicks - they just go on and on talking about their husbands and periods and all that stuff in voices so loud they can be heard the next hall over.
I wonder if they know how it upsets my office mate to hear them talk about "getting some" before work. Usually I don't pay much attention to them but they are screaming so loudly that it's drowning out the sound of my radio. And I was really in the mood to listen to some Elton today.
Altho I have to admit that listening to them makes me thankful that I'm not married. For about the billionth time. hehehe! Truly, if I had to put up with some of that ignorance I think I'd strangle someone.
Speaking of which - we have a new definition for "PMS" - Potential Murder Suspect. LOL! Isn't that so true? I could just throttle someone if they start getting on my nerves those one or two days a week when I'm on the brink.
The Story of Mr. WickedThe writing is coming along ok. Mr. Wicked seems to be angry that I've been paying more attention to his alter ego than to him. He is unhappy about this and has begun tormenting pretty badly. The last few nights he's snuggled up to me, tempting me with throaty voice and manly smell but I will have none of it. I want the story. Gimme the story, dammit!
He's only giving it to me (the story, I mean) in dribs and drabs. For every tidbit he gives me, he tortures me for at least two hours. Maybe I should just say "to hell with it" and just write.
Ummm - nah. I can still remember the evil look he gave me when I did that to him before. Besides, he's still hedging on the ending. Now he's told me what HAPPENS but I still need the details.
And I've grown rather accustomed to him, I must admit. Grudgingly. But don't tell him that or I would never hear the end of it. He's bad enough now that my readers find him irrestible. I've lost track of how many times he's reminded me that they love and desire him and find him sexier than his rival. *eye roll* And that's just in the last few hours! Geez!
Of course, if anyone dares to call him an egoist he gets all huffy but don't be mislead - that's exactly what he is. Why is his arrogance so damned sexy? Maybe 'cause you just so wanna knock him down a peg or two. I dunno. Maybe he's like Alantia who just wanted to run out in front until she found someone who was worthy to overtake her.
All of us think we can outrun him and would like to try. Can't resist the challenge? Ah, for me I think it's (dare I say sexy?) because he's not intimidated in the least by me. And that is saying quite a bit. No. I don't phase him in the slightest. My vile temper, my fierce independence, my bluntness - all those very "unladylike" qualities that embodied dudes find so terrifying in a female he seems to find - amusing. At least in me. Maybe he's just tolerating me until he gets what he wants. That wouldn't surprise me.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:53 PM
This is a test post from
Photobucket.comOK - cut me some slack. I'm testing this newfangled techno thingy. Shaddup! I told you I'm not used to HTML. Deal whippernsappers!
*grumbles* How in the hell am I supposed to get a picture on here? Hmmm. *thinks*
Lemme try again. Something else.

HA! Ye fookers who doubted that I could figure it out! I laugh at you! Oh, and I can't have a pic of the Big O without this lil' guy.

and this one, too.

So perverted and I love them both. Very appropriate whenever Mr. Lickalicious is mentioned! hehehe!
And it only took me 1/2 hour! Whee! Now I'm unleashed! My wonderful photo collection of the Big O will be posted (not like it hasn't been already . . . by numerous skrieking teenagers but still.)
Besides, I have some other cool photos to post of vacations and my baby and the like that might be rather enjoyable. And the baby reminds me a lot of the Big O. Especially in that picture with his little tongue sticking out. Awwww, it's so cute! But, alas, I no longer have the picture in question on my work computer hence I cannot load the pic (of the baby) for comparison. Fear not! I'll be able to do it later. When I get around tuit!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:25 PM
Dammit, Jim! I thought I updated this but it would appear it did not take! Hells bells! Anyway - not much going on that I care to repeat. I finally got off my lazy butt and updated the site - see? It took me a while to "remember" the HTML codes but, hey! Cut me some slack! I'm old. My first computer used DOS code and I can still remember some of it. So there!
I had my first "modeling" job on Thursday. hehehe! Got paid a CD and a bottle of Diet Coke. Oh, I'm in the big time now, eh? LOL! Ah, it weren't no big deal. Maybe I'll post some of the pix here if I get around to it. I pick up the CD tomorrow. A local photog needed some "cheap" help to pad his portfolio so I figured "what the hell?" right? It was a lot of fun.
That's about it for now. Gotta clean the place up a bit. Manged to clean the bathrooms and gather the trash that I still need to take out. I'm out of Diet Coke and that sucks. Laundry needs folded. Will probably do that, take out the trash then hit the sack. I'm kinda tired.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:45 AM
Geez, serves me right for only updating once a week, huh? I come on here and the whole thingy has changed. Just when I was starting to feel guilty about not having any cool links or photos or anything like that. I guess I should get off my lazy ass and take care of this, huh? Maybe later.
