~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~ I've Been Fooled! ~

By the One-Eyed Sasquatch!

The little demon (who is just as cute as he can be, BTW) has been pretending for MONTHS that he doesn't "know" how to use the doggie door. But he does!

I CAUGHT him in the ACT!

He thought I had gone to work one day and I had not - I had just gone upstairs. I heard the door flap click so I knew The Bat had gone out but when I came downstairs, One Eye was GONE!

I started looking around the kitchen and thought he might have fallen down the cellar steps and I almost panicked until I saw the little mongrel out on the back porch!

All this time he has been fooling me into opening the door for him or holding open the doggie door! Oooooo - I was just so disgusted I left. I figured if he got out there, he could get back in, too and I wasn't going to worry about it.

Well, lo and behold, when I get home from work, there he sits in the kitchen like nothing happened. But I know better! Now I just ignore him when he acts like he can't get out the doggie door. He'll give up and use it but you know he wishes I would continue opening it for him.


Abrupt Subject Change:

Get this - the idiot of a manager of mine wants everyone to send her a note at the end of the day stating what they did that day in 1/2 hour increments! WHAT THE FUCK????

Am I not a grown adult with a mortgage, parents to take care of plus two dogs and a garden to tend?

Since when the FUCK do I need to report my every movement to an idiot who doesn't even know what DEPARTMENT she's in?

Like I'm some 5 year-old who might "sneak out" and do what, exactly?

Hey, I'm here, my work gets done so what's the problem? Oh, you can't watch me every minute of every day because you're too fucking "busy" going to meetings just to have something to do?

My GOD, this is fucked up - especially if you knew WHO I work for. You wouldn't BELIEVE it. The stupidity and nit picking of this dumbass is astounding. One of my co-workers put it best, "just a blood clot in the artery of work" is all she is.

Now this dumbass wants to have ANOTHER meeting (like we don't have them twice a week already with her so we can "report" everything *eye roll*) to talk about - well, we don't know WHAT the fuck she wants to talk about - we already meet with her twice a week. I guess she feels she either doesn't have enough meetings to keep her busy or she's afraid we might be "doing something" she doesn't approve of.

Good Lord, get a LIFE, will you? I'm amazed that someone as idiotic, uneducated and bullying can get hired in the first place let alone be a "manager". I guess the "bullying" part is what got her promoted.

And she gets "upset" when the other managers tell her to her face she's an idiot (and plenty of them have - no one can stand her!) Why does she have a job if her manager hates her and her managers manager hates her and right on up the line? I don't get it.

But I guess I wasn't put on this earth to "get it".

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:27 PM


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