~What in the Hell?~

Monday, October 25, 2010

~ Crap Went Flying Everywhere! ~

It was great!

I took The Beast out this weekend to mow the grass/mulch leaves. Most of the maple trees have lost their leaves so I figured it would be a good time to just mow them over. I refuse to rake the lawn - I will rake out the flower beds a bit and then mow up the leaves but it's pointless to rake leaves. They just blow right back into the yard anyway.

So I mow them down where they stand!

Since I still don't have a chute for the mower, crap just spews out as I run it down. Man - I ran over EVERYTHING - walnuts, leaves, acorns, grass, branches, hickory nuts, snakes - it got in my "path of destruction" and it got MOWED. Crap went flying EVERYWHERE. I had on my safety goggles (I'm destructive, not stupid) and spared no leaf!

Of course, when I got finished, I had leaves where no leaf should ever be - from head to toe I was covered in dirt, leaves, grass clippings, bits of wood - oh, it was a delightful MESS. But now the yard looks all nice! HA! I laugh at your leaf blowers!

It's so delightful to just kick The Beast into high gear and mow right over those leaves and watch them fly out all over! The neighbors heard my maniacial laughter, I'm sure.

After I was done wreaking havoc on the yard, I went inside to watch some Vincent Price movies.
He is one of my favorites. And the movies are really good - they actually have PLOTS and not just a bunch of stupid gore.

Of course, some of the clothes are horrifying (remember, this is the 60's and 70's) but it's entertaining.

This is the best time of year to watch the old horror movies - Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, Lon Cheney - the "greats" of horror.

If you haven't seen any of The Masters in action, you really should. Lon Cheney Jr is suprisingly handsome and Karloff is oddly sympathetic at the same time as frightening in Frankenstein.

I've also heard that this newly released collection is to die for!

You could show an 8-hour a day marathon for a week and still not have seen them all. So go enjoy an oldie but a goodie today!

Speaking of oldies - my brother and I finally found my parents a car. Or we found a car to drive them around in. It's a big old Buick. The bro is doing the work and I am being the go-fer. So at least that is no longer hanging over my head and I can get home from work at a decent hour.

Of course the dogs like going out on the weekends driving around - they get a slim jim when we go for rides in the car. Did I mention they are spoiled? Well, for the record, they are.

And some MORON baked a whole batch of cupcakes over the weekend. How I'm supposed to share that house with 2 dozen cupcakes is beyond me. One of us won't make it until Halloween.

It's a good thing my MIF class has started up again. Tonight is the first class of the new session.

I think I'm going to test next month. I might as well - to see where I'm at with the new changes. All that can happen is I have to retest but at least I'll know where I stand.

The new record for consecutive loops is 6 now. Yay! I'm finally starting to comprehend the whole "push INTO the ice" concept. It's really amazing what "figures" can teach you. Before I was using simply muscle to jump and now with muscle AND technique - it's amazing.

I was trying to do just a single Salchow that turned into a near double from NO EFFORT of my own. It was just using the edge in the correct manner that sent me hurling thru space.

Now I'm on a mission to really dig into those edges. I've never liked edge jumps because I never understood them. Toe jumps I love. Just stick it in and lean back (heh, heh!) Easy to grasp (altho the "lean back" part is really kinda scary at first).

Also the whole notion of "torque" when you rotate has finally sunk in (after how long?) I was so excited I sort of over did it and pulled a muscle in my back. But that's ok. Now we know.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:01 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~ Terror of the High Seas! ~

tobs the pirate 2
Originally uploaded by melt2sk8
Toby - the Fearsome Sea Dog in his costume. It was so appropriate.

He is so cute with his little crooked face and one eye. He's a little monster for peeing in my kitchen.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:41 AM

~ Princess Bat ~

Princess Bat
Originally uploaded by melt2sk8
The Princess Bat in her Elizabethan ruff and little crown.

She is spoiled and needy and talks to herself quite a bit if I don't pay enough attention to her.

You can see her "owning hands" in this shot.

I love her little kissy-face and kiss her on her flat face a lot. Especially when she puts the owning hands on me and makes me rub her bat belly.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:36 AM

Monday, October 18, 2010

~ It Can Be Hard Sometimes - ~

being an adult.

As well as being a major pain in the ass.

Sure, I can eat ice cream and pizza anytime I want but I also have to deal with insurance agents, lawyers, call centers - the DMV (ugh!). That can be bogus. So can paying bills, cleaning the house and generally not doing anything "fun" (like digging in the yard or reading a book).

I would say that cleaning up dog poo on the kitchen floor also ranks as a "not fun adult thing" that I have to do.

The one that strikes the most terror into MY heart, however, is going to the Department of Motor Vehicles. God! I'm just dreading it and I don't have to go for another week! The thought of standing in that endless line of toothless rednecks, pimp daddies and totally clueless imbeciles behind the wheel just makes me shake in my boots.

