And it SUCKS major ass. It's been a while since I've had a cold. Normally I just get sinus infections and the antiboitics knock those right out.
But today I have a cold. And I hate it. I'm tired, my nose is sore from blowing it all the time, my head is all fuzzy (partly from cold medicine), my feet are freezing and I have a fever.
God, I HATE this! HATE being sick! Everything seems like it's in slllllooooooowwwww motion and it's a labor of Hercules to go to the bathroom and crawl back on the couch. Ugh.
And here I wanted to take tomorrow off so I could get some stuff done around here. Right. Not happening. I'm off today but I can't do shit. It's taken me all damned day to get enough energy to do the dishes. This is so bogus!
Yes, I've been drinking enough water to float a battleship (hence my trek to the can every hour) and I've just been laying here reading for the most part. But still. I hate being incapacitated. HATE.
I went to the store to get some vegetables and it took me an hour just to walk thru the fruit/vege section and crawl to the register.
It's no wonder people have funky hallucinations when they're ill. Shit. I feel like my head is totally in another dimension and it takes every bit of effort I have to make my body move about. It's weird. I'm sure some people LIKE this "disconnected" feeling but I don't. I've got too much to do for my head to be floating around in the ether.
At least it's not the flu. No puking or that stuff. Oh, I HATE that the worst. A head cold I can deal with pretty much altho I don't LIKE it. But the flu - ugh. I just don't like not being able to "do".
Still - it's pretty rare that I get ill so that makes it worse. And I get grouchy because I can't "do" anything but lay around and be miserable. Ugh. Physically and mentally it's just bogus.
OK. Now I'm sufficiently worn out that I have to lay back down. Fuck. I guess all the stuff I wanted to do (mostly home repair stuff) will have to wait.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:51 PM
Saturday Dad and I went to the flea market. I spent $50 but got a lot of stuff I needed. Peg drops, socks, a new pair of scissors and the like. Stocked up on some serious incense, too.
It had been a really long time since I'd been there. They've gotten some new people in selling some different stuff. Found a lady who was selling the Shea butter so I got some of that. She's actually taken the bits of pulp out and added a nice scent so that's really nice. And I love that stuff.
The smell of grease there was just - ew. It was making me ill when we got to the food area. I dunno how people can eat everything fried. I guess I must have outgrown it (or gotten used to eating everything steamed). They even had deep fried oreos. Ugh. That even SOUNDS nasty!
We're going to go to the big outside one when the weather gets nice. And they'll start cooking out on the grills, too, which will be yummy! In the spring and summer you get more fresh vegetables, too and I like going there and picking up a bunch of stuff then eating it at home.
Dad likes picking over every last bit of junk. Mom's glad to get the house to herself. The dog doesn't care (altho he falsely believes that when we return we will have something for HIM! HA!)
Needless to say the only thing The Creature got was a well-deserved beating! He was barking his head off at the neighbors today for some reason. Then he got mad because I was laying on "his couch". HA! When he goes an opposible thumb THEN he can make the rules. Until that day comes, *I* will rule! LOL!
Today was dropping Steve off to catch his flight. Then I picked up some pita bread and some hummus. It was actually pretty good. After I got home, I took a nap. You know I love my afternoon naps (when I can get them).
I've been a lazy bum lately - I haven't worked out or skated since Wednesday. Today I did one of my videos, tho. Tomorrow is skating. I was pooping out toward the end of the week. And I had to make on Friday - THAT was a hassle and a half. Everything was all messed up. The LAST thing I wanted to do after being on my feet all day was go to the gym. I was just too tired.
Hopefully this week will be better - I won't be as tired. I'd like to see the sun, tho. You know - run off to somewhere warm and sunny for the weekend. We'll have to see.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:57 PM
Ah! Yes! Well, dear readers (if you exist) - I have decided to move my political ramblings to a new space. Right now the site won't let me have two open windows under two names so, alas, I cannot yet link to it. But I will.
