~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~ Summer - WAIT! ~

The Summer Solstice has come and gone already.

In some ways it seems like time is flying by and in other ways (work) it seems to drag.

It's not the "work" really. It's the management. She's still a blithering paranoid idiot who now seems to think I shouldn't take a vacation because she will be "left here alone". Bitch, please! If you're that insecure and oblivious maybe you shouldn't be a manager.

Whatever. This company seems to search out sociopaths, egomaniacs or dumbasses to hire as management.

Anyway - I was off two days last week and it was blissful! All I did was dig in the yard and piddle around the house. It was so nice to get up and not have to go to "work".

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:25 PM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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