Maybe I should have decorated the house like the DMV for Halloween! Now THAT would have been frightening!

We finally found a car for my parents this weekend. No thanks to my brother who couldn't even find ONE car to look at (in all fairness, the one he DID go to see was hidden in a shed so it couldn't get repo'd. The clown selling it hadn't made any payments and the repo man was looking for it so he was trying to sell the thing before it could get repo'd.)

They got a big old boat (Buick Park Ave) that my dad STILL can't seem to get in and out of! Now what amazes me is that the lady who sold it to us is 93!! And both she and her 90 year-old husband had no trouble getting in and out of the car so why is my dad unable to do it? He's much younger than both of THEM yet is incapable of putting his foot out the door and getting out of the thing.

But mom likes it and there's plenty of room for him in the trunk if he doesn't behave! (just kidding - I don't say anything here that I wouldn't say to his face. Seriously).

I had to drive "The Monster" home. It was a little intimidating since I'm not used to anything that - um - "stately". It needs a little work, of course. Mainly just cleaned up (they let it set for 2 years in the garage so the fluids are gross.) It was also full of cobwebs and spiders. Apparently, I had streamers of cobwebs blowing out the windows as well as from the underbody as I drove down the street (which entertained my brother who was driving behind me.)

So HE will be doing some work on it. I will probably be doing most of the cleaning and grunt work but that's ok. I'll watch and learn (or RE-learn in this case. I could do it for anything made pre-1985 probably but after that - yeah. Too much "electronic" nonsense.)

For the time being, things are calm in The Land of the Lost. I'm having a get-together this weekend for the skating club which means I have to clean. Sort of. Since it a Halloween party, the cobwebs and dust add to the "atmosphere" of the place. But I WILL have to clean the bathroom and mop the kitchen. The dog hair tends to migrate to these places no matter how often I sweep.

Both The Bat and One Eye have their costumes ready. I know, it's humiliating for them and if one of them bites me, I probably deserve it for dressing them up and taking pictures of them. But I just HAVE to - One Eye has a little pirate hat with an eye patch (it had to be done) and The Bat has a nice Elizabethan ruff with a little crown for her prissy princess ass.

I won't make them dress up for the party, tho. They will have to stay in their cage so nobody trips over them (they tend to get under your feet and make a nuisance of themselves when they aren't cowering behind me). I might let them out to socialize for a minute but I will need to keep an eye on them so they don't wander off (Batticus might "run" but Tobs doesn't move faster than a crawl so he can't get far).

I have discovered that putting a glow stick around his foot makes him much easier to spot in the house when it's dark. Or when he's outside at dusk. Being black, he tends to get lost in the shadows so the glow stick is an easy way to spot him and not have to put on my glasses.

I've been insulating my hot water pipes and the attic space. Absolutely NOTHING was insulated which just horrifies me. No wonder the hot water never got hot and it was always so cold. There is just some minimal insulation under the attic floor but nothing on the outside wall and nothing on the pipes or the ducts. So I've been slowly insulating when I can. It is a SLOW and nasty process in that attic. I have to put on the "bio-hazard" suit and respirator with gloves to crawl around on my belly. It can get kinda stifling up there, too.

Fortunately, I'm not afraid of spiders because there is a mess of them all over the place. I don't really mind them - but I will yelp when they dart out at me or fall on me unexpectedly. But they don't really bother me.

Last night, some stupid BIRD decided it wanted to nest in my basket for clothespins. It was after dark and I went to put a clothespin in the basket and this thing flew out at me. Of course I yelled (it scared the piss outta me!) then I shouted curses at it so the neighbors would know I wasn't in any serious trouble.

My horrible manager is suddenly trying to be "nice" which is as unusual as it is frightening. My co-worker thinks it's because she's going on vacation next week (THANK GOD!). I think someone might have "taken one for the team" and fucked her ugly ass. Whatever it is, it scares me but I know it won't last.

Anyway - how lame is she? Well, I was quoting Milton, "jealously is the injured lover's Hell" and she says, "who's Milton?"

Me, "You know - 'Paradise Lost'?"

Her (in all seriousness), "I never heard of it."

My co-worker and I just look at each other and shake our heads in disgust.

Seriously? Really? You've never heard of "Paradise Lost"? Have you, like, ever gone to the movies? Ever read anything just for the hell of it and not because it was some stupid SOP you wanted to nit-pick over?

Oh, I forgot. You're too busy being a hateful nit-picking bitch to be a well-read edumacated bitch.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:25 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~ I've Been Fooled! ~

By the One-Eyed Sasquatch!