News of interest - booked my vaca to the Bahamas. Last minute special on cheapcaribbean.com. Sweet! You can reach it thru travelzoo.com too if you want. Never been before so it should be interesting.
Just getting out of this damned cold and rain will be worth it. Laying on the beach with a drink in my hand and my toes in the sand. What else could a girl ask for? heh, heh. OK. Mr. Lickalicious to join me but hell, I'll just be happy with the sun, sand, surf and rum. I'm not THAT hard to please after all!
This week started out as the week from hell. It's a little better today. Monday my phone rang incessantly from 7am until about 11am - I kid you not. I just got so tired of answering it I went and hid in the PRL. No one will come out there because it's intimidating. Therefore, it is MY favorite place to hide. If you're ever looking for me! heeee!
I still haven't managed to get off my lazy ass and find a skating coach yet. Truth be told, I've only been skating once a week and I feel like a total turd. Oh, I still have my axel and that but the guilt is getting to me.
Of course, I've been lifting weights and swimming in an effort to keep myself in decent shape for when I finally DO get my butt back on the ice. It doesn't matter, tho. There is absolutely nothing that comes even close to skating. The muscles you use when you skate you never use any other time, I swear. My poor butt gets so scrunched up when I skate. That's a good thing, tho! And the truth is, I miss it terribly. It takes my mind off of everything. Helps me relax. It is truly my "drug of choice".
Tonight I am meeting with a personal trainer to set up a program. Like I've been going for two weeks already. She wants to know what my goals are. Physically? I don't want my thighs to touch. At all. Period. Hey, I can dream can't I? :-P And I don't want to lose my boobs. (I doubt either of those things will pass but just in case . . .)
At the risk of offending some poor soul who stumbles upon my ramblings I must say I am frankly shocked at some self-professed "fangirls". Some of the ones that I have happened to encounter in the wonderful vastness of cyberspace are quite odd to say the least.
Oh, don't get me wrong - I've done my fair share of cyberially squealing over the Big O but, dammit, JIM! I'm not going to do it in PUBLIC! And I sure as hell would not show up at a book signing/autograph session/movie premier/convention dressed like an elf, pirate or any other character he's played in a movie. WTF??? Geez, how creepy is THAT?
And these are GROWN WOMEN! Not girls. Grown women in their late 20's and 30's! WTF??? Dude, I think that'd creep the hell outta me if I went some where and everyone was dressed like a character I played in a movie. I'd kinda wonder just how mentally stable they were.
Sure, imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery but not in my book. IMO it's just creepy. And some of these women! Oi vey! They really need to get out more often instead of fawning over these dudes. Far be it for me to point the chubby finger! I'm no skinny mini but I CAN fit into an airline seat without bothering anyone around me.
Not mentioning any names but - one particular site has pix posted of the fangirls and the object of their desire. One girl looks to be twice his size. And it was not one chick with those pix posted, it was several. And they all looked like fangirl #1. I'm thinking "huh?" Then "well, if he IS gay, I can't say that I blame him if that's the dating pool he's swimming in!"
And I should feel guilty. I'm not skinny. Never have been. But ladies, please! If you're going to make an impression on the man, wear something flattering. Sweatpants and a baggy tshirt don't flatter anyone. Especially if you are 60+ overweight. Trust me. And wearing the latest "fashion" of a thong sticking out of your low riders when you're that overweight isn't flattering, either. It's distracting.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:35 PM
I had the absolute best dream EVAH last night! And so well-deserved, I might add. No, it wasn't a wet dream but sweet just the same.
I dreamed that I was at an SCA event and I was looking for my crock pot. I had something I wanted to cook in it for feast. So I'm looking all over for this thing and I run into a lady I know.
"What are you looking for?" She asks.
"My crock pot and I can't find it."
"I'll help you look," she offers.
"Nah," I say. "It's just a stupid dream and doesn't matter anyway."
She looks at me and says, "well, if it's just a stupid dream, why aren't you chasing Orlando?"
I look at her and say, "WTF? I'm an idiot! Why didn't I think of that? Where is he?"
And she points so somewhere (I dunno) "over there". So I start walking to where she pointed. I ran into courtiers and tried not to be rude as I slogged thru them. Then His Majesty of the Midrealm stopped me but I told him I was on a "mission" and kept going.
