Geez, serves me right for only updating once a week, huh? I come on here and the whole thingy has changed. Just when I was starting to feel guilty about not having any cool links or photos or anything like that. I guess I should get off my lazy ass and take care of this, huh? Maybe later.
News of interest - booked my vaca to the Bahamas. Last minute special on Sweet! You can reach it thru too if you want. Never been before so it should be interesting.
Just getting out of this damned cold and rain will be worth it. Laying on the beach with a drink in my hand and my toes in the sand. What else could a girl ask for? heh, heh. OK. Mr. Lickalicious to join me but hell, I'll just be happy with the sun, sand, surf and rum. I'm not THAT hard to please after all!
This week started out as the week from hell. It's a little better today. Monday my phone rang incessantly from 7am until about 11am - I kid you not. I just got so tired of answering it I went and hid in the PRL. No one will come out there because it's intimidating. Therefore, it is MY favorite place to hide. If you're ever looking for me! heeee!
I still haven't managed to get off my lazy ass and find a skating coach yet. Truth be told, I've only been skating once a week and I feel like a total turd. Oh, I still have my axel and that but the guilt is getting to me.
Of course, I've been lifting weights and swimming in an effort to keep myself in decent shape for when I finally DO get my butt back on the ice. It doesn't matter, tho. There is absolutely nothing that comes even close to skating. The muscles you use when you skate you never use any other time, I swear. My poor butt gets so scrunched up when I skate. That's a good thing, tho! And the truth is, I miss it terribly. It takes my mind off of everything. Helps me relax. It is truly my "drug of choice".
Tonight I am meeting with a personal trainer to set up a program. Like I've been going for two weeks already. She wants to know what my goals are. Physically? I don't want my thighs to touch. At all. Period. Hey, I can dream can't I? :-P And I don't want to lose my boobs. (I doubt either of those things will pass but just in case . . .)
At the risk of offending some poor soul who stumbles upon my ramblings I must say I am frankly shocked at some self-professed "fangirls". Some of the ones that I have happened to encounter in the wonderful vastness of cyberspace are quite odd to say the least.
Oh, don't get me wrong - I've done my fair share of cyberially squealing over the Big O but, dammit, JIM! I'm not going to do it in PUBLIC! And I sure as hell would not show up at a book signing/autograph session/movie premier/convention dressed like an elf, pirate or any other character he's played in a movie. WTF??? Geez, how creepy is THAT?
And these are GROWN WOMEN! Not girls. Grown women in their late 20's and 30's! WTF??? Dude, I think that'd creep the hell outta me if I went some where and everyone was dressed like a character I played in a movie. I'd kinda wonder just how mentally stable they were.
Sure, imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery but not in my book. IMO it's just creepy. And some of these women! Oi vey! They really need to get out more often instead of fawning over these dudes. Far be it for me to point the chubby finger! I'm no skinny mini but I CAN fit into an airline seat without bothering anyone around me.
Not mentioning any names but - one particular site has pix posted of the fangirls and the object of their desire. One girl looks to be twice his size. And it was not one chick with those pix posted, it was several. And they all looked like fangirl #1. I'm thinking "huh?" Then "well, if he IS gay, I can't say that I blame him if that's the dating pool he's swimming in!"
And I should feel guilty. I'm not skinny. Never have been. But ladies, please! If you're going to make an impression on the man, wear something flattering. Sweatpants and a baggy tshirt don't flatter anyone. Especially if you are 60+ overweight. Trust me. And wearing the latest "fashion" of a thong sticking out of your low riders when you're that overweight isn't flattering, either. It's distracting.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:35 PM
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