This is a test post from
Photobucket.comOK - cut me some slack. I'm testing this newfangled techno thingy. Shaddup! I told you I'm not used to HTML. Deal whippernsappers!
*grumbles* How in the hell am I supposed to get a picture on here? Hmmm. *thinks*
Lemme try again. Something else.

HA! Ye fookers who doubted that I could figure it out! I laugh at you! Oh, and I can't have a pic of the Big O without this lil' guy.

and this one, too.

So perverted and I love them both. Very appropriate whenever Mr. Lickalicious is mentioned! hehehe!
And it only took me 1/2 hour! Whee! Now I'm unleashed! My wonderful photo collection of the Big O will be posted (not like it hasn't been already . . . by numerous skrieking teenagers but still.)
Besides, I have some other cool photos to post of vacations and my baby and the like that might be rather enjoyable. And the baby reminds me a lot of the Big O. Especially in that picture with his little tongue sticking out. Awwww, it's so cute! But, alas, I no longer have the picture in question on my work computer hence I cannot load the pic (of the baby) for comparison. Fear not! I'll be able to do it later. When I get around tuit!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:25 PM
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