~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

~ Does Anyone Work Over There? ~

Geez, people! STFU for once, would you?

Why do these chicks across the hall from me think they need to broadcast every last intimate detail of their lives to the entire hallway? Now, granted, I have a loud voice but I can usually tell when I'm getting out of hand - slamming doors are a good indicator. But nothing seems to faze these chicks - they just go on and on talking about their husbands and periods and all that stuff in voices so loud they can be heard the next hall over.

I wonder if they know how it upsets my office mate to hear them talk about "getting some" before work. Usually I don't pay much attention to them but they are screaming so loudly that it's drowning out the sound of my radio. And I was really in the mood to listen to some Elton today.

Altho I have to admit that listening to them makes me thankful that I'm not married. For about the billionth time. hehehe! Truly, if I had to put up with some of that ignorance I think I'd strangle someone.

Speaking of which - we have a new definition for "PMS" - Potential Murder Suspect. LOL! Isn't that so true? I could just throttle someone if they start getting on my nerves those one or two days a week when I'm on the brink.

The Story of Mr. Wicked

The writing is coming along ok. Mr. Wicked seems to be angry that I've been paying more attention to his alter ego than to him. He is unhappy about this and has begun tormenting pretty badly. The last few nights he's snuggled up to me, tempting me with throaty voice and manly smell but I will have none of it. I want the story. Gimme the story, dammit!

He's only giving it to me (the story, I mean) in dribs and drabs. For every tidbit he gives me, he tortures me for at least two hours. Maybe I should just say "to hell with it" and just write.

Ummm - nah. I can still remember the evil look he gave me when I did that to him before. Besides, he's still hedging on the ending. Now he's told me what HAPPENS but I still need the details.

And I've grown rather accustomed to him, I must admit. Grudgingly. But don't tell him that or I would never hear the end of it. He's bad enough now that my readers find him irrestible. I've lost track of how many times he's reminded me that they love and desire him and find him sexier than his rival. *eye roll* And that's just in the last few hours! Geez!

Of course, if anyone dares to call him an egoist he gets all huffy but don't be mislead - that's exactly what he is. Why is his arrogance so damned sexy? Maybe 'cause you just so wanna knock him down a peg or two. I dunno. Maybe he's like Alantia who just wanted to run out in front until she found someone who was worthy to overtake her.

All of us think we can outrun him and would like to try. Can't resist the challenge? Ah, for me I think it's (dare I say sexy?) because he's not intimidated in the least by me. And that is saying quite a bit. No. I don't phase him in the slightest. My vile temper, my fierce independence, my bluntness - all those very "unladylike" qualities that embodied dudes find so terrifying in a female he seems to find - amusing. At least in me. Maybe he's just tolerating me until he gets what he wants. That wouldn't surprise me.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:53 PM


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