~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

~ A Bunch of Junk ~

Today I come in to work and discover some IDIOT has cut down the Japanese plum tree that was by the building! Fucking morons! That thing was absolutely GORGEOUS. In the spring it was like a giant pink ball of flowers - smelled so good and was just the prettiest thing! And the fucktards cut it down!

God, I hate this place more and more! How fucking stupid! It was probably about 30 years old, too. Idiots!

Get this - I get a note from the Bitch the other day lamenting as to how she feels "left out" and "discriminated against" (her words, not mine) because she only works 4 days a week and sometimes there are Friday meetings that she can't attend. Well, fucking work full time like the rest of us why don't you? And don't even get me started on the "discriminated against" bullshit of yours!

I laughed out loud when I read that. Of course I ignored her ass. As always. She's a douchebag and something that idiotic isn't even worth a reply. Can you believe the fucking nerve? She thinks our meetings should get moved (everyone should have to move their schedule to accomodate her not working on Fridays) to make HER happy. Fuck that. Work a full damned week and STFU.

I've been rather tired and hungry lately and I don't like it. Tired is probably because dad wore me out in Vegas and hungry because it's getting close to Auntie Flo's visit. Rrrrr!

Tomorrow I have to babysit two new people. Joy. And next week we're having some big QA audit and everyone is clutching their pearls and flying around screeching like Hannibal is at the gates. Stupid. QA needs to justify their damned jobs so no matter what we do, we're going to fail. Why even get worked up over it? They've made up their minds and nothing we can do is going to change it.

I plan on hiding and taking some time off. That sounds like a good plan. Lock up my shit and go hide somewhere safe until the whole mess blows over.

Tonight I have class again. I dunno if I'm going to be able to stay awake for it. Not that it's boring. It's actually quite interesting. I just feel really tired. And having someone around for about two weeks straight is a bit hard for me. I need to be alone to recharge and just think.

This weekend should be nice to do that. Nobody calling or anything. Just unplug the phone and stare at the walls as long as I want with no interruption.

My ankle is hurting a bit. It feels like it needs to pop. And somehow I managed to get shin spints. WTF? Old age sucketh mightily, it does! And youth is absolutely wasted on the young.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:04 PM

Monday, November 27, 2006

~ I have been neglecting ~

my duties posting! Here I thought I had actually made a post in the last month but apparently I had only threatened to do so.

This past Thursday was Thanksgiving here in the US. I took the 'rents to Vegas (as has become our holiday tradition over the past few years).

Of course I had a good time. Ate too much, drank too much and stayed out too late. Dad decided that no matter what time I came dragging in the night before, I was to be awakened at some ungodly hour (10am) so I could take him shopping.

We got in on Tuesday morning. I was tired as hell (I do all of the arrangements, driving, hauling the luggage, etc). After a nap I went roaming around. I ended up staying out until 4am (playing craps, naturally!). Dad woke me up at 8am to ask when we were going to the outlet mall. WTF??? I told him to "beat it!" I'd get up when I got up.

Well, a few hours later he was back. So I gave up any idea of sleep and took him out to the mall. It was rather nice, tho. We got some of our Christmas shopping done.

Thursday we went shopping at Caesars and I treated myself to one of those "European face scrubs & massage". It was rather nice. I was hoping to get a haircut but dad wanted to roam around and pick thru everything so I didn't get a chance to. I'll have to do it here I guess.

We went to the car museum at the Imperial Palace. This year seemed to be the year of the GTO and the Bentley. Last year it was Duesenbergs. Not that I mind. I rather like the old "goats". And they had a '63 Impala. It was a convertible. Mmm. I wonder where that old Imp of mine ended up. I loved that thing.

We had to meet mom for dinner on Thursday. She spent all of her time hovering over a slot machine. After this ginormous feast we went our separate ways. I, of course, hit the craps table and stayed out until all hours again. But it was MOM who woke me up on Friday morning. (Needless to say, once I got home, I unplugged the phone. Oh, the peace and quiet was glorious!)

Again, I ended up having the hot hand and made some (ingrate) dude about $500 in the space of 2 minutes on the craps table. And he didn't even thank me. (I don't think he quite knew what the hell was going on as this was his first attempt at the dice). Everyone else sure appreciated my efforts, tho. And it was fun.

So I had a good time (aside from not being able to get any sleep due to my dad wanting me to take him shopping). We didn't get home until 2am Saturday morning. I slept until about 11am Saturday then hung around up there for a while. When I came home, I slept some more. I was really dizzy for some reason (probably jet lag).

Sunday I ended up finishing up my Christmas shopping and making out the Christmas cards. That's one less thing to worry about anyway. Today I'm mailing out the catalog stuff I'm ordering (I had about 50 catalogs waiting for me when I got home - it took me a couple of hours to go thru them all).

This week I have two classes since we didn't have class on Wednesday. The makeup class is tonight at 8:30pm. Then I have the regular class on Wednesday at 8:30pm. So this is going to be a busy week of catching up.

But at least I'll be able to get some sleep at night and not have anyone waking me up at ungodly hours. I still have 1/2 day left and I think I will take it closer to Christmas so I can do some wrapping or mailing. Altho recouperating would be nice.

And the flat faced creature was certainly glad to see everyone when we got back.

I am still actively searching for a job and have applied to several. The Sea Hag is going to be gone most of December so I will have some peace on the work front for a while. Come January, I'm sure she's going to be right back at it.