Next week is Valentine's Day. And the days are growing mercifully longer. I don't know if anyone has realized that. At 6:30pm last night one could actually still SEE and it wasn't pitch black outside. Still cold as fuck, tho. Only about 18F every morning. And I have to crawl out of my nice warm bed and come in HERE - to the salt mines. Ugh.
Speaking of the salt mines, word on the street is we're going to undergo a drastic transformation here shortly. The way we are currently set up is going to change so there is a 50/50 chance I will no longer work for the sea hag. Hmmmm. Soon as in March 1st.
BTW - score another point for the home team. After I told her I expected her to follow company policy and talk to my co-workers instead of making her own shit up, guess what? She discovered (much to her dismay, I'm sure) that my co-workers don't think I'm that bad at all. As a matter of fact, they said I'd pretty much accomodate them whatever they asked of me.
Sadly (HA!) she had to revise her entire bitch about my "poor" job performance. It's sad when the documentation of the FACTS don't match what your little brain THINKS. (Must resist urge to put dig in about the $hrub). Heeeeee!
So - this bit of "I told you so" coupled with the chance I could be outta here! has put me in a more amenible mood lately.
Get this - the other day I get a nasty gram from my condo association telling me to remove my "holiday flags" because they are "ugly". WTF? Those are Tibetan PRAYER FLAGS you morons and they've been up since AUGUST! What a bunch of fucktards.
Obviously the flags aren't working. Maybe their hoo-doo ran out. So I ordered about 15 more to hang up. Hey! These were for compassion and they don't seem to be working anymore so I have to get new ones - and more of them - to hang out.
And just try to raise hell with me and I'll scream "religious intolerance" and get the ACLU on your butts. Watch me.
BTW - check out
the site where I ordered my flags. You can actually get some of them in English (translated from Sanskrit). They have pix of the flags flying and it's very cool. At least to me. In one of the pix it looks like the flags are strung between the tops of temples over a fairly long distance.
They are quite beautiful. And interesting. Even if you're not Buddhist they are still pretty neat and very very colorful.
As for skating - well, I've signed up for the competition next month. That should be interesting. I have my program down. Hopefully I'll not pass out in the middle of it. Two minutes doesn't seem like very long when you THINK about it - but when you're busting your butt skating for two minutes - it can seem like forever!
Yesterday we went over my test program. That's pretty well set and I'm not too worried about it. I can take it easy on my test because the required elements aren't that hard (for me). Besides, you get to skate one thing over if you screw it up.
I just hope I can get comfortable with this program before the competition. I put some "challenging" stuff (for me) in there. My pro is a choreographer so she has all this "show" stuff in there that makes me feel like a 'tard doing it. But it supposedly looks good. What do I know, right?
That's the one thing I don't like about skating in front of people - I think I look like an idiot. Now if they are out there on the ice WITH me I don't have a problem with it (strange as that sounds). But when they are just watching - well - it's just weird.
I finally managed to buy another gallon of olive oil. I was totally out. I buy it in gross because I burn it in my oil lamps. Hey, I don't have very expensive tastes and I don't spend money on a whole lot of things so if I want to splurge and buy olive oil to burn I'm gonna.
And I'm gonna buy that brie that's $6 for 2oz. My two "expensive luxuries" - brie and olive oil. I don't need jewelry (altho Mahatma is having a sale next weekend! Wooo!), I don't drive a fancy car or live in a McMansion. I don't go shopping every month for clothes/shoes. I don't buy makeup.
My "disposable income" goes to brie, champagne, olive oil and the occassional overseas trip. Skating counts as an addiction so I put that under "prescriptions". Hey - I don't skate I start to get grouchy (er). It's in everyone's best interests to feed my skating addiction.
I wanted to go today at lunch but I just realized I have a damn meeting and can't make it. Boo! And I can't go after work because I came in late today. I guess I'll just have to practice on the floor and lift some weights tonight after work. Maybe skate tomorrow at lunch.
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:19 AM