~What in the Hell?~

Friday, August 14, 2009

~ 28 or so Days Later ~

I finally get around to posting again.

And a lot has happened.

My cousin that I went to London with a few years ago died. She was 49. Cancer.

THAT was very hard. She was in a lot of pain at the end so it was better for her but hard for her mom.

I can't really talk about it because it makes me all teary so I'll try and write about it later when it doesn't bother me so much.

I had to miss Pennsic this year due to finances - haven't been able to sell the condo.

I've burned quite a few vacation days painting the damned thing and doing minor cosmetic repairs. I haven't actually HAD a vacation this year to just lay around and enjoy myself. If I haven't been AT WORK I've still been WORKING and it's kinda bogus.

I'm sick of painting and spackling and cleaning. I want to dig in my yard and sit around drinking beer and reading a book.

It's just been hectic and I haven't really had time to enjoy the summer which is bogus.

I'm hoping my condo sells since it's been repainted (totally white). The price appears to be attractive but the condo market is pretty slow. And I just DO NOT want to deal with renters.

The quicker it sells, the quicker I can get back to stimulating the economy myself.

On the work front, the stupid German bitch is up to her hysterics again.

Really, I'm so sick of listening to her. She's like a fucking rabid harpy on a meth bender. I wish I were kidding about that. She is so incredibly RUDE it's jaw-dropping. I'm afraid that if I ever meet her in person the urge to punch her in the mouth will be overwhelming.

Stupid rude bitch needs a lesson in manners, for sure. We were on a conference call with her and she just yelled without stopping as soon as she got on the phone. I don't mean she has a loud voice, I mean she SHOUTED at us because she was "upset".

My new manager was just astounded at her rudeness. My reply, "she doesn't shut up so don't even bother trying to talk to her."

Like a 2-year old throwing a tantrum because she can't get what she wants, this stupid German bitch screamed and shouted for probably about 20 minutes non-stop (I'm not kidding about this, either). When she finally ran out of breath, my manager was like, "now can we say something?"

After that she didn't utter a peep. But I don't think it was because she was called on her rudeness (eventho HER manager was right there) but more because SHE wanted to go home for the day.

I've already hung up on her before and I don't even think she noticed. She just keeps shouting - whether or not anyone is on the other end. I swear that one time I just put her on speakerphone and let her scream at my entire office. Everyone was laughing at her and she was totally oblivious that ANYONE was even THERE.

I'm seriously considering talking to my HR about her complete lack of manners. I'd even be willing to go teach her some. I can't imagine her manager finds that sort of aggressive rude behavior to be effective.

I mean, I wouldn't piss on that stupid bitch if she were on fire so I'm sure as hell not going to help her out in ANY way, shape or form. And trust me, that c*nt NEEDS me to keep HER electronic record straight. See, she doesn't have the security access to update things in the system and *I* do. Oh, the Humanity!

So if she wants to be a hateful hag, that's fine. You just won't get your updates, special requests, etc. processed until I feel damned good and ready to do it. And it just might get "disappeared". Things can happen. Bad Things. The system isn't all that reliable at times. If you know what I mean.

Stupid c*nt acts like they won the war.

I'm tired of being polite to this stupid fuck. She wants to scream and cry and get hysterical because WE aren't dropping everything to do what SHE wants RIGHT NOW - RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Tough titty. Deal.

I really don't CARE how long it takes you to run a material. Guess how long it's taken me to shove data down your throat? I've spent nearly two FUCKING WEEKS data gathering and crunching numbers (at the expense of my REAL JOB) just so we can ram the FACTS down your fucking throat. And you STILL won't shut up.

So I sent her all of the spreadsheets and numbers and told her to figure it out for herself. She isn't going to believe anything we say or show her so now she has the raw data and can look at it herself.

But, like a true fucktard German, she will fixate on one or two things out of 1600 data points and screech about that. Really. Get laid, you fugly c*nt. It would probably help your disposition enormously.

Why that rabid fury hasn't taken the month of August off is beyond me. Hell, I could certainly use a vacation from her constant bitching.

I'm nearly certain she sits at the right hand of Lucifer in hell on the weekends and he probably can't stand her, either.

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:05 AM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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