Not that it matters. I am right and she knows it. And HR had to stand up in front of the entire department and say that a full 25% of the people are looking to leave within the next year because they are so unhappy. Oh, I was right. She might hate me and think I'm the cause of all the problems but she is sadly mistaken. It's the shitty management (HER) and lack of accountability that is driving people out of here. Not me. Like they would ever admit it. But I know. And the other 25% of us know as well.

I'm sure they'll come up with some stupid "touchy feely" nonsense to make people think they are "valued". You know, fixing the fucking problems would do a great deal more to help morale than stupid shit like that.

For instance, management needs to start taking responsibility for being the ones to say "no" or backing us up when we say "no". Why do we have to argue with these idiots in Asia about a failing test? Your shit has failed testing. It is not launching. There should be NO ARGUMENT about it. But our managers won't unequivocaly say "no - forget it" because they don't want to "upset" anyone. Bunch of candy assed pansies!

Some of these idiots need to realize how ridiculous their requests are. But we aren't "allowed" to tell them that. We're just expected to work morning, noon and night to make this shit work instead of saying "no. You're fucking retarded." They don't want to hear what WILL work, either. Any option you present isn't what they want. They have their minds made up on something and they aren't going to take "no" or "try this alternative" as an answer.

Months later (when they finally realize it truly does NOT and will NOT EVER work), they get mad at YOU because of it. Like you intentionally created oil and water so they wouldn't mix. WTF?

Fools, listen up! If I could create shit outta thin air do you really think I'd be working here? Bitches, please!

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:37 AM

Monday, November 06, 2006

~ So Much . . . ~

has happened that I just haven't had the time or the inclination to write it all down. Until now.

Work still sucks ass. But, there has been a break in the case - a comeuppance of sorts. It would seem that a few weeks ago there was some big pow-wow that everyone was supposed to attend (I, however, ignored this. These things are pointless).

When people started returning from the meeting (which lasted 4 hours - oh, yes!) word started trickling in about what was discussed and it would seem that yours truly is not the only unhappy individual at this company.

As a matter of fact, according to the HR statistics, fully 25% of the employees in this department who have been here less than 10 years are planning to leave within the next 12 months. Yes, you heard that right - 1 out of 4 people are looking for other jobs outside the company because they are fed up with the shit.

My first question was "did the sea hag hear this for herself?" Yes, she heard it. And she heard why - the same things I have been saying - there's no disclipline in the system and nobody is permitted to say "no - I don't have time for that".

Also that idiot in HR had to STFU and admit this is a troubling trend. Of course, when *I* say anything, I'm labeled a "miscreant" and a "troublemaker" and get my tail jerked into a knot. But I'm right. Oh, yes I am!

I can't tell you how tempting it has been to just stick my head in that dumb bitch's office and say "I told you so". But I don't. I just give her the smugest look I can muster (which is pretty damned smug) and stick my nose in the air whenever I see her skulking about.

They don't want to hear that people are unhappy. If you're unhappy, there must be something wrong with YOU. Well, wake the fuck up and smell the discontent, fool! I'm the only one who has the stones to SAY anything to your FACE. Other people are just planning on walking out the door.

That's a bit of vindication for me. I also went to talk to a lawyer about the disgusting treatment I've had to endure in this hell. He said that basically, there isn't anything I can do legally but he's going to send them a note and tell them that I talked to him and they need to pull their heads out of their asses. (Of course, he also said they'd try to make my life even more miserable - don't I know it - so I need to look for another job. Like I have been).

What else? The Creature is still feeling ok. I guess he was chasing dad around the house barking. WTF? The two old geezers playing. It scared mom. She knew one of them would get hurt goofing off. Turned out both of them did. Then they promptly fell asleep. LOL!

We're going to Vegas again at the end of the month. Yay for vacation!

I got put on some stupid designed to fail project at work. That they want implemented in the next two months. Yeah, right. The people who dream up these schemes don't realize the regulatory implications of this. We can't just go "do" it. We have to get regulatory clearance which is going to take 6 weeks a pop. Duh. Whatever. I'm tired of dealing with the idiocy.

The only good thing about this project is that the big wig told the idiots in Asia to STFU and not bother us with their constant requests for stuff. That will probably last another week. They think it means everyone BUT them.

I've been having some weird dreams lately. About the meaning of life and death. Very strange. So I've been trying to take the time to ponder these things. And clean the house.

Cleaning helps me think. I've gotten the place cleaned up and winterized - all the camping stuff is put up (sad face on that). We're settled in for the long cold nights. Ugh. I just hate this getting dark at 6pm crap. It sucks. Feels like midnight!

Somewhere I managed to "find" 8lbs! FUCK! I feel like a big old cow! (I know what it's from, tho. I sort of "let myself go" back in October - eating pizza 2x a week and eating a few cookies and some cake). So now I need to start hitting the gym again. My ankle is still a bit sore. It will probably take some time to heal all the way. But at least I'm back to jumping again.

It gets sore after jumping a while but that's expected, I guess. The swelling has gone down almost back to normal size altho there looks like there is some fluid still in there. (Not like I'm going to go have it drained. It's not bothering me and it would probably cost a fortune).

We've been listening to a lot of ELO (Electric Light Orchestra for those of you too young or fried to remember the 70's) lately. Good stuff. I love the musical arrangements. What can I say? I'm a child of the 70's.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:53 AM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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