The little demon (who is just as cute as he can be, BTW) has been pretending for MONTHS that he doesn't "know" how to use the doggie door. But he does!

I CAUGHT him in the ACT!

He thought I had gone to work one day and I had not - I had just gone upstairs. I heard the door flap click so I knew The Bat had gone out but when I came downstairs, One Eye was GONE!

I started looking around the kitchen and thought he might have fallen down the cellar steps and I almost panicked until I saw the little mongrel out on the back porch!

All this time he has been fooling me into opening the door for him or holding open the doggie door! Oooooo - I was just so disgusted I left. I figured if he got out there, he could get back in, too and I wasn't going to worry about it.

Well, lo and behold, when I get home from work, there he sits in the kitchen like nothing happened. But I know better! Now I just ignore him when he acts like he can't get out the doggie door. He'll give up and use it but you know he wishes I would continue opening it for him.


Abrupt Subject Change:

Get this - the idiot of a manager of mine wants everyone to send her a note at the end of the day stating what they did that day in 1/2 hour increments! WHAT THE FUCK????

Am I not a grown adult with a mortgage, parents to take care of plus two dogs and a garden to tend?

Since when the FUCK do I need to report my every movement to an idiot who doesn't even know what DEPARTMENT she's in?

Like I'm some 5 year-old who might "sneak out" and do what, exactly?

Hey, I'm here, my work gets done so what's the problem? Oh, you can't watch me every minute of every day because you're too fucking "busy" going to meetings just to have something to do?

My GOD, this is fucked up - especially if you knew WHO I work for. You wouldn't BELIEVE it. The stupidity and nit picking of this dumbass is astounding. One of my co-workers put it best, "just a blood clot in the artery of work" is all she is.

Now this dumbass wants to have ANOTHER meeting (like we don't have them twice a week already with her so we can "report" everything *eye roll*) to talk about - well, we don't know WHAT the fuck she wants to talk about - we already meet with her twice a week. I guess she feels she either doesn't have enough meetings to keep her busy or she's afraid we might be "doing something" she doesn't approve of.

Good Lord, get a LIFE, will you? I'm amazed that someone as idiotic, uneducated and bullying can get hired in the first place let alone be a "manager". I guess the "bullying" part is what got her promoted.

And she gets "upset" when the other managers tell her to her face she's an idiot (and plenty of them have - no one can stand her!) Why does she have a job if her manager hates her and her managers manager hates her and right on up the line? I don't get it.

But I guess I wasn't put on this earth to "get it".

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:27 PM

Friday, October 01, 2010

~ Things That Puzzle Me, Things I Like ~

Things That Puzzle Me:

* Why my one-eyed little Sasquatch sleeps with his one eye down instead of up. It doesn't make much sense to sleep with the one eye you have on the floor.

* How I keep managing to run into tables, door jambs and chairs when *I* can see perfectly well. And I have two eyes.

* Financial hoo-doo. I'm sure I'm not the only one puzzled by this but probably the only one who dares admit it. I mean - how can someone SELL their debt? And, more importantly, who will buy MINE?

* How allegedly "smart" people can be so dumb (this is sort of an addendum to the above).

* Why shouldn't you put tomatoes in the refrigerator? And why can't you freeze them?

* If Heaven is the opposite of Hell and Hell is hot, does that mean Heaven is cold? That doesn't sound pleasant at all to me. Who wants to be fucking COLD for eternity?

There are more but most of those go off onto obscure and specific tangents.

Things I Like (activities such as skating, digging in the yard and Pennsic go without saying):

*Carbs. DUH. Death to the Adkins diet!

*Ice Cream. My mother tells me that she ate an ice cream every day she was pregnant with me. And she does NOT like ice cream. But I LOVE it! (And so does my dad).

*Chocolate. What would life be without it? Oh, I know - DEATH!

*Naps. Not "power naps". Just a good old reading-a-book-and-fell-asleep-in-the-hammock nap on a warm summer afternoon.

*Having something warm and heavy in my lap like the dogs or a blanket.

* Reading a good book as long as I want.

*Having my hair brushed.

*Watching the butterflies and bees on my flowers and knowing I can buy the honey those very same bees make at the farm down the road.

*Watching the bats flit around at night.

*Hearing the hooty owl or the screechy owl in the woods.

*Watching the big old fatty full moon shine on my yard like a street lamp.

*When Tobs "wooos" at me. That just cracks me up!

*Scooping up The Butter (when she was alive) and kissing her and telling her how horrible it was to have me love on her. ("Oh, it's the worst thing in the world that could EVER happen to it!" kiss-kiss-kiss)

*Watching The Batface have a dream when her little feet wave and she whines in her sleep.

Wow. Some of these are seriously goofy and I should probably be mortified to post them. But maybe someone will read them and realize that good things happen every day, too.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:11 PM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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