~What in the Hell?~

Monday, October 25, 2010

~ Crap Went Flying Everywhere! ~

It was great!

I took The Beast out this weekend to mow the grass/mulch leaves. Most of the maple trees have lost their leaves so I figured it would be a good time to just mow them over. I refuse to rake the lawn - I will rake out the flower beds a bit and then mow up the leaves but it's pointless to rake leaves. They just blow right back into the yard anyway.

So I mow them down where they stand!

Since I still don't have a chute for the mower, crap just spews out as I run it down. Man - I ran over EVERYTHING - walnuts, leaves, acorns, grass, branches, hickory nuts, snakes - it got in my "path of destruction" and it got MOWED. Crap went flying EVERYWHERE. I had on my safety goggles (I'm destructive, not stupid) and spared no leaf!

Of course, when I got finished, I had leaves where no leaf should ever be - from head to toe I was covered in dirt, leaves, grass clippings, bits of wood - oh, it was a delightful MESS. But now the yard looks all nice! HA! I laugh at your leaf blowers!

It's so delightful to just kick The Beast into high gear and mow right over those leaves and watch them fly out all over! The neighbors heard my maniacial laughter, I'm sure.

After I was done wreaking havoc on the yard, I went inside to watch some Vincent Price movies.
He is one of my favorites. And the movies are really good - they actually have PLOTS and not just a bunch of stupid gore.

Of course, some of the clothes are horrifying (remember, this is the 60's and 70's) but it's entertaining.

This is the best time of year to watch the old horror movies - Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, Lon Cheney - the "greats" of horror.

If you haven't seen any of The Masters in action, you really should. Lon Cheney Jr is suprisingly handsome and Karloff is oddly sympathetic at the same time as frightening in Frankenstein.

I've also heard that this newly released collection is to die for!

You could show an 8-hour a day marathon for a week and still not have seen them all. So go enjoy an oldie but a goodie today!

Speaking of oldies - my brother and I finally found my parents a car. Or we found a car to drive them around in. It's a big old Buick. The bro is doing the work and I am being the go-fer. So at least that is no longer hanging over my head and I can get home from work at a decent hour.

Of course the dogs like going out on the weekends driving around - they get a slim jim when we go for rides in the car. Did I mention they are spoiled? Well, for the record, they are.

And some MORON baked a whole batch of cupcakes over the weekend. How I'm supposed to share that house with 2 dozen cupcakes is beyond me. One of us won't make it until Halloween.

It's a good thing my MIF class has started up again. Tonight is the first class of the new session.

I think I'm going to test next month. I might as well - to see where I'm at with the new changes. All that can happen is I have to retest but at least I'll know where I stand.

The new record for consecutive loops is 6 now. Yay! I'm finally starting to comprehend the whole "push INTO the ice" concept. It's really amazing what "figures" can teach you. Before I was using simply muscle to jump and now with muscle AND technique - it's amazing.

I was trying to do just a single Salchow that turned into a near double from NO EFFORT of my own. It was just using the edge in the correct manner that sent me hurling thru space.

Now I'm on a mission to really dig into those edges. I've never liked edge jumps because I never understood them. Toe jumps I love. Just stick it in and lean back (heh, heh!) Easy to grasp (altho the "lean back" part is really kinda scary at first).

Also the whole notion of "torque" when you rotate has finally sunk in (after how long?) I was so excited I sort of over did it and pulled a muscle in my back. But that's ok. Now we know.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:01 PM


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