Today I come in to work and discover some IDIOT has cut down the Japanese plum tree that was by the building! Fucking morons! That thing was absolutely GORGEOUS. In the spring it was like a giant pink ball of flowers - smelled so good and was just the prettiest thing! And the fucktards cut it down!
God, I hate this place more and more! How fucking stupid! It was probably about 30 years old, too. Idiots!
Get this - I get a note from the Bitch the other day lamenting as to how she feels "left out" and "discriminated against" (her words, not mine) because she only works 4 days a week and sometimes there are Friday meetings that she can't attend. Well, fucking work full time like the rest of us why don't you? And don't even get me started on the "discriminated against" bullshit of yours!
I laughed out loud when I read that. Of course I ignored her ass. As always. She's a douchebag and something that idiotic isn't even worth a reply. Can you believe the fucking nerve? She thinks our meetings should get moved (everyone should have to move their schedule to accomodate her not working on Fridays) to make HER happy. Fuck that. Work a full damned week and STFU.
I've been rather tired and hungry lately and I don't like it. Tired is probably because dad wore me out in Vegas and hungry because it's getting close to Auntie Flo's visit. Rrrrr!
Tomorrow I have to babysit two new people. Joy. And next week we're having some big QA audit and everyone is clutching their pearls and flying around screeching like Hannibal is at the gates. Stupid. QA needs to justify their damned jobs so no matter what we do, we're going to fail. Why even get worked up over it? They've made up their minds and nothing we can do is going to change it.
I plan on hiding and taking some time off. That sounds like a good plan. Lock up my shit and go hide somewhere safe until the whole mess blows over.
Tonight I have class again. I dunno if I'm going to be able to stay awake for it. Not that it's boring. It's actually quite interesting. I just feel really tired. And having someone around for about two weeks straight is a bit hard for me. I need to be alone to recharge and just think.
This weekend should be nice to do that. Nobody calling or anything. Just unplug the phone and stare at the walls as long as I want with no interruption.
My ankle is hurting a bit. It feels like it needs to pop. And somehow I managed to get shin spints. WTF? Old age sucketh mightily, it does! And youth is absolutely wasted on the young.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:04 PM
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