~What in the Hell?~

Friday, October 01, 2010

~ Things That Puzzle Me, Things I Like ~

Things That Puzzle Me:

* Why my one-eyed little Sasquatch sleeps with his one eye down instead of up. It doesn't make much sense to sleep with the one eye you have on the floor.

* How I keep managing to run into tables, door jambs and chairs when *I* can see perfectly well. And I have two eyes.

* Financial hoo-doo. I'm sure I'm not the only one puzzled by this but probably the only one who dares admit it. I mean - how can someone SELL their debt? And, more importantly, who will buy MINE?

* How allegedly "smart" people can be so dumb (this is sort of an addendum to the above).

* Why shouldn't you put tomatoes in the refrigerator? And why can't you freeze them?

* If Heaven is the opposite of Hell and Hell is hot, does that mean Heaven is cold? That doesn't sound pleasant at all to me. Who wants to be fucking COLD for eternity?

There are more but most of those go off onto obscure and specific tangents.

Things I Like (activities such as skating, digging in the yard and Pennsic go without saying):

*Carbs. DUH. Death to the Adkins diet!

*Ice Cream. My mother tells me that she ate an ice cream every day she was pregnant with me. And she does NOT like ice cream. But I LOVE it! (And so does my dad).

*Chocolate. What would life be without it? Oh, I know - DEATH!

*Naps. Not "power naps". Just a good old reading-a-book-and-fell-asleep-in-the-hammock nap on a warm summer afternoon.

*Having something warm and heavy in my lap like the dogs or a blanket.

* Reading a good book as long as I want.

*Having my hair brushed.

*Watching the butterflies and bees on my flowers and knowing I can buy the honey those very same bees make at the farm down the road.

*Watching the bats flit around at night.

*Hearing the hooty owl or the screechy owl in the woods.

*Watching the big old fatty full moon shine on my yard like a street lamp.

*When Tobs "wooos" at me. That just cracks me up!

*Scooping up The Butter (when she was alive) and kissing her and telling her how horrible it was to have me love on her. ("Oh, it's the worst thing in the world that could EVER happen to it!" kiss-kiss-kiss)

*Watching The Batface have a dream when her little feet wave and she whines in her sleep.

Wow. Some of these are seriously goofy and I should probably be mortified to post them. But maybe someone will read them and realize that good things happen every day, too.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:11 PM


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