my duties posting! Here I thought I had actually made a post in the last month but apparently I had only threatened to do so.
This past Thursday was Thanksgiving here in the US. I took the 'rents to Vegas (as has become our holiday tradition over the past few years).
Of course I had a good time. Ate too much, drank too much and stayed out too late. Dad decided that no matter what time I came dragging in the night before, I was to be awakened at some ungodly hour (10am) so I could take him shopping.
We got in on Tuesday morning. I was tired as hell (I do all of the arrangements, driving, hauling the luggage, etc). After a nap I went roaming around. I ended up staying out until 4am (playing craps, naturally!). Dad woke me up at 8am to ask when we were going to the outlet mall. WTF??? I told him to "beat it!" I'd get up when I got up.
Well, a few hours later he was back. So I gave up any idea of sleep and took him out to the mall. It was rather nice, tho. We got some of our Christmas shopping done.
Thursday we went shopping at Caesars and I treated myself to one of those "European face scrubs & massage". It was rather nice. I was hoping to get a haircut but dad wanted to roam around and pick thru everything so I didn't get a chance to. I'll have to do it here I guess.
We went to the car museum at the Imperial Palace. This year seemed to be the year of the GTO and the Bentley. Last year it was Duesenbergs. Not that I mind. I rather like the old "goats". And they had a '63 Impala. It was a convertible. Mmm. I wonder where that old Imp of mine ended up. I loved that thing.
We had to meet mom for dinner on Thursday. She spent all of her time hovering over a slot machine. After this ginormous feast we went our separate ways. I, of course, hit the craps table and stayed out until all hours again. But it was MOM who woke me up on Friday morning. (Needless to say, once I got home, I unplugged the phone. Oh, the peace and quiet was glorious!)
Again, I ended up having the hot hand and made some (ingrate) dude about $500 in the space of 2 minutes on the craps table. And he didn't even thank me. (I don't think he quite knew what the hell was going on as this was his first attempt at the dice). Everyone else sure appreciated my efforts, tho. And it was fun.
So I had a good time (aside from not being able to get any sleep due to my dad wanting me to take him shopping). We didn't get home until 2am Saturday morning. I slept until about 11am Saturday then hung around up there for a while. When I came home, I slept some more. I was really dizzy for some reason (probably jet lag).
Sunday I ended up finishing up my Christmas shopping and making out the Christmas cards. That's one less thing to worry about anyway. Today I'm mailing out the catalog stuff I'm ordering (I had about 50 catalogs waiting for me when I got home - it took me a couple of hours to go thru them all).
This week I have two classes since we didn't have class on Wednesday. The makeup class is tonight at 8:30pm. Then I have the regular class on Wednesday at 8:30pm. So this is going to be a busy week of catching up.
But at least I'll be able to get some sleep at night and not have anyone waking me up at ungodly hours. I still have 1/2 day left and I think I will take it closer to Christmas so I can do some wrapping or mailing. Altho recouperating would be nice.
And the flat faced creature was certainly glad to see everyone when we got back.
I am still actively searching for a job and have applied to several. The Sea Hag is going to be gone most of December so I will have some peace on the work front for a while. Come January, I'm sure she's going to be right back at it.
Not that it matters. I am right and she knows it. And HR had to stand up in front of the entire department and say that a full 25% of the people are looking to leave within the next year because they are so unhappy. Oh, I was right. She might hate me and think I'm the cause of all the problems but she is sadly mistaken. It's the shitty management (HER) and lack of accountability that is driving people out of here. Not me. Like they would ever admit it. But I know. And the other 25% of us know as well.
I'm sure they'll come up with some stupid "touchy feely" nonsense to make people think they are "valued". You know, fixing the fucking problems would do a great deal more to help morale than stupid shit like that.
For instance, management needs to start taking responsibility for being the ones to say "no" or backing us up when we say "no". Why do we have to argue with these idiots in Asia about a failing test? Your shit has failed testing. It is not launching. There should be NO ARGUMENT about it. But our managers won't unequivocaly say "no - forget it" because they don't want to "upset" anyone. Bunch of candy assed pansies!
Some of these idiots need to realize how ridiculous their requests are. But we aren't "allowed" to tell them that. We're just expected to work morning, noon and night to make this shit work instead of saying "no. You're fucking retarded." They don't want to hear what WILL work, either. Any option you present isn't what they want. They have their minds made up on something and they aren't going to take "no" or "try this alternative" as an answer.
Months later (when they finally realize it truly does NOT and will NOT EVER work), they get mad at YOU because of it. Like you intentionally created oil and water so they wouldn't mix. WTF?
Fools, listen up! If I could create shit outta thin air do you really think I'd be working here? Bitches, please!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:37 AM
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