I walked and walked until I came to this big cliff. At the bottom of the cliff in this big field was THE MAN surrounded by fangirls. They aren't screaming or crying or anything, they are all just sitting there on the ground, staring up at him in awe. So I run down this cliff into the field and he's sitting there in a recliner with his legs thrown over the arm of it (sitting in it sideways) and signing autographs.
A few people stand up and tell me that I can't talk to him, that he doesn't want any screaming or hysterical fangirls or he'll go away.
"Fuck that shit! It's my dream and I'm having him!" I say and literally launch myself at him flat out.
I land right in his lap, belly to belly and he lets out this "oof" noise when I land. I start kissing him all over his cute little face and he starts giggling. No body tries to pull me off of him or anything. Everyone else is just sitting there with these stunned looks on their faces and I'm just kissing him all over as he's laughing.
Ah, mon dieu! The next few moments will be burned into my sordid little black heart forever. (Or at least until next month). I look into those chocolate brown eyes and kiss him right on the lips. Lips only at this point ('cause for all I know he could freak out at any time!). And he kisses me back!
Oh, help me! And it was good! Wonderful kisses. Not just because it was HIM but it was those nice soft slow kisses. No slobbering, no tongue jamming down your throat, no yawning open mouth. Just lips and a little tongue now and then. Good Lord it's a wonder I didn't die in my sleep from the sheer bliss of it! It was so slow. Mmmmmm! Slow and delicious. What sweet torture! I was lying on top of him - right where I landed - and we're just kissing and kissing and he moans real quiet like and I just want to DIE right there on the spot! It was one of those "oooo yeah" moans that just make your panties all wet when you hear it. I wanted it to go on forever and he didn't seem too interested in stopping, either. And nobody bothers us. No one! We're just making out in this chair and everyone is just kinda stunned.
It was so freaking REAL, I swear! I could smell him and feel his hands in my hair. My ribs even hurt where I was pressing against him at such a weird angle. How bizarre is THAT? And we just kept kissing. Why in the hell I didn't try to rip his clothes off I don't know. Probably because the kissing was so good the thought didn't even enter my mind. (I mean, someone ELSE had to tell me to go look for him, right? Shows you how observant I am!)
When we finally stopped - I rested my head on his shoulder and we started talking. He called me "ginger" for some bizarre reason (probably the red hair).
I told him he needed some "good red headed lovin'" and he answered, "I don't need anyone in my life right now."
I'm like "honey, I ain't talking about getting into your life, I just want in your pants. Let's be clear, here."
He cracked up at this and started blushing! Oh my GOD he was so cute! Those big chocolate eyes and that vanilla smile! I just wanted to eat him up! And we started kissing again. Oh, it was divine!
Then! Just when he gets ready to answer my offer! My fucking stomach starts growling and wakes me UP!!! I was soooooo pissed! WTF??? Why is it growling in the middle of the night? Was it because the Big O was looking like an ice cream ready to be licked? Was it because of the chocolate eyes and vanilla smile? Hell no! I was fucking HUNGRY!!! Now if that isn't the biggest crock (pot) of BS!
But, damn! It was sweet! Those kisses - ooooo - if only I could find a REAL guy that could kiss like that instead of trying to eat your face off. That'd be really sweet! Mmmmm. What a wonderful dream.
Of course, my co-workers are all like "what are you grinning about today?" I just giggle and say "you don't wanna know". And they leave it at that. 'Cause, let's face it, they really don't!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:41 PM
Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?
First - congratulations to The Big O for finally coming to his senses. Come to me, my licky baby! I'll feed you some good lovin' and make you forget all about the bony one. Not only that, but if you wanna throw back a few pints with your buddies, expect me to be buying! AND drinking! Beer is good!
Second - a word of advice - don't make the boss cry. OK? I feel terrible about this. Here the poor woman thought that everyone was agreeing with her and it turns out they were just stabbing her behind her back. And it was up to ME to break the news. Ick! Talk about a no-win situation!
Third - WTF has come over me? I've started buying frilly underwear and shoes! I'm turning into a drag queen! Either that or the thought of the Big O on the loose has warped my poor alcohol-pickled brain. That sounds closer to the truth. It's probably just a phase (she fervently hoped). But I did buy these sweet bright pleather boots with buckles all the way up and wore them into work today. You wouldn't believe the dudes oogling them. And they say process isn't sexy! LOL!
Last - Well, I joined a gym to whip my lazy butt into shape. Sort of. OK - lets' be honest. I joined for the pool and the hot tub and sauna. Loves the water. My mother swears I'm from Atlantis because she could NEVER get me out of the water when I was a baby. She would know I guess seeing as how she's from Neptune or some other planet along those lines. I think my dad and my brother are the only ones from land-locked earth.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:24 PM